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  • Tim Tautges's avatar
    Work on cleaning up element evaluations and getting the tests of that to work, and · a2b3c0e1
    Tim Tautges authored
    starting on spatial locator and tree testing.
    Element evaluation:
    - for tets, change the reverse evaluation strategy: changed to 25 iterations, and start from
      nearest vertex
    - fixed a bug in original reverse evaluation implementation
    - added an inside function that returns whether a given parameter is inside the element; for some elements
      (i.e. tets), there isn't necessarily a fixed upper value for all parameters
    - fixed handling reverse evaluation function to allow particular element types to substitute their own evaluator
      function (and use this for tet evaluation)
    - spectral quad, hex: use inside function instead of duplicating code to directly evaluate it
    - in elem_eval_test, for integration test, create a tag with value 1 on vertices to compute volume;
      also fixed bugs in iteration over multiple elements
    Spatial locator/trees:
    - changed delete_tree to reset_tree
    - enabled some things for structured mesh that weren't before
    - added test/spatial_locator_test.cpp
    - in SpatialLocator, add code to initialize tree if one isn't input
    - in ScdInterface, if applications don't input coordinates, compute them from parametric space
    - fixed some compile warnings in MBZoltan