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  • David L. Jones's avatar
    [bazel/py] Omit google/ from the Protobuf runtime. (#7908) · 02955622
    David L. Jones authored
    Since `google` is a Python namespace package, the google/
    file should be omitted to avoid collisions. For example, its presence
    may cause other Pip packages in the google namespace not to be found.
    This change narrows which files are included in the
    `//:protobuf_runtime` target to include only those under
    `google/protobuf`. It also moves their canonical inclusion to the
    internal `//:python_srcs` rule, eliminating the dual specification in
    This is the difference in files, lexicographically ordered:
    $ bazel cquery 'labels(srcs, kind(py_library, deps(:protobuf_python)))' | sort > /tmp/deps-{before,after}.txt
    $ diff /tmp/deps-{before,after}.txt
    < //:python/compatibility_tests/v2.5.0/tests/ (null)
    < //:python/compatibility_tests/v2.5.0/tests/google/ (null)
    < //:python/compatibility_tests/v2.5.0/tests/google/protobuf/ (null)