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  • Tim Tautges's avatar
    This commit adds iMesh access to tag_iterate, and the ability to create dense tags through iMesh. · cd9b0df4
    Tim Tautges authored
    See the itaps/imesh/iMesh_extensions.h function for details of these functions and how to use them.
    Three new iMesh extension functions are added: iMesh_createTagWithOptions, iMesh_stepIter, and iMesh_tagIterate.
    The first two were needed before the tagIterate function could be used.  Unit test and example codes are also added
    to test this.
    Besides changes for the above, this commit also has the following changes:
    iMesh_f.h: change iMesh_EntityIterator to iBase_EntityIterator, same for array-based version. add @PNETCDF_LIBS@ to IMESH_LIBS
    itaps/imesh/ added more -I locations, and new MOAB_iMesh_extensions_tests test program
    tools/vtkMOABReader/ added another library to LDADD replaced check for vtkRenderer.h with one for vtkRenderingInstantiator.h, that seems to be a 
      better header to look for; also added another default location to check for vtk; also added examples/itaps
      to the list of makefiles to create
    examples/SetsNTags.cpp: changed to namespace'd MOAB calls
    Passes make check in serial and parallel.
    git-svn-id: 6162379e-bd28-0410-9a7d-b7f4dcfcad3c