# VTK Examples Directory The following directory contains many well-commented examples showing how to use VTK. Examples are available in the C++, Python and Java programming languages. In no way should these examples be considered comprehensive; VTK is a large system, we have tried to pick examples that demonstrate key features. ## Table Of Contents A brief table of contents of the contents of this directory follows. Beginners should start with the examples found in the Tutorial subdirectory. The topics listed here have corresponding subdirectories in VTK/Examples. - Annotation - Classes for 2D and 3D annotation such as text, scalar bar, x-y plotting. - DataManipulation - Examples show how to rearrange and manipulate data in the visualization pipeline. - Emscripten - These examples are self-contained and serve the purpose of demonstrating how to utilize VTK for rendering tasks, all within a browser environment through the utilization of WebAssembly. - GUI - Examples of interfacing to various GUI's including Motif, and Windows. - IO - Examples how how to read and write data; and how to import and export scenes. - ImageProcessing - Selected examples demonstrating how to use VTK's many image processing filters. - MangledMesa - Use Mesa for on and offscreen rendering. - Modelling - A variety of examples showing how to construct, edit, and process surfaces. - ParallelProcessing - Use VTK for parallel processing, including MPI and threaded approaches. - Rendering - Examples showing how to use VTK's many rendering, and related facilities, such as LOD actors, assemblies, picking, and camera manipulation. - Tutorial - Some simple step-by-step instructions looking at things like creating pipelines, processing events, and creating data. - VisualizationAlgorithms - A variety of examples showing how to use common visualization algorithms such as contouring, cutting, probing, and streamlines. - VolumeRendering - Learn how to perform volume rendering from the examples in this directory. ## Additional Resources * The VTK Testing directories (like VTK/Module/Name/Testing/Cxx) comprise additional examples. Unlike commented examples, these are primarily intended for testing purposes. * The VTK Discourse forum http://discourse.vtk.org/ * The VTK Web Pages https://vtk.org/Wiki/VTK * Commercial support and resources from Kitware: - The VTK User's Guide https://vtk.org/documentation/ - Support Contracts https://www.kitware.com/what-we-offer/#support
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Jean Fechter