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  • vtk/vtk
  • brad.king/vtk
  • allisonvacanti/vtk
  • chuck.atkins/vtk
  • shawn.waldon/vtk
  • robertmaynard/vtk
  • gcasey/vtk
  • danlipsa/vtk
  • sankhesh/vtk
  • nix/vtk
  • utkarsh.ayachit/vtk
  • seanm/vtk
  • amaclean/vtk
  • lorensen/vtk
  • dgobbi/vtk
  • jpouderoux/vtk
  • ken-martin/vtk
  • ben.boeckel/vtk
  • karsten.tausche/vtk
  • jbeezley/vtk
  • demarle/vtk
  • karasevpa/vtk
  • sebastien.jourdain/vtk
  • will.schroeder/vtk
  • pixelstime/vtk
  • sujin.philip/vtk
  • acbauer/vtk
  • berkgeveci/vtk
  • cory.quammen/vtk
  • john.tourtellott/vtk
  • jcfr/vtk
  • tcoulange/vtk
  • finetjul/vtk
  • aashish-chaudhary/vtk
  • tadeu/vtk
  • bxa/vtk
  • clinton/vtk
  • cjh1/vtk
  • alextsui05/vtk
  • jorge.suit/vtk
  • mwestphal/vtk
  • arnaudgelas/vtk
  • splines/vtk
  • dcthomp/spline-vtk
  • Lin.Ma/vtk-spline
  • matt-mccormick/vtk
  • ndfabian/vtk
  • scott.wittenburg/vtk
  • bill-hoffman/vtk
  • dlrdave/vtk
  • ethanb/vtk
  • johan-andruejol/vtk
  • ashray/vtk
  • Toki/vtk
  • kimbaol/vtk
  • toster/vtk
  • applekey/vtk
  • quantumsteve/vtk
  • a_neeman/vtk
  • biddisco/vtk
  • mhanwell/vtk
  • jjomier/vtk
  • dkuegler/vtk
  • bobifx/vtk
  • yordan_kyosev/vtk
  • schuyler.kylstra/vtk
  • ilya-five/vtk
  • JimCosby/vtk
  • Geng/vtk
  • blessley/vtk
  • davisb/vtk
  • iMSTK/vtk
  • chunmingchen/vtk
  • danlugli/vtk
  • chaffra/vtk
  • tjcorona/vtk
  • mennodeij1/vtk
  • thehummingbird/vtk
  • prabhuramachandran/vtk
  • chiranjibsur/vtk
  • jwilliz/vtk
  • wydesenej/vtk
  • msmolens/vtk
  • Lin.Ma/vtk
  • joseph.g.hennessey2.ctr/vtk
  • Wu/vtk
  • rogerkint/vtk
  • Xabi/vtk
  • timt/vtk
  • dcthomp/vtk
  • carson/vtk
  • Niels_Dekker/vtk
  • dmsurti/vtk
  • shreejan/vtk
  • brudfors/vtk
  • yumin/vtk
  • bob.obara/vtk
  • cousin_it/vtk
  • fstrati/vtk
  • dzenanz/vtk
  • cdeepakroy/vtk
  • LucasGandelKitware/vtk
  • alexis-girault/vtk
  • sreekanth-arikatla/vtk
  • SumedhaSingla/vtk
  • ricardo-ortiz/vtk
  • yboumenir/vtk
  • alvaro.sanchez/vtk
  • jgoizueta/vtk
  • bloring/vtk
  • akhilsurabhi/vtk
  • appstonic/vtk
  • waldyrious/vtk
  • lenlen/vtk
  • romangrothausmann/vtk
  • NevilX/vtk
  • natorious1990/vtk
  • ktsumura/vtk
  • radix-vinni/vtk
  • saumyabhadani/vtk
  • starius/vtk
  • mgenet/vtk
  • dhanannjay-deo/vtk
  • fabian.wenzel/vtk
  • stephenshamilton/vtk
  • axkibe/vtk
  • grlee77/vtk
  • lisa-avila/vtk
  • martyngigg/vtk
  • asmith/vtk
  • opoplawski/vtk
  • maxoox/vtk
  • estan/vtk
  • awehrfritz/vtk
  • dsgruss/vtk
  • abheekg/vtk
  • jfavre/vtk
  • updega2/vtk
  • dgraves/vtk
  • zaherabdulazeez/vtk
  • lisphacker/vtk
  • BillMcGrory/vtk
  • Yang/vtk
  • dumontal/vtk
  • DVigneault/vtk
  • xyjin213/vtk
  • cpatrick/vtk
  • isohatalaj/vtk
  • rete/vtk
  • polycorn/vtk
  • Promayon/vtk
  • karthik/vtk
  • betsy.mcphail/vtk
  • nschloe/vtk
  • kmorel/vtk
  • aniqah/vtk
  • rupertnash/vtk
  • iMichka/vtk
  • shru13448/vtk
  • aeslaughter/vtk
  • QuadmasterXLII1/vtk
  • QuadmasterXLII/vtk
  • haocheng.liu/vtk
  • LouisBergmann/vtk
  • alouis/vtk
  • bjacquet/vtk
  • pieper/vtk
  • Ychuan1115/vtk
  • srikanthnagella/vtk
  • SeunOdutola/vtk
  • jborck/vtk
  • sidd23295/vtk
  • besoft/vtk
  • imikejackson/vtk
  • tttanichka333/vtk
  • vromerocano/vtk
  • fogleman/vtk
  • hinashah/vtk
  • abhishekns/vtk
  • mpkh/vtk
  • borisb/vtk
  • eg/vtk
  • technic/vtk
  • chet.nieter/vtk
  • maleike/vtk
  • emmenlau/vtk
  • florianlink1/vtk
  • teracamo/vtk
  • ole.v.solberg/vtk
  • greenjava/vtk
  • snorrikris/vtk
  • HaipengY/vtk
  • hina/vtk
  • jhlegarreta/vtk
  • diorcety/vtk
  • taketwo/vtk
  • mnucci32/vtk
  • gnzlbg/vtk
  • dfroger/vtk
  • WimK/vtk
  • luciemacron/vtk
  • kd7uns/vtk
  • dgkf/vtk
  • gocarlos/vtk
  • jayas121/vtk
  • olesen/vtk
  • Jon_Garner/vtk
  • cschmitz/vtk
  • Paul/vtk
  • kaaalid/vtk
  • neiltwist/vtk
  • Hertz1239/vtk
  • jupiterben/vtk
  • pierre.guilbert/vtk
  • matthew-woehlke/vtk
  • xantares/vtk
  • mayeul.chassagnard/vtk
  • t-ikegami/vtk
  • gbivins4/vtk
  • jacob/vtk
  • sarahjelinek/vtk
  • nicolas.vuaille/vtk
  • art/vtk
  • Levinaz69/vtk
  • aron.helser/vtk
  • yohey/vtk
  • alex-novinski/vtk
  • jacob-becker/vtk
  • robbie_lxw/vtk
  • burhan14031/vtk
  • thewtex/vtk
  • ML/vtk
  • bilke/vtk
  • bvanelli/vtk
  • Juliano/vtk
  • luliag/vtk
  • muellni/vtk
  • barkinet/vtk
  • kvankooten/vtk
  • Moonypoony/vtk
  • derino/vtk
  • wendy/vtk
  • kekivelez/vtk
  • Archeks/vtk
  • claireguilbaud/vtk
  • lassoan/vtk
  • brunbennett/vtk
  • hcwiley/vtk
  • jie.cheng/vtk
  • kghandi/vtk
  • michalhabera/vtk
  • francis.giraldeau/vtk
  • GG1991/vtk
  • ugiwgh/vtk
  • benjaminjeliot/vtk
  • locuscaeruleus/vtk
  • marcelotrevisani/vtk
  • Punzo/vtk
  • pavelpokutnev/vtk
  • sylmarien/vtk
  • jbvimort/vtk
  • athius/vtk
  • aowen87/vtk
  • StefanBruens/vtk
  • nocnokneo/vtk
  • mds/vtk
  • rcfwgithub/vtk
  • Guenoleh/vtk
  • drmateo/vtk
  • ahota/vtk
  • nishanthkarthik/vtk
  • pdhahn/vtk
  • dyoll/vtk
  • todoooo/vtk
  • Rhodanos/vtk
  • bjoernthiel/vtk
  • pink2/vtk
  • thudacko/vtk
  • qwofford/vtk
  • michael.migliore/vtk
  • mohamedAhmedIsmailAhmed/vtk
  • m-chaturvedi/vtk
  • Shoepon/vtk
  • ricardomorello/vtk
  • ktsai/vtk
  • hjmjohnson/vtk
  • daseven/vtk
  • federico.miorelli/vtk
  • jianfulin/vtk
  • ihnorton/vtk
  • handrake0724/vtk
  • yuelinho777/vtk
  • eberroca/vtk
  • arankin/vtk
  • zachmullen/vtk
  • alzi/vtk
  • csukuangfj/vtk
  • nick.laurenson/vtk
  • ethan.stam/vtk
  • bujack/vtk
  • ifmfr/vtk
  • jpulido/vtk
  • Butakoff/vtk
  • innokentiy.alaytsev/vtk
  • hendersa/vtk
  • tkarabela/vtk
  • charly.girot/vtk
  • dbonhaus/vtk
  • ClundXIII/vtk
  • shaikan/vtk
  • timrowley/vtk
  • tomj/vtk
  • ombre5733/vtk
  • hbwhlk83/vtk
  • cpinter/vtk
  • fbudin/vtk
  • nehaljwani/vtk
  • CometS1/vtk
  • debian/vtk
  • jan.o.schutte/vtk
  • normanius/vtk
  • wehhh/vtk
  • bwspenc/vtk
  • sergioPereiraBR/vtk
  • yurivict/vtk
  • GarrettMorrison/vtk
  • jensgw/vtk
  • alesgenova/vtk
  • paulharris/vtk
  • niranjankala/vtk
  • tavaughan/vtk
  • christianezeani/vtk
  • kihneman/vtk
  • phcerdan/vtk
  • Bengt/vtk
  • knolla/vtk
  • shreeraj.jadhav/vtk
  • Sunderlandkyl/vtk
  • drpeterfranz/vtk
  • pedroneto/vtk
  • levara/vtk
  • TheBlackCat/vtk
  • Bleach665/vtk
  • JeromeDuboisPro/vtk
  • pbergeron/vtk
  • ilovezfs/vtk
  • jeffamstutz/vtk
  • edwinbennink/vtk
  • ChrisB/vtk
  • rexchai/vtk
  • jclearwater/vtk
  • pengzhou93/vtk
  • Cotrik/vtk
  • drouin-simon/vtk
  • Simon-GitLab/vtk
  • mcvaneede/vtk
  • aaigner/vtk
  • murraypurves/vtk
  • Chrisyunhua/vtk
  • lhofmann/vtk
  • tobias-haenel/vtk
  • aitormoreno/vtk
  • severnaa/vtk
  • angelika.ophagen/vtk
  • AOphagen/vtk
  • byhongda/vtk
  • HuangLiJinJames/vtk
  • NicholasWon47/vtk
  • chenhaomagnetic/vtk
  • imngy/vtk
  • maxGimeno/vtk
  • kf6kjg/vtk
  • cstew2/vtk
  • lrineau/vtk
  • vnpavanelli/vtk
  • erichlf/vtk
  • SunBlack/vtk
  • PauloCarvalhoRJ/vtk
  • McrmDev/vtk
  • jblekien/vtk
  • guerrero78/vtk
  • hygonsoc/vtk
  • embeddedmz/vtk
  • wangtaoz/vtk
  • andrea-iob/vtk
  • ollielo/vtk
  • boonth/vtk
  • lugia-kun/vtk
  • adrien.boucaud/vtk
  • jstark/vtk
  • mathiash/vtk
  • patrick-oleary/vtk
  • patchett2002/vtk
  • tbiedert/vtk
  • MITRALZ/vtk
  • shihabrus/vtk
  • Xaxetrov/vtk
  • charles.gueunet/vtk
  • edern.haumont/vtk
  • schweitzer/vtk
  • leonhardt/vtk
  • williamfgc/vtk
  • hococoder/vtk
  • barcharcraz/vtk
  • lcantell/vtk
  • matt.leotta/vtk
  • kairong.jiang/vtk
  • neohsbrother/vtk
  • animeshbaranawal/vtk
  • jdoenias/vtk
  • bmwiedemann/vtk
  • stephen.sanchez/vtk
  • kislinsk/vtk
  • yufeimi/vtk
  • milljm/vtk
  • zmj1316/vtk
  • zhuokaizhao/vtk
  • nghia.truong/vtk
  • Mycai/vtk
  • Jacques-Bernard/vtk
  • yohann.bearzi/vtk
  • caitlin.ross/vtk
  • aandreyev/vtk
  • robustwangace/vtk
  • kovtuh/vtk
  • paulyc/vtk
  • pronaman/vtk
  • huyidao625/vtk
  • EvgenyVRN/vtk
  • yale.lee_nga/vtk
  • cobo/vtk
  • Highphone110/vtk
  • kevin.tew/vtk
  • daniel.jasinski/vtk
  • aspsee/vtk
  • Jellby/vtk
  • Bo98/vtk
  • tkoyama010/vtk
  • keith.m.ballard/vtk
  • XinhuaZhang/vtk
  • Simon-Esneault/vtk
  • maximilian.reimer.42/vtk
  • florian360/vtk
  • patrick.avery/vtk
  • aglv/vtk
  • mat127/vtk
  • brad-t-moore/vtk
  • thompson318/vtk
  • kingyue737/vtk
  • gilcu2/vtk
  • shogarth/vtk
  • doktorkjeld/vtk
  • BuzzBurrowes/vtk
  • amine.aboufirass/vtk
  • kirv/vtk
  • westphalm/vtk
  • gerald.lodron/vtk
  • yhtank/vtk
  • paul.lafoix/vtk
  • KiraGabi/vtk
  • ralovich/vtk
  • s.jafari.m/vtk
  • richardc/vtk
  • larsoner/vtk
  • DavidLaidlaw/vtk
  • thibault.pelletier/vtk
  • dhanakoti.murali/vtk
  • vbolea/vtk
  • aravind90/vtk
  • martijnkoopman/vtk
  • Tiphainejh/vtk
  • yozara/vtk
  • NicolaasWeideman/vtk
  • fdepourcq/vtk
  • Eustache/vtk
  • mdaley/vtk
  • aangelos28/vtk
  • RaoGY/vtk
  • sthibaul/vtk
  • qyr3366/vtk
  • ChristophHonal/vtk
  • christos.tsolakis/vtk
  • Cool/vtk
  • hansuk/vtk
  • mdorier/vtk
  • nerdalien/vtk
  • yasushi.saito/vtk
  • paul.choisel/vtk
  • kovynev/vtk
  • bobmiller/vtk
  • ziqiangxu/vtk
  • gonzalosaezm55/vtk
  • SailCPU/vtk
  • woodbot/vtk
  • yufan/vtk
  • amelvill-umich/vtk
  • mossaiby/vtk
  • likehuaer/vtk
  • timothee.chabat/vtk
  • Senidenary/vtk
  • Tobias-Fischer/vtk
  • BrentFoster/vtk
  • thliebig/vtk
  • thomas.caissard/vtk
  • whophil/vtk
  • RafaelPalomar/vtk
  • Angelo-abel/vtk
  • shawfei/vtk
  • MattesSchu/vtk
  • guillaume.gindre/vtk
  • maack/vtk
  • zqcolorful/vtk
  • tniemi/vtk
  • imalkov82/vtk
  • bzindovic/vtk
  • v.engelgardt/vtk
  • mjjackey/vtk
  • halowine/vtk
  • laurenn.lam/vtk
  • zonghx/vtk
  • ProGamerCode/vtk
  • bp85540/vtk
  • julia.sanchez/vtk
  • melanie.carriere/vtk
  • jules.bourdais/vtk
  • jerome.dias/vtk
  • luca.lacaille/vtk
  • octave.rossi/vtk
  • c.wetterer-nelson/vtk
  • nima.tofighi/vtk
  • jspanchu/vtk
  • jsteele/vtk
  • PetiteViking/vtk
  • bart/vtk
  • LucasGasparinoBSC/vtk
  • julien2412/vtk
  • francois.mazen/vtk
  • lxgwd1983/vtk
  • timothee.couble/vtk
  • benntqoo/vtk
  • jmhawkins/vtk
  • stonej/vtk
  • JackGuyver/vtk
  • rodrigomologni/vtk
  • chart3388/vtk
  • jessica.marquis/vtk
  • rockandsalt/vtk
  • zakaria220/vtk
  • ryan.krattiger1/vtk
  • darktemplarbasealt/vtk
  • scbiradar/vtk
  • andrew.wilson/vtk
  • moritz-h/vtk
  • kyzitemelos93/vtk
  • qqzhoucn/vtk
  • laurent.malka/vtk
  • akaszynski/vtk
  • spiros.tsalikis/vtk
  • sercxjo/vtk
  • jesper.norell/vtk
  • tiffany.chhim/vtk
  • jennifermanzella11/vtk
  • loongson-zn/vtk
  • RonRahaman/vtk
  • Snethy/vtk
  • antoine.ruffion/vtk
  • air-h-128k-il/vtk
  • atomicky/vtk
  • chenjt2001/vtk
  • cclauss/vtk
  • Connor-Bowley/vtk
  • ferdymercury/vtk
  • connor.bowley/vtk
  • Tianyang86/vtk
  • stephen.crowell/vtk
  • xzhang/vtk
  • antoine.schieb/vtk
  • ArchangeGabriel/vtk
  • thomas.galland/vtk
  • kadabraqc/vtk
  • sanguinariojoe/vtk
  • tom.suchel/vtk
  • mgoodson-cvd/vtk
  • jtojnar/vtk
  • bwoodsend/vtk
  • frantze.raphael/vtk
  • YuhaoQiu/vtk
  • user-zmt/vtk
  • XiaLiChao82/vtk
  • biagas/vtk
  • gaspard.thevenon/vtk
  • nicoco/vtk
  • svenevs/vtk
  • olesalscheider/vtk
  • EvanHampton-Seequent/vtk
  • spsjorspeterse/vtk
  • p-j-smith/vtk
  • jaswant.panchumarti/vtk
  • nasos/vtk
  • david.berger/vtk
  • dmt/vtk
  • huangjx-beijing/vtk
  • andtokm/vtk
  • MehdiChinoune/vtk
  • alexy.pellegrini/vtk
  • lucas.givord/vtk
  • jianhui2769/vtk
  • chengchengjing/vtk
  • scienceasdf/vtk
  • maidamai0/vtk
  • GuillaumeFavelier/vtk
  • ayenpure/vtk
  • ikerssm/vtk
  • hakostra/vtk
  • epalmer/vtk
  • Dophi123/vtk
  • julien.fausty/vtk
  • zjibben/vtk
  • nncarlson/vtk
  • Simon96128/vtk
  • jiapei1001/vtk
  • jiapei100/vtk
  • Failxxx/vtk
  • jcorbettfrank/vtk
  • Xingorno/vtk
  • windgs/vtk
  • orbisvicis/vtk
  • jramaiah/vtk
  • luzpaz/vtk
  • kammnd/vtk
  • lokessh/vtk
  • QinChen1998/vtk
  • mirenradia/vtk
  • tbirdso/vtk
  • jones/vtk
  • HollowSun/vtk
  • db/vtk
  • matthiasbock/vtk
  • adam-grant-hendry/vtk
  • Kenichiro-Yoshimi/vtk
  • redemptorridon/vtk
  • Neumann-A/vtk
  • tereshkinvadimst/vtk
  • francorougier60/vtk
  • felixonmars/vtk
  • gabrielmuller/vtk
  • Alex9/vtk
  • XinweiHsu/vtk
  • Zz-er/vtk
  • ferdnyc/vtk
  • mahmoudmohamedk8200949/vtk
  • HamsaSaber/vtk
  • boomanaiden154/vtk
  • bebuch/vtk
  • fab/vtk
  • chrisadamsonmcri/vtk
  • yarous224/vtk
  • zhenhaochu/vtk
  • pranjal.sahu/vtk
  • thibault.bruyere/vtk
  • banesullivan/vtk
  • is0591hs/vtk
  • philipp.weissenbacher/vtk
  • xavier.tricoche/vtk
  • hopfer.benjamin/vtk
  • liyinyan/vtk
  • gabriel.lefloch/vtk
  • bistek/vtk
  • mmXIO/vtk
  • MicK7/vtk
  • jndxljun/vtk
  • Shirin_ra/vtk
  • hanfengyu/vtk
  • zhhaoyuting111/vtk
  • john-stone/vtk
  • woosukbyun0724/vtk
  • xenosLit/vtk
  • ashishmalik5am/vtk
  • j824h/vtk
  • jschueller/vtk
  • alexdewar/vtk
  • mo.gomaa1996/vtk
  • rubendebruin/vtk
  • CiaoTan/vtk
  • bhaq-tri/vtk
  • TattiRuby/vtk
  • griffin28/vtk
  • he.wryyy/vtk
  • aly.tireira/vtk
  • Riaa/vtk
  • b89alireza/vtk
  • john.parent/vtk
  • marin.kajtazi/vtk
  • andy9t7/vtk
  • mikedubb0811/vtk
  • kookoo9999/vtk
  • charly.bollinger/vtk
  • kamm1948/vtk
  • jacob.moore/vtk
  • gaoxinyu18/vtk
  • zhouyi-u/vtk
  • Robbie/vtk
  • couletj/vtk
  • julien.chaize1/vtk
  • shreeni152/vtk
  • lkaly/vtk
  • louis.gombert/vtk
  • linneapalmstrom/vtk
  • ppebay/vtk
  • Rocky/vtk
  • jiangxingkai/vtk
  • xutang/vtk
  • jens.munk.hansen/vtk
  • 5268368/vtk
  • jumbojing/vtk
  • vectorD/vtk
  • mo-schmid/vtk
  • CC9701/vtk
  • Diiiiii-9/vtk
  • moussa-li/vtk
  • MatthewFlamm/vtk
  • sergeylesnik/vtk
  • xpnguyen/vtk
  • FireFlyUh/vtk
  • klevzoff/vtk
  • ixxi/vtk
  • stavbodik/vtk
  • willdunklin/vtk
  • hjhicks321/vtk
  • fghoussen/vtk
  • Otahal/vtk
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853 results
Show changes
Commits on Source (4)
with 3277 additions and 1836 deletions
## Update fast_float to be based on 8.0.2
Update fast_float third party library to be based
on [fast_float 8.0.2](
......@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ vtk_module_third_party(
"Copyright (c) 2021 The fast_float authors"
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ readonly name="fast_float"
readonly ownership="fast_float Upstream <>"
readonly subtree="ThirdParty/$name/vtk$name"
readonly repo=""
readonly tag="for/vtk-20230309-3.9.0"
readonly tag="for/vtk-20250313-8.0.2"
readonly paths="
......@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ vtk_module_install_headers(
......@@ -4,3 +4,8 @@ Marcin Wojdyr
Neal Richardson
Tim Paine
Fabio Pellacini
Lénárd Szolnoki
Jan Pharago
Maya Warrier
Taha Khokhar
Anders Dalvander
......@@ -37,58 +37,58 @@ constexpr size_t bigint_limbs = bigint_bits / limb_bits;
// vector-like type that is allocated on the stack. the entire
// buffer is pre-allocated, and only the length changes.
template <uint16_t size>
struct stackvec {
template <uint16_t size> struct stackvec {
limb data[size];
// we never need more than 150 limbs
uint16_t length{0};
stackvec() = default;
stackvec(const stackvec &) = delete;
stackvec &operator=(const stackvec &) = delete;
stackvec(stackvec const &) = delete;
stackvec &operator=(stackvec const &) = delete;
stackvec(stackvec &&) = delete;
stackvec &operator=(stackvec &&other) = delete;
// create stack vector from existing limb span.
stackvec(limb_span s) {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 stackvec(limb_span s) {
limb& operator[](size_t index) noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 limb &operator[](size_t index) noexcept {
return data[index];
const limb& operator[](size_t index) const noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 const limb &operator[](size_t index) const noexcept {
return data[index];
// index from the end of the container
const limb& rindex(size_t index) const noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 const limb &rindex(size_t index) const noexcept {
size_t rindex = length - index - 1;
return data[rindex];
// set the length, without bounds checking.
void set_len(size_t len) noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 void set_len(size_t len) noexcept {
length = uint16_t(len);
constexpr size_t len() const noexcept {
return length;
constexpr bool is_empty() const noexcept {
return length == 0;
constexpr size_t capacity() const noexcept {
return size;
constexpr size_t len() const noexcept { return length; }
constexpr bool is_empty() const noexcept { return length == 0; }
constexpr size_t capacity() const noexcept { return size; }
// append item to vector, without bounds checking
void push_unchecked(limb value) noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 void push_unchecked(limb value) noexcept {
data[length] = value;
// append item to vector, returning if item was added
bool try_push(limb value) noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 bool try_push(limb value) noexcept {
if (len() < capacity()) {
return true;
......@@ -96,14 +96,16 @@ struct stackvec {
return false;
// add items to the vector, from a span, without bounds checking
void extend_unchecked(limb_span s) noexcept {
limb* ptr = data + length;
::memcpy((void*)ptr, (const void*)s.ptr, sizeof(limb) * s.len());
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 void extend_unchecked(limb_span s) noexcept {
limb *ptr = data + length;
std::copy_n(s.ptr, s.len(), ptr);
set_len(len() + s.len());
// try to add items to the vector, returning if items were added
bool try_extend(limb_span s) noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool try_extend(limb_span s) noexcept {
if (len() + s.len() <= capacity()) {
return true;
......@@ -111,22 +113,25 @@ struct stackvec {
return false;
// resize the vector, without bounds checking
// if the new size is longer than the vector, assign value to each
// appended item.
void resize_unchecked(size_t new_len, limb value) noexcept {
if (new_len > len()) {
size_t count = new_len - len();
limb* first = data + len();
limb* last = first + count;
limb *first = data + len();
limb *last = first + count;
::std::fill(first, last, value);
} else {
// try to resize the vector, returning if the vector was resized.
bool try_resize(size_t new_len, limb value) noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool try_resize(size_t new_len, limb value) noexcept {
if (new_len > capacity()) {
return false;
} else {
......@@ -134,10 +139,11 @@ struct stackvec {
return true;
// check if any limbs are non-zero after the given index.
// this needs to be done in reverse order, since the index
// is relative to the most significant limbs.
bool nonzero(size_t index) const noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 bool nonzero(size_t index) const noexcept {
while (index < len()) {
if (rindex(index) != 0) {
return true;
......@@ -146,29 +152,30 @@ struct stackvec {
return false;
// normalize the big integer, so most-significant zero limbs are removed.
void normalize() noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 void normalize() noexcept {
while (len() > 0 && rindex(0) == 0) {
uint64_t empty_hi64(bool& truncated) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 uint64_t
empty_hi64(bool &truncated) noexcept {
truncated = false;
return 0;
uint64_t uint64_hi64(uint64_t r0, bool& truncated) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 uint64_t
uint64_hi64(uint64_t r0, bool &truncated) noexcept {
truncated = false;
int shl = leading_zeroes(r0);
return r0 << shl;
uint64_t uint64_hi64(uint64_t r0, uint64_t r1, bool& truncated) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 uint64_t
uint64_hi64(uint64_t r0, uint64_t r1, bool &truncated) noexcept {
int shl = leading_zeroes(r0);
if (shl == 0) {
truncated = r1 != 0;
......@@ -180,20 +187,20 @@ uint64_t uint64_hi64(uint64_t r0, uint64_t r1, bool& truncated) noexcept {
uint64_t uint32_hi64(uint32_t r0, bool& truncated) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 uint64_t
uint32_hi64(uint32_t r0, bool &truncated) noexcept {
return uint64_hi64(r0, truncated);
uint64_t uint32_hi64(uint32_t r0, uint32_t r1, bool& truncated) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 uint64_t
uint32_hi64(uint32_t r0, uint32_t r1, bool &truncated) noexcept {
uint64_t x0 = r0;
uint64_t x1 = r1;
return uint64_hi64((x0 << 32) | x1, truncated);
uint64_t uint32_hi64(uint32_t r0, uint32_t r1, uint32_t r2, bool& truncated) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 uint64_t
uint32_hi64(uint32_t r0, uint32_t r1, uint32_t r2, bool &truncated) noexcept {
uint64_t x0 = r0;
uint64_t x1 = r1;
uint64_t x2 = r2;
......@@ -204,16 +211,17 @@ uint64_t uint32_hi64(uint32_t r0, uint32_t r1, uint32_t r2, bool& truncated) noe
// we want an efficient operation. for msvc, where
// we don't have built-in intrinsics, this is still
// pretty fast.
limb scalar_add(limb x, limb y, bool& overflow) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 limb
scalar_add(limb x, limb y, bool &overflow) noexcept {
limb z;
// gcc and clang
#if defined(__has_builtin)
#if __has_builtin(__builtin_add_overflow)
#if __has_builtin(__builtin_add_overflow)
if (!cpp20_and_in_constexpr()) {
overflow = __builtin_add_overflow(x, y, &z);
return z;
// generic, this still optimizes correctly on MSVC.
......@@ -223,24 +231,24 @@ limb scalar_add(limb x, limb y, bool& overflow) noexcept {
// multiply two small integers, getting both the high and low bits.
limb scalar_mul(limb x, limb y, limb& carry) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 limb
scalar_mul(limb x, limb y, limb &carry) noexcept {
#if defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__)
#if defined(__SIZEOF_INT128__)
// GCC and clang both define it as an extension.
__uint128_t z = __uint128_t(x) * __uint128_t(y) + __uint128_t(carry);
carry = limb(z >> limb_bits);
return limb(z);
// fallback, no native 128-bit integer multiplication with carry.
// on msvc, this optimizes identically, somehow.
value128 z = full_multiplication(x, y);
bool overflow;
z.low = scalar_add(z.low, carry, overflow);
z.high += uint64_t(overflow); // cannot overflow
z.high += uint64_t(overflow); // cannot overflow
carry = z.high;
return z.low;
uint64_t z = uint64_t(x) * uint64_t(y) + uint64_t(carry);
carry = limb(z >> limb_bits);
......@@ -251,7 +259,8 @@ limb scalar_mul(limb x, limb y, limb& carry) noexcept {
// add scalar value to bigint starting from offset.
// used in grade school multiplication
template <uint16_t size>
inline bool small_add_from(stackvec<size>& vec, limb y, size_t start) noexcept {
inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool small_add_from(stackvec<size> &vec, limb y,
size_t start) noexcept {
size_t index = start;
limb carry = y;
bool overflow;
......@@ -268,13 +277,15 @@ inline bool small_add_from(stackvec<size>& vec, limb y, size_t start) noexcept {
// add scalar value to bigint.
template <uint16_t size>
fastfloat_really_inline bool small_add(stackvec<size>& vec, limb y) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool
small_add(stackvec<size> &vec, limb y) noexcept {
return small_add_from(vec, y, 0);
// multiply bigint by scalar value.
template <uint16_t size>
inline bool small_mul(stackvec<size>& vec, limb y) noexcept {
inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool small_mul(stackvec<size> &vec,
limb y) noexcept {
limb carry = 0;
for (size_t index = 0; index < vec.len(); index++) {
vec[index] = scalar_mul(vec[index], y, carry);
......@@ -288,11 +299,12 @@ inline bool small_mul(stackvec<size>& vec, limb y) noexcept {
// add bigint to bigint starting from index.
// used in grade school multiplication
template <uint16_t size>
bool large_add_from(stackvec<size>& x, limb_span y, size_t start) noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool large_add_from(stackvec<size> &x, limb_span y,
size_t start) noexcept {
// the effective x buffer is from `xstart..x.len()`, so exit early
// if we can't get that current range.
if (x.len() < start || y.len() > x.len() - start) {
FASTFLOAT_TRY(x.try_resize(y.len() + start, 0));
FASTFLOAT_TRY(x.try_resize(y.len() + start, 0));
bool carry = false;
......@@ -318,13 +330,14 @@ bool large_add_from(stackvec<size>& x, limb_span y, size_t start) noexcept {
// add bigint to bigint.
template <uint16_t size>
fastfloat_really_inline bool large_add_from(stackvec<size>& x, limb_span y) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool
large_add_from(stackvec<size> &x, limb_span y) noexcept {
return large_add_from(x, y, 0);
// grade-school multiplication algorithm
template <uint16_t size>
bool long_mul(stackvec<size>& x, limb_span y) noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool long_mul(stackvec<size> &x, limb_span y) noexcept {
limb_span xs = limb_span(, x.len());
stackvec<size> z(xs);
limb_span zs = limb_span(, z.len());
......@@ -352,7 +365,7 @@ bool long_mul(stackvec<size>& x, limb_span y) noexcept {
// grade-school multiplication algorithm
template <uint16_t size>
bool large_mul(stackvec<size>& x, limb_span y) noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool large_mul(stackvec<size> &x, limb_span y) noexcept {
if (y.len() == 1) {
FASTFLOAT_TRY(small_mul(x, y[0]));
} else {
......@@ -361,21 +374,75 @@ bool large_mul(stackvec<size>& x, limb_span y) noexcept {
return true;
template <typename = void> struct pow5_tables {
static constexpr uint32_t large_step = 135;
static constexpr uint64_t small_power_of_5[] = {
constexpr static limb large_power_of_5[] = {
1414648277510068013UL, 9180637584431281687UL, 4539964771860779200UL,
10482974169319127550UL, 198276706040285095UL};
constexpr static limb large_power_of_5[] = {
4279965485U, 329373468U, 4020270615U, 2137533757U, 4287402176U,
1057042919U, 1071430142U, 2440757623U, 381945767U, 46164893U};
template <typename T> constexpr uint32_t pow5_tables<T>::large_step;
template <typename T> constexpr uint64_t pow5_tables<T>::small_power_of_5[];
template <typename T> constexpr limb pow5_tables<T>::large_power_of_5[];
// big integer type. implements a small subset of big integer
// arithmetic, using simple algorithms since asymptotically
// faster algorithms are slower for a small number of limbs.
// all operations assume the big-integer is normalized.
struct bigint {
struct bigint : pow5_tables<> {
// storage of the limbs, in little-endian order.
stackvec<bigint_limbs> vec;
bigint(): vec() {}
bigint(const bigint &) = delete;
bigint &operator=(const bigint &) = delete;
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bigint() : vec() {}
bigint(bigint const &) = delete;
bigint &operator=(bigint const &) = delete;
bigint(bigint &&) = delete;
bigint &operator=(bigint &&other) = delete;
bigint(uint64_t value): vec() {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bigint(uint64_t value) : vec() {
......@@ -387,7 +454,7 @@ struct bigint {
// get the high 64 bits from the vector, and if bits were truncated.
// this is to get the significant digits for the float.
uint64_t hi64(bool& truncated) const noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 uint64_t hi64(bool &truncated) const noexcept {
if (vec.len() == 0) {
return empty_hi64(truncated);
......@@ -406,7 +473,8 @@ struct bigint {
} else if (vec.len() == 2) {
return uint32_hi64(vec.rindex(0), vec.rindex(1), truncated);
} else {
uint64_t result = uint32_hi64(vec.rindex(0), vec.rindex(1), vec.rindex(2), truncated);
uint64_t result =
uint32_hi64(vec.rindex(0), vec.rindex(1), vec.rindex(2), truncated);
truncated |= vec.nonzero(3);
return result;
......@@ -419,7 +487,7 @@ struct bigint {
// positive, this is larger, otherwise they are equal.
// the limbs are stored in little-endian order, so we
// must compare the limbs in ever order.
int compare(const bigint& other) const noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 int compare(bigint const &other) const noexcept {
if (vec.len() > other.vec.len()) {
return 1;
} else if (vec.len() < other.vec.len()) {
......@@ -440,7 +508,7 @@ struct bigint {
// shift left each limb n bits, carrying over to the new limb
// returns true if we were able to shift all the digits.
bool shl_bits(size_t n) noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool shl_bits(size_t n) noexcept {
// Internally, for each item, we shift left by n, and add the previous
// right shifted limb-bits.
// For example, we transform (for u8) shifted left 2, to:
......@@ -466,18 +534,18 @@ struct bigint {
// move the limbs left by `n` limbs.
bool shl_limbs(size_t n) noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool shl_limbs(size_t n) noexcept {
if (n + vec.len() > vec.capacity()) {
return false;
} else if (!vec.is_empty()) {
// move limbs
limb* dst = + n;
const limb* src =;
::memmove(dst, src, sizeof(limb) * vec.len());
limb *dst = + n;
limb const *src =;
std::copy_backward(src, src + vec.len(), dst + vec.len());
// fill in empty limbs
limb* first =;
limb* last = first + n;
limb *first =;
limb *last = first + n;
::std::fill(first, last, 0);
vec.set_len(n + vec.len());
return true;
......@@ -487,7 +555,7 @@ struct bigint {
// move the limbs left by `n` bits.
bool shl(size_t n) noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool shl(size_t n) noexcept {
size_t rem = n % limb_bits;
size_t div = n / limb_bits;
if (rem != 0) {
......@@ -500,7 +568,7 @@ struct bigint {
// get the number of leading zeros in the bigint.
int ctlz() const noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 int ctlz() const noexcept {
if (vec.is_empty()) {
return 0;
} else {
......@@ -515,45 +583,21 @@ struct bigint {
// get the number of bits in the bigint.
int bit_length() const noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 int bit_length() const noexcept {
int lz = ctlz();
return int(limb_bits * vec.len()) - lz;
bool mul(limb y) noexcept {
return small_mul(vec, y);
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool mul(limb y) noexcept { return small_mul(vec, y); }
bool add(limb y) noexcept {
return small_add(vec, y);
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool add(limb y) noexcept { return small_add(vec, y); }
// multiply as if by 2 raised to a power.
bool pow2(uint32_t exp) noexcept {
return shl(exp);
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool pow2(uint32_t exp) noexcept { return shl(exp); }
// multiply as if by 5 raised to a power.
bool pow5(uint32_t exp) noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool pow5(uint32_t exp) noexcept {
// multiply by a power of 5
static constexpr uint32_t large_step = 135;
static constexpr uint64_t small_power_of_5[] = {
1UL, 5UL, 25UL, 125UL, 625UL, 3125UL, 15625UL, 78125UL, 390625UL,
1953125UL, 9765625UL, 48828125UL, 244140625UL, 1220703125UL,
6103515625UL, 30517578125UL, 152587890625UL, 762939453125UL,
3814697265625UL, 19073486328125UL, 95367431640625UL, 476837158203125UL,
2384185791015625UL, 11920928955078125UL, 59604644775390625UL,
298023223876953125UL, 1490116119384765625UL, 7450580596923828125UL,
constexpr static limb large_power_of_5[] = {
1414648277510068013UL, 9180637584431281687UL, 4539964771860779200UL,
10482974169319127550UL, 198276706040285095UL};
constexpr static limb large_power_of_5[] = {
4279965485U, 329373468U, 4020270615U, 2137533757U, 4287402176U,
1057042919U, 1071430142U, 2440757623U, 381945767U, 46164893U};
size_t large_length = sizeof(large_power_of_5) / sizeof(limb);
limb_span large = limb_span(large_power_of_5, large_length);
while (exp >= large_step) {
......@@ -572,14 +616,18 @@ struct bigint {
exp -= small_step;
if (exp != 0) {
FASTFLOAT_TRY(small_mul(vec, limb(small_power_of_5[exp])));
// Work around clang bug
// This is similar to,
// except the workaround described there don't work here
vec, limb(((void)small_power_of_5[0], small_power_of_5[exp]))));
return true;
// multiply as if by 10 raised to a power.
bool pow10(uint32_t exp) noexcept {
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool pow10(uint32_t exp) noexcept {
return pow2(exp);
#ifdef __has_include
#if __has_include(<version>)
#include <version>
// Testing for, adopted in C++14
#if defined(__cpp_constexpr) && __cpp_constexpr >= 201304
#define FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 constexpr
#if defined(__cpp_lib_bit_cast) && __cpp_lib_bit_cast >= 201806L
#if defined(__cpp_lib_is_constant_evaluated) && \
__cpp_lib_is_constant_evaluated >= 201811L
#if defined(__cpp_if_constexpr) && __cpp_if_constexpr >= 201606L
#define FASTFLOAT_IF_CONSTEXPR17(x) if constexpr (x)
#define FASTFLOAT_IF_CONSTEXPR17(x) if (x)
// Testing for relevant C++20 constexpr library features
defined(__cpp_lib_constexpr_algorithms) && \
__cpp_lib_constexpr_algorithms >= 201806L /*For std::copy and std::fill*/
#define FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 constexpr
#if __cplusplus >= 201703L || (defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L)
......@@ -12,27 +12,34 @@
namespace fast_float {
// This will compute or rather approximate w * 5**q and return a pair of 64-bit words approximating
// the result, with the "high" part corresponding to the most significant bits and the
// low part corresponding to the least significant bits.
// This will compute or rather approximate w * 5**q and return a pair of 64-bit
// words approximating the result, with the "high" part corresponding to the
// most significant bits and the low part corresponding to the least significant
// bits.
template <int bit_precision>
value128 compute_product_approximation(int64_t q, uint64_t w) {
const int index = 2 * int(q - powers::smallest_power_of_five);
// For small values of q, e.g., q in [0,27], the answer is always exact because
// The line value128 firstproduct = full_multiplication(w, power_of_five_128[index]);
// gives the exact answer.
value128 firstproduct = full_multiplication(w, powers::power_of_five_128[index]);
static_assert((bit_precision >= 0) && (bit_precision <= 64), " precision should be in (0,64]");
constexpr uint64_t precision_mask = (bit_precision < 64) ?
(uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) >> bit_precision)
if((firstproduct.high & precision_mask) == precision_mask) { // could further guard with (lower + w < lower)
// regarding the second product, we only need secondproduct.high, but our expectation is that the compiler will optimize this extra work away if needed.
value128 secondproduct = full_multiplication(w, powers::power_of_five_128[index + 1]);
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 value128
compute_product_approximation(int64_t q, uint64_t w) {
int const index = 2 * int(q - powers::smallest_power_of_five);
// For small values of q, e.g., q in [0,27], the answer is always exact
// because The line value128 firstproduct = full_multiplication(w,
// power_of_five_128[index]); gives the exact answer.
value128 firstproduct =
full_multiplication(w, powers::power_of_five_128[index]);
static_assert((bit_precision >= 0) && (bit_precision <= 64),
" precision should be in (0,64]");
constexpr uint64_t precision_mask =
(bit_precision < 64) ? (uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) >> bit_precision)
if ((firstproduct.high & precision_mask) ==
precision_mask) { // could further guard with (lower + w < lower)
// regarding the second product, we only need secondproduct.high, but our
// expectation is that the compiler will optimize this extra work away if
// needed.
value128 secondproduct =
full_multiplication(w, powers::power_of_five_128[index + 1]);
firstproduct.low += secondproduct.high;
if(secondproduct.high > firstproduct.low) {
if (secondproduct.high > firstproduct.low) {
......@@ -48,50 +55,52 @@ namespace detail {
* where
* p = log(5**q)/log(2) = q * log(5)/log(2)
* For negative values of q in (-400,0), we have that
* For negative values of q in (-400,0), we have that
* f = (((152170 + 65536) * q ) >> 16);
* is equal to
* is equal to
* -ceil(p) + q
* where
* p = log(5**-q)/log(2) = -q * log(5)/log(2)
constexpr fastfloat_really_inline int32_t power(int32_t q) noexcept {
return (((152170 + 65536) * q) >> 16) + 63;
constexpr fastfloat_really_inline int32_t power(int32_t q) noexcept {
return (((152170 + 65536) * q) >> 16) + 63;
} // namespace detail
// create an adjusted mantissa, biased by the invalid power2
// for significant digits already multiplied by 10 ** q.
template <typename binary>
adjusted_mantissa compute_error_scaled(int64_t q, uint64_t w, int lz) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 adjusted_mantissa
compute_error_scaled(int64_t q, uint64_t w, int lz) noexcept {
int hilz = int(w >> 63) ^ 1;
adjusted_mantissa answer;
answer.mantissa = w << hilz;
int bias = binary::mantissa_explicit_bits() - binary::minimum_exponent();
answer.power2 = int32_t(detail::power(int32_t(q)) + bias - hilz - lz - 62 + invalid_am_bias);
answer.power2 = int32_t(detail::power(int32_t(q)) + bias - hilz - lz - 62 +
return answer;
// w * 10 ** q, without rounding the representation up.
// the power2 in the exponent will be adjusted by invalid_am_bias.
template <typename binary>
adjusted_mantissa compute_error(int64_t q, uint64_t w) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 adjusted_mantissa
compute_error(int64_t q, uint64_t w) noexcept {
int lz = leading_zeroes(w);
w <<= lz;
value128 product = compute_product_approximation<binary::mantissa_explicit_bits() + 3>(q, w);
value128 product =
compute_product_approximation<binary::mantissa_explicit_bits() + 3>(q, w);
return compute_error_scaled<binary>(q, product.high, lz);
// w * 10 ** q
// The returned value should be a valid ieee64 number that simply need to be packed.
// However, in some very rare cases, the computation will fail. In such cases, we
// return an adjusted_mantissa with a negative power of 2: the caller should recompute
// in such cases.
// Computers w * 10 ** q.
// The returned value should be a valid number that simply needs to be
// packed. However, in some very rare cases, the computation will fail. In such
// cases, we return an adjusted_mantissa with a negative power of 2: the caller
// should recompute in such cases.
template <typename binary>
adjusted_mantissa compute_float(int64_t q, uint64_t w) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 adjusted_mantissa
compute_float(int64_t q, uint64_t w) noexcept {
adjusted_mantissa answer;
if ((w == 0) || (q < binary::smallest_power_of_ten())) {
answer.power2 = 0;
......@@ -105,7 +114,8 @@ adjusted_mantissa compute_float(int64_t q, uint64_t w) noexcept {
answer.mantissa = 0;
return answer;
// At this point in time q is in [powers::smallest_power_of_five, powers::largest_power_of_five].
// At this point in time q is in [powers::smallest_power_of_five,
// powers::largest_power_of_five].
// We want the most significant bit of i to be 1. Shift if needed.
int lz = leading_zeroes(w);
......@@ -114,31 +124,32 @@ adjusted_mantissa compute_float(int64_t q, uint64_t w) noexcept {
// The required precision is binary::mantissa_explicit_bits() + 3 because
// 1. We need the implicit bit
// 2. We need an extra bit for rounding purposes
// 3. We might lose a bit due to the "upperbit" routine (result too small, requiring a shift)
value128 product = compute_product_approximation<binary::mantissa_explicit_bits() + 3>(q, w);
if(product.low == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) { // could guard it further
// In some very rare cases, this could happen, in which case we might need a more accurate
// computation that what we can provide cheaply. This is very, very unlikely.
const bool inside_safe_exponent = (q >= -27) && (q <= 55); // always good because 5**q <2**128 when q>=0,
// and otherwise, for q<0, we have 5**-q<2**64 and the 128-bit reciprocal allows for exact computation.
if(!inside_safe_exponent) {
return compute_error_scaled<binary>(q, product.high, lz);
// The "compute_product_approximation" function can be slightly slower than a branchless approach:
// value128 product = compute_product(q, w);
// but in practice, we can win big with the compute_product_approximation if its additional branch
// is easily predicted. Which is best is data specific.
// 3. We might lose a bit due to the "upperbit" routine (result too small,
// requiring a shift)
value128 product =
compute_product_approximation<binary::mantissa_explicit_bits() + 3>(q, w);
// The computed 'product' is always sufficient.
// Mathematical proof:
// Noble Mushtak and Daniel Lemire, Fast Number Parsing Without Fallback (to
// appear) See script/
// The "compute_product_approximation" function can be slightly slower than a
// branchless approach: value128 product = compute_product(q, w); but in
// practice, we can win big with the compute_product_approximation if its
// additional branch is easily predicted. Which is best is data specific.
int upperbit = int(product.high >> 63);
int shift = upperbit + 64 - binary::mantissa_explicit_bits() - 3;
answer.mantissa = product.high >> (upperbit + 64 - binary::mantissa_explicit_bits() - 3);
answer.mantissa = product.high >> shift;
answer.power2 = int32_t(detail::power(int32_t(q)) + upperbit - lz - binary::minimum_exponent());
answer.power2 = int32_t(detail::power(int32_t(q)) + upperbit - lz -
if (answer.power2 <= 0) { // we have a subnormal?
// Here have that answer.power2 <= 0 so -answer.power2 >= 0
if(-answer.power2 + 1 >= 64) { // if we have more than 64 bits below the minimum exponent, you have a zero for sure.
if (-answer.power2 + 1 >=
64) { // if we have more than 64 bits below the minimum exponent, you
// have a zero for sure.
answer.power2 = 0;
answer.mantissa = 0;
// result should be zero
......@@ -147,7 +158,8 @@ adjusted_mantissa compute_float(int64_t q, uint64_t w) noexcept {
// next line is safe because -answer.power2 + 1 < 64
answer.mantissa >>= -answer.power2 + 1;
// Thankfully, we can't have both "round-to-even" and subnormals because
// "round-to-even" only occurs for powers close to 0.
// "round-to-even" only occurs for powers close to 0 in the 32-bit and
// and 64-bit case (with no more than 19 digits).
answer.mantissa += (answer.mantissa & 1); // round up
answer.mantissa >>= 1;
// There is a weird scenario where we don't have a subnormal but just.
......@@ -157,20 +169,26 @@ adjusted_mantissa compute_float(int64_t q, uint64_t w) noexcept {
// up 0x3fffffffffffff x 2^-1023-53 and once we do, we are no longer
// subnormal, but we can only know this after rounding.
// So we only declare a subnormal if we are smaller than the threshold.
answer.power2 = (answer.mantissa < (uint64_t(1) << binary::mantissa_explicit_bits())) ? 0 : 1;
answer.power2 =
(answer.mantissa < (uint64_t(1) << binary::mantissa_explicit_bits()))
? 0
: 1;
return answer;
// usually, we round *up*, but if we fall right in between and and we have an
// even basis, we need to round down
// We are only concerned with the cases where 5**q fits in single 64-bit word.
if ((product.low <= 1) && (q >= binary::min_exponent_round_to_even()) && (q <= binary::max_exponent_round_to_even()) &&
((answer.mantissa & 3) == 1) ) { // we may fall between two floats!
if ((product.low <= 1) && (q >= binary::min_exponent_round_to_even()) &&
(q <= binary::max_exponent_round_to_even()) &&
((answer.mantissa & 3) == 1)) { // we may fall between two floats!
// To be in-between two floats we need that in doing
// answer.mantissa = product.high >> (upperbit + 64 - binary::mantissa_explicit_bits() - 3);
// ... we dropped out only zeroes. But if this happened, then we can go back!!!
if((answer.mantissa << (upperbit + 64 - binary::mantissa_explicit_bits() - 3)) == product.high) {
answer.mantissa &= ~uint64_t(1); // flip it so that we do not round up
// answer.mantissa = product.high >> (upperbit + 64 -
// binary::mantissa_explicit_bits() - 3);
// ... we dropped out only zeroes. But if this happened, then we can go
// back!!!
if ((answer.mantissa << shift) == product.high) {
answer.mantissa &= ~uint64_t(1); // flip it so that we do not round up
......@@ -13,17 +13,34 @@
namespace fast_float {
// 1e0 to 1e19
constexpr static uint64_t powers_of_ten_uint64[] = {
1UL, 10UL, 100UL, 1000UL, 10000UL, 100000UL, 1000000UL, 10000000UL, 100000000UL,
1000000000UL, 10000000000UL, 100000000000UL, 1000000000000UL, 10000000000000UL,
100000000000000UL, 1000000000000000UL, 10000000000000000UL, 100000000000000000UL,
1000000000000000000UL, 10000000000000000000UL};
constexpr static uint64_t powers_of_ten_uint64[] = {1UL,
// calculate the exponent, in scientific notation, of the number.
// this algorithm is not even close to optimized, but it has no practical
// effect on performance: in order to have a faster algorithm, we'd need
// to slow down performance for faster algorithms, and this is still fast.
fastfloat_really_inline int32_t scientific_exponent(parsed_number_string& num) noexcept {
template <typename UC>
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 int32_t
scientific_exponent(parsed_number_string_t<UC> &num) noexcept {
uint64_t mantissa = num.mantissa;
int32_t exponent = int32_t(num.exponent);
while (mantissa >= 10000) {
......@@ -43,23 +60,30 @@ fastfloat_really_inline int32_t scientific_exponent(parsed_number_string& num) n
// this converts a native floating-point number to an extended-precision float.
template <typename T>
fastfloat_really_inline adjusted_mantissa to_extended(T value) noexcept {
using equiv_uint = typename binary_format<T>::equiv_uint;
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 adjusted_mantissa
to_extended(T value) noexcept {
using equiv_uint = equiv_uint_t<T>;
constexpr equiv_uint exponent_mask = binary_format<T>::exponent_mask();
constexpr equiv_uint mantissa_mask = binary_format<T>::mantissa_mask();
constexpr equiv_uint hidden_bit_mask = binary_format<T>::hidden_bit_mask();
adjusted_mantissa am;
int32_t bias = binary_format<T>::mantissa_explicit_bits() - binary_format<T>::minimum_exponent();
int32_t bias = binary_format<T>::mantissa_explicit_bits() -
equiv_uint bits;
bits = std::bit_cast<equiv_uint>(value);
::memcpy(&bits, &value, sizeof(T));
if ((bits & exponent_mask) == 0) {
// denormal
am.power2 = 1 - bias;
am.mantissa = bits & mantissa_mask;
} else {
// normal
am.power2 = int32_t((bits & exponent_mask) >> binary_format<T>::mantissa_explicit_bits());
am.power2 = int32_t((bits & exponent_mask) >>
am.power2 -= bias;
am.mantissa = (bits & mantissa_mask) | hidden_bit_mask;
......@@ -71,7 +95,8 @@ fastfloat_really_inline adjusted_mantissa to_extended(T value) noexcept {
// we are given a native float that represents b, so we need to adjust it
// halfway between b and b+u.
template <typename T>
fastfloat_really_inline adjusted_mantissa to_extended_halfway(T value) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 adjusted_mantissa
to_extended_halfway(T value) noexcept {
adjusted_mantissa am = to_extended(value);
am.mantissa <<= 1;
am.mantissa += 1;
......@@ -81,14 +106,18 @@ fastfloat_really_inline adjusted_mantissa to_extended_halfway(T value) noexcept
// round an extended-precision float to the nearest machine float.
template <typename T, typename callback>
fastfloat_really_inline void round(adjusted_mantissa& am, callback cb) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 void round(adjusted_mantissa &am,
callback cb) noexcept {
int32_t mantissa_shift = 64 - binary_format<T>::mantissa_explicit_bits() - 1;
if (-am.power2 >= mantissa_shift) {
// have a denormal float
int32_t shift = -am.power2 + 1;
cb(am, std::min<int32_t>(shift, 64));
// check for round-up: if rounding-nearest carried us to the hidden bit.
am.power2 = (am.mantissa < (uint64_t(1) << binary_format<T>::mantissa_explicit_bits())) ? 0 : 1;
am.power2 = (am.mantissa <
(uint64_t(1) << binary_format<T>::mantissa_explicit_bits()))
? 0
: 1;
......@@ -96,7 +125,8 @@ fastfloat_really_inline void round(adjusted_mantissa& am, callback cb) noexcept
cb(am, mantissa_shift);
// check for carry
if (am.mantissa >= (uint64_t(2) << binary_format<T>::mantissa_explicit_bits())) {
if (am.mantissa >=
(uint64_t(2) << binary_format<T>::mantissa_explicit_bits())) {
am.mantissa = (uint64_t(1) << binary_format<T>::mantissa_explicit_bits());
......@@ -110,20 +140,11 @@ fastfloat_really_inline void round(adjusted_mantissa& am, callback cb) noexcept
template <typename callback>
void round_nearest_tie_even(adjusted_mantissa& am, int32_t shift, callback cb) noexcept {
uint64_t mask;
uint64_t halfway;
if (shift == 64) {
mask = UINT64_MAX;
} else {
mask = (uint64_t(1) << shift) - 1;
if (shift == 0) {
halfway = 0;
} else {
halfway = uint64_t(1) << (shift - 1);
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 void
round_nearest_tie_even(adjusted_mantissa &am, int32_t shift,
callback cb) noexcept {
uint64_t const mask = (shift == 64) ? UINT64_MAX : (uint64_t(1) << shift) - 1;
uint64_t const halfway = (shift == 0) ? 0 : uint64_t(1) << (shift - 1);
uint64_t truncated_bits = am.mantissa & mask;
bool is_above = truncated_bits > halfway;
bool is_halfway = truncated_bits == halfway;
......@@ -140,7 +161,8 @@ void round_nearest_tie_even(adjusted_mantissa& am, int32_t shift, callback cb) n
am.mantissa += uint64_t(cb(is_odd, is_halfway, is_above));
fastfloat_really_inline void round_down(adjusted_mantissa& am, int32_t shift) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 void
round_down(adjusted_mantissa &am, int32_t shift) noexcept {
if (shift == 64) {
am.mantissa = 0;
} else {
......@@ -149,17 +171,20 @@ fastfloat_really_inline void round_down(adjusted_mantissa& am, int32_t shift) no
am.power2 += shift;
fastfloat_really_inline void skip_zeros(const char*& first, const char* last) noexcept {
template <typename UC>
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 void
skip_zeros(UC const *&first, UC const *last) noexcept {
uint64_t val;
while (std::distance(first, last) >= 8) {
while (!cpp20_and_in_constexpr() &&
std::distance(first, last) >= int_cmp_len<UC>()) {
::memcpy(&val, first, sizeof(uint64_t));
if (val != 0x3030303030303030) {
if (val != int_cmp_zeros<UC>()) {
first += 8;
first += int_cmp_len<UC>();
while (first != last) {
if (*first != '0') {
if (*first != UC('0')) {
......@@ -168,52 +193,62 @@ fastfloat_really_inline void skip_zeros(const char*& first, const char* last) no
// determine if any non-zero digits were truncated.
// all characters must be valid digits.
fastfloat_really_inline bool is_truncated(const char* first, const char* last) noexcept {
template <typename UC>
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool
is_truncated(UC const *first, UC const *last) noexcept {
// do 8-bit optimizations, can just compare to 8 literal 0s.
uint64_t val;
while (std::distance(first, last) >= 8) {
while (!cpp20_and_in_constexpr() &&
std::distance(first, last) >= int_cmp_len<UC>()) {
::memcpy(&val, first, sizeof(uint64_t));
if (val != 0x3030303030303030) {
if (val != int_cmp_zeros<UC>()) {
return true;
first += 8;
first += int_cmp_len<UC>();
while (first != last) {
if (*first != '0') {
if (*first != UC('0')) {
return true;
return false;
fastfloat_really_inline bool is_truncated(byte_span s) noexcept {
template <typename UC>
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 bool
is_truncated(span<UC const> s) noexcept {
return is_truncated(s.ptr, s.ptr + s.len());
void parse_eight_digits(const char*& p, limb& value, size_t& counter, size_t& count) noexcept {
template <typename UC>
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 void
parse_eight_digits(UC const *&p, limb &value, size_t &counter,
size_t &count) noexcept {
value = value * 100000000 + parse_eight_digits_unrolled(p);
p += 8;
counter += 8;
count += 8;
void parse_one_digit(const char*& p, limb& value, size_t& counter, size_t& count) noexcept {
value = value * 10 + limb(*p - '0');
template <typename UC>
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 void
parse_one_digit(UC const *&p, limb &value, size_t &counter,
size_t &count) noexcept {
value = value * 10 + limb(*p - UC('0'));
void add_native(bigint& big, limb power, limb value) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 void
add_native(bigint &big, limb power, limb value) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline void round_up_bigint(bigint& big, size_t& count) noexcept {
fastfloat_really_inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 void
round_up_bigint(bigint &big, size_t &count) noexcept {
// need to round-up the digits, but need to avoid rounding
// ....9999 to ...10000, which could cause a false halfway point.
add_native(big, 10, 1);
......@@ -221,7 +256,10 @@ fastfloat_really_inline void round_up_bigint(bigint& big, size_t& count) noexcep
// parse the significant digits into a big integer
inline void parse_mantissa(bigint& result, parsed_number_string& num, size_t max_digits, size_t& digits) noexcept {
template <typename UC>
parse_mantissa(bigint &result, parsed_number_string_t<UC> &num,
size_t max_digits, size_t &digits) noexcept {
// try to minimize the number of big integer and scalar multiplication.
// therefore, try to parse 8 digits at a time, and multiply by the largest
// scalar value (9 or 19 digits) for each step.
......@@ -235,12 +273,13 @@ inline void parse_mantissa(bigint& result, parsed_number_string& num, size_t max
// process all integer digits.
const char* p = num.integer.ptr;
const char* pend = p + num.integer.len();
UC const *p = num.integer.ptr;
UC const *pend = p + num.integer.len();
skip_zeros(p, pend);
// process all digits, in increments of step per loop
while (p != pend) {
while ((std::distance(p, pend) >= 8) && (step - counter >= 8) && (max_digits - digits >= 8)) {
while ((std::distance(p, pend) >= 8) && (step - counter >= 8) &&
(max_digits - digits >= 8)) {
parse_eight_digits(p, value, counter, digits);
while (counter < step && p != pend && digits < max_digits) {
......@@ -273,7 +312,8 @@ inline void parse_mantissa(bigint& result, parsed_number_string& num, size_t max
// process all digits, in increments of step per loop
while (p != pend) {
while ((std::distance(p, pend) >= 8) && (step - counter >= 8) && (max_digits - digits >= 8)) {
while ((std::distance(p, pend) >= 8) && (step - counter >= 8) &&
(max_digits - digits >= 8)) {
parse_eight_digits(p, value, counter, digits);
while (counter < step && p != pend && digits < max_digits) {
......@@ -301,18 +341,23 @@ inline void parse_mantissa(bigint& result, parsed_number_string& num, size_t max
template <typename T>
inline adjusted_mantissa positive_digit_comp(bigint& bigmant, int32_t exponent) noexcept {
inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 adjusted_mantissa
positive_digit_comp(bigint &bigmant, int32_t exponent) noexcept {
adjusted_mantissa answer;
bool truncated;
answer.mantissa = bigmant.hi64(truncated);
int bias = binary_format<T>::mantissa_explicit_bits() - binary_format<T>::minimum_exponent();
int bias = binary_format<T>::mantissa_explicit_bits() -
answer.power2 = bigmant.bit_length() - 64 + bias;
round<T>(answer, [truncated](adjusted_mantissa& a, int32_t shift) {
round_nearest_tie_even(a, shift, [truncated](bool is_odd, bool is_halfway, bool is_above) -> bool {
return is_above || (is_halfway && truncated) || (is_odd && is_halfway);
round<T>(answer, [truncated](adjusted_mantissa &a, int32_t shift) {
a, shift,
[truncated](bool is_odd, bool is_halfway, bool is_above) -> bool {
return is_above || (is_halfway && truncated) ||
(is_odd && is_halfway);
return answer;
......@@ -324,14 +369,17 @@ inline adjusted_mantissa positive_digit_comp(bigint& bigmant, int32_t exponent)
// we then need to scale by `2^(f- e)`, and then the two significant digits
// are of the same magnitude.
template <typename T>
inline adjusted_mantissa negative_digit_comp(bigint& bigmant, adjusted_mantissa am, int32_t exponent) noexcept {
bigint& real_digits = bigmant;
inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 adjusted_mantissa negative_digit_comp(
bigint &bigmant, adjusted_mantissa am, int32_t exponent) noexcept {
bigint &real_digits = bigmant;
int32_t real_exp = exponent;
// get the value of `b`, rounded down, and get a bigint representation of b+h
adjusted_mantissa am_b = am;
// gcc7 buf: use a lambda to remove the noexcept qualifier bug with -Wnoexcept-type.
round<T>(am_b, [](adjusted_mantissa&a, int32_t shift) { round_down(a, shift); });
// gcc7 buf: use a lambda to remove the noexcept qualifier bug with
// -Wnoexcept-type.
[](adjusted_mantissa &a, int32_t shift) { round_down(a, shift); });
T b;
to_float(false, am_b, b);
adjusted_mantissa theor = to_extended_halfway(b);
......@@ -353,18 +401,19 @@ inline adjusted_mantissa negative_digit_comp(bigint& bigmant, adjusted_mantissa
// compare digits, and use it to director rounding
int ord =;
adjusted_mantissa answer = am;
round<T>(answer, [ord](adjusted_mantissa& a, int32_t shift) {
round_nearest_tie_even(a, shift, [ord](bool is_odd, bool _, bool __) -> bool {
(void)_; // not needed, since we've done our comparison
(void)__; // not needed, since we've done our comparison
if (ord > 0) {
return true;
} else if (ord < 0) {
return false;
} else {
return is_odd;
round<T>(answer, [ord](adjusted_mantissa &a, int32_t shift) {
a, shift, [ord](bool is_odd, bool _, bool __) -> bool {
(void)_; // not needed, since we've done our comparison
(void)__; // not needed, since we've done our comparison
if (ord > 0) {
return true;
} else if (ord < 0) {
return false;
} else {
return is_odd;
return answer;
......@@ -383,8 +432,9 @@ inline adjusted_mantissa negative_digit_comp(bigint& bigmant, adjusted_mantissa
// `b` as a big-integer type, scaled to the same binary exponent as
// the actual digits. we then compare the big integer representations
// of both, and use that to direct rounding.
template <typename T>
inline adjusted_mantissa digit_comp(parsed_number_string& num, adjusted_mantissa am) noexcept {
template <typename T, typename UC>
inline FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 adjusted_mantissa
digit_comp(parsed_number_string_t<UC> &num, adjusted_mantissa am) noexcept {
// remove the invalid exponent bias
am.power2 -= invalid_am_bias;
#include "vtkfast_float_mangle.h"
#include <system_error>
#include "float_common.h"
namespace fast_float {
enum chars_format {
scientific = 1<<0,
fixed = 1<<2,
hex = 1<<3,
general = fixed | scientific
struct from_chars_result {
const char *ptr;
std::errc ec;
struct parse_options {
constexpr explicit parse_options(chars_format fmt = chars_format::general,
char dot = '.')
: format(fmt), decimal_point(dot) {}
/** Which number formats are accepted */
chars_format format;
/** The character used as decimal point */
char decimal_point;
* This function parses the character sequence [first,last) for a number. It parses floating-point numbers expecting
* a locale-indepent format equivalent to what is used by std::strtod in the default ("C") locale.
* The resulting floating-point value is the closest floating-point values (using either float or double),
* using the "round to even" convention for values that would otherwise fall right in-between two values.
* That is, we provide exact parsing according to the IEEE standard.
* This function parses the character sequence [first,last) for a number. It
* parses floating-point numbers expecting a locale-indepent format equivalent
* to what is used by std::strtod in the default ("C") locale. The resulting
* floating-point value is the closest floating-point values (using either float
* or double), using the "round to even" convention for values that would
* otherwise fall right in-between two values. That is, we provide exact parsing
* according to the IEEE standard.
* Given a successful parse, the pointer (`ptr`) in the returned value is set to point right after the
* parsed number, and the `value` referenced is set to the parsed value. In case of error, the returned
* `ec` contains a representative error, otherwise the default (`std::errc()`) value is stored.
* Given a successful parse, the pointer (`ptr`) in the returned value is set to
* point right after the parsed number, and the `value` referenced is set to the
* parsed value. In case of error, the returned `ec` contains a representative
* error, otherwise the default (`std::errc()`) value is stored.
* The implementation does not throw and does not allocate memory (e.g., with `new` or `malloc`).
* The implementation does not throw and does not allocate memory (e.g., with
* `new` or `malloc`).
* Like the C++17 standard, the `fast_float::from_chars` functions take an optional last argument of
* the type `fast_float::chars_format`. It is a bitset value: we check whether
* `fmt & fast_float::chars_format::fixed` and `fmt & fast_float::chars_format::scientific` are set
* to determine whether we allow the fixed point and scientific notation respectively.
* The default is `fast_float::chars_format::general` which allows both `fixed` and `scientific`.
* Like the C++17 standard, the `fast_float::from_chars` functions take an
* optional last argument of the type `fast_float::chars_format`. It is a bitset
* value: we check whether `fmt & fast_float::chars_format::fixed` and `fmt &
* fast_float::chars_format::scientific` are set to determine whether we allow
* the fixed point and scientific notation respectively. The default is
* `fast_float::chars_format::general` which allows both `fixed` and
* `scientific`.
template<typename T>
from_chars_result from_chars(const char *first, const char *last,
T &value, chars_format fmt = chars_format::general) noexcept;
template <typename T, typename UC = char,
typename = FASTFLOAT_ENABLE_IF(is_supported_float_type<T>::value)>
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 from_chars_result_t<UC>
from_chars(UC const *first, UC const *last, T &value,
chars_format fmt = chars_format::general) noexcept;
* Like from_chars, but accepts an `options` argument to govern number parsing.
* Both for floating-point types and integer types.
template<typename T>
from_chars_result from_chars_advanced(const char *first, const char *last,
T &value, parse_options options) noexcept;
template <typename T, typename UC = char>
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 from_chars_result_t<UC>
from_chars_advanced(UC const *first, UC const *last, T &value,
parse_options_t<UC> options) noexcept;
* from_chars for integer types.
template <typename T, typename UC = char,
typename = FASTFLOAT_ENABLE_IF(is_supported_integer_type<T>::value)>
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 from_chars_result_t<UC>
from_chars(UC const *first, UC const *last, T &value, int base = 10) noexcept;
} // namespace fast_float
#include "parse_number.h"
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "ascii_number.h"
#include "decimal_to_binary.h"
#include "digit_comparison.h"
#include "float_common.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
......@@ -12,47 +13,56 @@
namespace fast_float {
namespace detail {
* Special case +inf, -inf, nan, infinity, -infinity.
* The case comparisons could be made much faster given that we know that the
* strings a null-free and fixed.
template <typename T>
from_chars_result parse_infnan(const char *first, const char *last, T &value) noexcept {
from_chars_result answer;
template <typename T, typename UC>
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR14 parse_infnan(UC const *first, UC const *last,
T &value, chars_format fmt) noexcept {
from_chars_result_t<UC> answer{};
answer.ptr = first; = std::errc(); // be optimistic
bool minusSign = false;
if (*first == '-') { // assume first < last, so dereference without checks; C++17 20.19.3.(7.1) explicitly forbids '+' here
minusSign = true;
// assume first < last, so dereference without checks;
bool const minusSign = (*first == UC('-'));
// C++17 20.19.3.(7.1) explicitly forbids '+' sign here
if ((*first == UC('-')) ||
(uint64_t(fmt & chars_format::allow_leading_plus) &&
(*first == UC('+')))) {
if (last - first >= 3) {
if (fastfloat_strncasecmp(first, "nan", 3)) {
if (fastfloat_strncasecmp(first, str_const_nan<UC>(), 3)) {
answer.ptr = (first += 3);
value = minusSign ? -std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN() : std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
// Check for possible nan(n-char-seq-opt), C++17, C11 At least MSVC produces nan(ind) and nan(snan).
if(first != last && *first == '(') {
for(const char* ptr = first + 1; ptr != last; ++ptr) {
if (*ptr == ')') {
value = minusSign ? -std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN()
: std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN();
// Check for possible nan(n-char-seq-opt), C++17,
// C11 At least MSVC produces nan(ind) and nan(snan).
if (first != last && *first == UC('(')) {
for (UC const *ptr = first + 1; ptr != last; ++ptr) {
if (*ptr == UC(')')) {
answer.ptr = ptr + 1; // valid nan(n-char-seq-opt)
else if(!(('a' <= *ptr && *ptr <= 'z') || ('A' <= *ptr && *ptr <= 'Z') || ('0' <= *ptr && *ptr <= '9') || *ptr == '_'))
} else if (!((UC('a') <= *ptr && *ptr <= UC('z')) ||
(UC('A') <= *ptr && *ptr <= UC('Z')) ||
(UC('0') <= *ptr && *ptr <= UC('9')) || *ptr == UC('_')))
break; // forbidden char, not nan(n-char-seq-opt)
return answer;
if (fastfloat_strncasecmp(first, "inf", 3)) {
if ((last - first >= 8) && fastfloat_strncasecmp(first + 3, "inity", 5)) {
if (fastfloat_strncasecmp(first, str_const_inf<UC>(), 3)) {
if ((last - first >= 8) &&
fastfloat_strncasecmp(first + 3, str_const_inf<UC>() + 3, 5)) {
answer.ptr = first + 8;
} else {
answer.ptr = first + 3;
value = minusSign ? -std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity() : std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
value = minusSign ? -std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity()
: std::numeric_limits<T>::infinity();
return answer;
......@@ -66,6 +76,10 @@ from_chars_result parse_infnan(const char *first, const char *last, T &value) n
* Credit : @mwalcott3
fastfloat_really_inline bool rounds_to_nearest() noexcept {
#if (FLT_EVAL_METHOD != 1) && (FLT_EVAL_METHOD != 0)
return false;
// See
// A fast function to check your floating-point rounding mode
......@@ -76,88 +90,130 @@ fastfloat_really_inline bool rounds_to_nearest() noexcept {
// However, it is expected to be much faster than the fegetround()
// function call.
// The volatile keywoard prevents the compiler from computing the function
// The volatile keyword prevents the compiler from computing the function
// at compile-time.
// There might be other ways to prevent compile-time optimizations (e.g., asm).
// The value does not need to be std::numeric_limits<float>::min(), any small
// value so that 1 + x should round to 1 would do (after accounting for excess
// precision, as in 387 instructions).
static volatile float fmin = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
// There might be other ways to prevent compile-time optimizations (e.g.,
// asm). The value does not need to be std::numeric_limits<float>::min(), any
// small value so that 1 + x should round to 1 would do (after accounting for
// excess precision, as in 387 instructions).
static float volatile fmin = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
float fmini = fmin; // we copy it so that it gets loaded at most once.
// Explanation:
// Only when fegetround() == FE_TONEAREST do we have that
// fmin + 1.0f == 1.0f - fmin.
// fmin + 1.0f > 1
// 1.0f - fmin == 1
// fmin + 1.0f == 1
// 1.0f - fmin < 1
// Note: This may fail to be accurate if fast-math has been
// enabled, as rounding conventions may not apply.
# pragma warning(push)
// todo: is there a VS warning?
// see
#elif defined(__clang__)
# pragma clang diagnostic push
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
// Explanation:
// Only when fegetround() == FE_TONEAREST do we have that
// fmin + 1.0f == 1.0f - fmin.
// fmin + 1.0f > 1
// 1.0f - fmin == 1
// fmin + 1.0f == 1
// 1.0f - fmin < 1
// Note: This may fail to be accurate if fast-math has been
// enabled, as rounding conventions may not apply.
#pragma warning(push)
// todo: is there a VS warning?
// see
#elif defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
return (fmini + 1.0f == 1.0f - fmini);
# pragma warning(pop)
#elif defined(__clang__)
# pragma clang diagnostic pop
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#pragma warning(pop)
#elif defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
} // namespace detail
template<typename T>
from_chars_result from_chars(const char *first, const char *last,
T &value, chars_format fmt /*= chars_format::general*/) noexcept {
return from_chars_advanced(first, last, value, parse_options{fmt});
template <typename T> struct from_chars_caller {
template <typename UC>
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 static from_chars_result_t<UC>
call(UC const *first, UC const *last, T &value,
parse_options_t<UC> options) noexcept {
return from_chars_advanced(first, last, value, options);
#ifdef __STDCPP_FLOAT32_T__
template <> struct from_chars_caller<std::float32_t> {
template <typename UC>
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 static from_chars_result_t<UC>
call(UC const *first, UC const *last, std::float32_t &value,
parse_options_t<UC> options) noexcept {
// if std::float32_t is defined, and we are in C++23 mode; macro set for
// float32; set value to float due to equivalence between float and
// float32_t
float val;
auto ret = from_chars_advanced(first, last, val, options);
value = val;
return ret;
#ifdef __STDCPP_FLOAT64_T__
template <> struct from_chars_caller<std::float64_t> {
template <typename UC>
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 static from_chars_result_t<UC>
call(UC const *first, UC const *last, std::float64_t &value,
parse_options_t<UC> options) noexcept {
// if std::float64_t is defined, and we are in C++23 mode; macro set for
// float64; set value as double due to equivalence between double and
// float64_t
double val;
auto ret = from_chars_advanced(first, last, val, options);
value = val;
return ret;
template <typename T, typename UC, typename>
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 from_chars_result_t<UC>
from_chars(UC const *first, UC const *last, T &value,
chars_format fmt /*= chars_format::general*/) noexcept {
return from_chars_caller<T>::call(first, last, value,
template<typename T>
from_chars_result from_chars_advanced(const char *first, const char *last,
T &value, parse_options options) noexcept {
* This function overload takes parsed_number_string_t structure that is created
* and populated either by from_chars_advanced function taking chars range and
* parsing options or other parsing custom function implemented by user.
template <typename T, typename UC>
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 from_chars_result_t<UC>
from_chars_advanced(parsed_number_string_t<UC> &pns, T &value) noexcept {
static_assert (std::is_same<T, double>::value || std::is_same<T, float>::value, "only float and double are supported");
"only some floating-point types are supported");
"only char, wchar_t, char16_t and char32_t are supported");
from_chars_result_t<UC> answer;
from_chars_result answer;
#if FASTFLOAT_SKIP_WHITE_SPACE // disabled by default
while ((first != last) && fast_float::is_space(uint8_t(*first))) {
if (first == last) { = std::errc::invalid_argument;
answer.ptr = first;
return answer;
parsed_number_string pns = parse_number_string(first, last, options);
if (!pns.valid) {
return detail::parse_infnan(first, last, value);
} = std::errc(); // be optimistic
answer.ptr = pns.lastmatch;
// The implementation of the Clinger's fast path is convoluted because
// we want round-to-nearest in all cases, irrespective of the rounding mode
// selected on the thread.
// We proceed optimistically, assuming that detail::rounds_to_nearest() returns
// true.
if (binary_format<T>::min_exponent_fast_path() <= pns.exponent && pns.exponent <= binary_format<T>::max_exponent_fast_path() && !pns.too_many_digits) {
// We proceed optimistically, assuming that detail::rounds_to_nearest()
// returns true.
if (binary_format<T>::min_exponent_fast_path() <= pns.exponent &&
pns.exponent <= binary_format<T>::max_exponent_fast_path() &&
!pns.too_many_digits) {
// Unfortunately, the conventional Clinger's fast path is only possible
// when the system rounds to the nearest float.
......@@ -165,46 +221,181 @@ from_chars_result from_chars_advanced(const char *first, const char *last,
// We could check it first (before the previous branch), but
// there might be performance advantages at having the check
// be last.
if(detail::rounds_to_nearest()) {
if (!cpp20_and_in_constexpr() && detail::rounds_to_nearest()) {
// We have that fegetround() == FE_TONEAREST.
// Next is Clinger's fast path.
if (pns.mantissa <=binary_format<T>::max_mantissa_fast_path()) {
if (pns.mantissa <= binary_format<T>::max_mantissa_fast_path()) {
value = T(pns.mantissa);
if (pns.exponent < 0) { value = value / binary_format<T>::exact_power_of_ten(-pns.exponent); }
else { value = value * binary_format<T>::exact_power_of_ten(pns.exponent); }
if (pns.negative) { value = -value; }
if (pns.exponent < 0) {
value = value / binary_format<T>::exact_power_of_ten(-pns.exponent);
} else {
value = value * binary_format<T>::exact_power_of_ten(pns.exponent);
if (pns.negative) {
value = -value;
return answer;
} else {
// We do not have that fegetround() == FE_TONEAREST.
// Next is a modified Clinger's fast path, inspired by Jakub Jelínek's proposal
if (pns.exponent >= 0 && pns.mantissa <=binary_format<T>::max_mantissa_fast_path(pns.exponent)) {
#if defined(__clang__)
// Next is a modified Clinger's fast path, inspired by Jakub Jelínek's
// proposal
if (pns.exponent >= 0 &&
pns.mantissa <=
binary_format<T>::max_mantissa_fast_path(pns.exponent)) {
#if defined(__clang__) || defined(FASTFLOAT_32BIT)
// Clang may map 0 to -0.0 when fegetround() == FE_DOWNWARD
if(pns.mantissa == 0) {
value = 0;
if (pns.mantissa == 0) {
value = pns.negative ? T(-0.) : T(0.);
return answer;
value = T(pns.mantissa) * binary_format<T>::exact_power_of_ten(pns.exponent);
if (pns.negative) { value = -value; }
value = T(pns.mantissa) *
if (pns.negative) {
value = -value;
return answer;
adjusted_mantissa am = compute_float<binary_format<T>>(pns.exponent, pns.mantissa);
if(pns.too_many_digits && am.power2 >= 0) {
if(am != compute_float<binary_format<T>>(pns.exponent, pns.mantissa + 1)) {
adjusted_mantissa am =
compute_float<binary_format<T>>(pns.exponent, pns.mantissa);
if (pns.too_many_digits && am.power2 >= 0) {
if (am != compute_float<binary_format<T>>(pns.exponent, pns.mantissa + 1)) {
am = compute_error<binary_format<T>>(pns.exponent, pns.mantissa);
// If we called compute_float<binary_format<T>>(pns.exponent, pns.mantissa) and we have an invalid power (am.power2 < 0),
// then we need to go the long way around again. This is very uncommon.
if(am.power2 < 0) { am = digit_comp<T>(pns, am); }
// If we called compute_float<binary_format<T>>(pns.exponent, pns.mantissa)
// and we have an invalid power (am.power2 < 0), then we need to go the long
// way around again. This is very uncommon.
if (am.power2 < 0) {
am = digit_comp<T>(pns, am);
to_float(pns.negative, am, value);
// Test for over/underflow.
if ((pns.mantissa != 0 && am.mantissa == 0 && am.power2 == 0) ||
am.power2 == binary_format<T>::infinite_power()) { = std::errc::result_out_of_range;
return answer;
template <typename T, typename UC>
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 from_chars_result_t<UC>
from_chars_float_advanced(UC const *first, UC const *last, T &value,
parse_options_t<UC> options) noexcept {
"only some floating-point types are supported");
"only char, wchar_t, char16_t and char32_t are supported");
chars_format const fmt = detail::adjust_for_feature_macros(options.format);
from_chars_result_t<UC> answer;
if (uint64_t(fmt & chars_format::skip_white_space)) {
while ((first != last) && fast_float::is_space(*first)) {
if (first == last) { = std::errc::invalid_argument;
answer.ptr = first;
return answer;
parsed_number_string_t<UC> pns =
uint64_t(fmt & detail::basic_json_fmt)
? parse_number_string<true, UC>(first, last, options)
: parse_number_string<false, UC>(first, last, options);
if (!pns.valid) {
if (uint64_t(fmt & chars_format::no_infnan)) { = std::errc::invalid_argument;
answer.ptr = first;
return answer;
} else {
return detail::parse_infnan(first, last, value, fmt);
// call overload that takes parsed_number_string_t directly.
return from_chars_advanced(pns, value);
template <typename T, typename UC, typename>
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 from_chars_result_t<UC>
from_chars(UC const *first, UC const *last, T &value, int base) noexcept {
"only integer types are supported");
"only char, wchar_t, char16_t and char32_t are supported");
parse_options_t<UC> options;
options.base = base;
return from_chars_advanced(first, last, value, options);
template <typename T, typename UC>
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 from_chars_result_t<UC>
from_chars_int_advanced(UC const *first, UC const *last, T &value,
parse_options_t<UC> options) noexcept {
"only integer types are supported");
"only char, wchar_t, char16_t and char32_t are supported");
chars_format const fmt = detail::adjust_for_feature_macros(options.format);
int const base = options.base;
from_chars_result_t<UC> answer;
if (uint64_t(fmt & chars_format::skip_white_space)) {
while ((first != last) && fast_float::is_space(*first)) {
if (first == last || base < 2 || base > 36) { = std::errc::invalid_argument;
answer.ptr = first;
return answer;
return parse_int_string(first, last, value, options);
template <size_t TypeIx> struct from_chars_advanced_caller {
static_assert(TypeIx > 0, "unsupported type");
template <> struct from_chars_advanced_caller<1> {
template <typename T, typename UC>
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 static from_chars_result_t<UC>
call(UC const *first, UC const *last, T &value,
parse_options_t<UC> options) noexcept {
return from_chars_float_advanced(first, last, value, options);
template <> struct from_chars_advanced_caller<2> {
template <typename T, typename UC>
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 static from_chars_result_t<UC>
call(UC const *first, UC const *last, T &value,
parse_options_t<UC> options) noexcept {
return from_chars_int_advanced(first, last, value, options);
template <typename T, typename UC>
FASTFLOAT_CONSTEXPR20 from_chars_result_t<UC>
from_chars_advanced(UC const *first, UC const *last, T &value,
parse_options_t<UC> options) noexcept {
return from_chars_advanced_caller<
size_t(is_supported_float_type<T>::value) +
2 * size_t(is_supported_integer_type<T>::value)>::call(first, last, value,
} // namespace fast_float
* This code is meant to handle the case where we have more than 19 digits.
* It is based on work by Nigel Tao (at
* who credits Ken Thompson for the design (via a reference to the Go source
* code).
* Rob Pike suggested that this algorithm be called "Simple Decimal Conversion".
* It is probably not very fast but it is a fallback that should almost never
* be used in real life. Though it is not fast, it is "easily" understood and debugged.
#include "ascii_number.h"
#include "decimal_to_binary.h"
#include <cstdint>
namespace fast_float {
namespace detail {
// remove all final zeroes
inline void trim(decimal &h) {
while ((h.num_digits > 0) && (h.digits[h.num_digits - 1] == 0)) {
inline uint32_t number_of_digits_decimal_left_shift(const decimal &h, uint32_t shift) {
shift &= 63;
constexpr uint16_t number_of_digits_decimal_left_shift_table[65] = {
0x0000, 0x0800, 0x0801, 0x0803, 0x1006, 0x1009, 0x100D, 0x1812, 0x1817,
0x181D, 0x2024, 0x202B, 0x2033, 0x203C, 0x2846, 0x2850, 0x285B, 0x3067,
0x3073, 0x3080, 0x388E, 0x389C, 0x38AB, 0x38BB, 0x40CC, 0x40DD, 0x40EF,
0x4902, 0x4915, 0x4929, 0x513E, 0x5153, 0x5169, 0x5180, 0x5998, 0x59B0,
0x59C9, 0x61E3, 0x61FD, 0x6218, 0x6A34, 0x6A50, 0x6A6D, 0x6A8B, 0x72AA,
0x72C9, 0x72E9, 0x7B0A, 0x7B2B, 0x7B4D, 0x8370, 0x8393, 0x83B7, 0x83DC,
0x8C02, 0x8C28, 0x8C4F, 0x9477, 0x949F, 0x94C8, 0x9CF2, 0x051C, 0x051C,
0x051C, 0x051C,
uint32_t x_a = number_of_digits_decimal_left_shift_table[shift];
uint32_t x_b = number_of_digits_decimal_left_shift_table[shift + 1];
uint32_t num_new_digits = x_a >> 11;
uint32_t pow5_a = 0x7FF & x_a;
uint32_t pow5_b = 0x7FF & x_b;
constexpr uint8_t
number_of_digits_decimal_left_shift_table_powers_of_5[0x051C] = {
5, 2, 5, 1, 2, 5, 6, 2, 5, 3, 1, 2, 5, 1, 5, 6, 2, 5, 7, 8, 1, 2, 5, 3,
9, 0, 6, 2, 5, 1, 9, 5, 3, 1, 2, 5, 9, 7, 6, 5, 6, 2, 5, 4, 8, 8, 2, 8,
1, 2, 5, 2, 4, 4, 1, 4, 0, 6, 2, 5, 1, 2, 2, 0, 7, 0, 3, 1, 2, 5, 6, 1,
0, 3, 5, 1, 5, 6, 2, 5, 3, 0, 5, 1, 7, 5, 7, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 5, 2, 5, 8,
7, 8, 9, 0, 6, 2, 5, 7, 6, 2, 9, 3, 9, 4, 5, 3, 1, 2, 5, 3, 8, 1, 4, 6,
9, 7, 2, 6, 5, 6, 2, 5, 1, 9, 0, 7, 3, 4, 8, 6, 3, 2, 8, 1, 2, 5, 9, 5,
3, 6, 7, 4, 3, 1, 6, 4, 0, 6, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 8, 3, 7, 1, 5, 8, 2, 0, 3,
1, 2, 5, 2, 3, 8, 4, 1, 8, 5, 7, 9, 1, 0, 1, 5, 6, 2, 5, 1, 1, 9, 2, 0,
9, 2, 8, 9, 5, 5, 0, 7, 8, 1, 2, 5, 5, 9, 6, 0, 4, 6, 4, 4, 7, 7, 5, 3,
9, 0, 6, 2, 5, 2, 9, 8, 0, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 8, 7, 6, 9, 5, 3, 1, 2, 5, 1,
4, 9, 0, 1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 9, 3, 8, 4, 7, 6, 5, 6, 2, 5, 7, 4, 5, 0, 5, 8,
0, 5, 9, 6, 9, 2, 3, 8, 2, 8, 1, 2, 5, 3, 7, 2, 5, 2, 9, 0, 2, 9, 8, 4,
6, 1, 9, 1, 4, 0, 6, 2, 5, 1, 8, 6, 2, 6, 4, 5, 1, 4, 9, 2, 3, 0, 9, 5,
7, 0, 3, 1, 2, 5, 9, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 5, 7, 4, 6, 1, 5, 4, 7, 8, 5, 1, 5,
6, 2, 5, 4, 6, 5, 6, 6, 1, 2, 8, 7, 3, 0, 7, 7, 3, 9, 2, 5, 7, 8, 1, 2,
5, 2, 3, 2, 8, 3, 0, 6, 4, 3, 6, 5, 3, 8, 6, 9, 6, 2, 8, 9, 0, 6, 2, 5,
1, 1, 6, 4, 1, 5, 3, 2, 1, 8, 2, 6, 9, 3, 4, 8, 1, 4, 4, 5, 3, 1, 2, 5,
5, 8, 2, 0, 7, 6, 6, 0, 9, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 4, 0, 7, 2, 2, 6, 5, 6, 2, 5,
2, 9, 1, 0, 3, 8, 3, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, 3, 7, 0, 3, 6, 1, 3, 2, 8, 1, 2,
5, 1, 4, 5, 5, 1, 9, 1, 5, 2, 2, 8, 3, 6, 6, 8, 5, 1, 8, 0, 6, 6, 4, 0,
6, 2, 5, 7, 2, 7, 5, 9, 5, 7, 6, 1, 4, 1, 8, 3, 4, 2, 5, 9, 0, 3, 3, 2,
0, 3, 1, 2, 5, 3, 6, 3, 7, 9, 7, 8, 8, 0, 7, 0, 9, 1, 7, 1, 2, 9, 5, 1,
6, 6, 0, 1, 5, 6, 2, 5, 1, 8, 1, 8, 9, 8, 9, 4, 0, 3, 5, 4, 5, 8, 5, 6,
4, 7, 5, 8, 3, 0, 0, 7, 8, 1, 2, 5, 9, 0, 9, 4, 9, 4, 7, 0, 1, 7, 7, 2,
9, 2, 8, 2, 3, 7, 9, 1, 5, 0, 3, 9, 0, 6, 2, 5, 4, 5, 4, 7, 4, 7, 3, 5,
0, 8, 8, 6, 4, 6, 4, 1, 1, 8, 9, 5, 7, 5, 1, 9, 5, 3, 1, 2, 5, 2, 2, 7,
3, 7, 3, 6, 7, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 3, 2, 0, 5, 9, 4, 7, 8, 7, 5, 9, 7, 6, 5,
6, 2, 5, 1, 1, 3, 6, 8, 6, 8, 3, 7, 7, 2, 1, 6, 1, 6, 0, 2, 9, 7, 3, 9,
3, 7, 9, 8, 8, 2, 8, 1, 2, 5, 5, 6, 8, 4, 3, 4, 1, 8, 8, 6, 0, 8, 0, 8,
0, 1, 4, 8, 6, 9, 6, 8, 9, 9, 4, 1, 4, 0, 6, 2, 5, 2, 8, 4, 2, 1, 7, 0,
9, 4, 3, 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 0, 7, 4, 3, 4, 8, 4, 4, 9, 7, 0, 7, 0, 3, 1, 2,
5, 1, 4, 2, 1, 0, 8, 5, 4, 7, 1, 5, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 7, 1, 7, 4, 2, 2,
4, 8, 5, 3, 5, 1, 5, 6, 2, 5, 7, 1, 0, 5, 4, 2, 7, 3, 5, 7, 6, 0, 1, 0,
0, 1, 8, 5, 8, 7, 1, 1, 2, 4, 2, 6, 7, 5, 7, 8, 1, 2, 5, 3, 5, 5, 2, 7,
1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 8, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 9, 2, 9, 3, 5, 5, 6, 2, 1, 3, 3, 7, 8,
9, 0, 6, 2, 5, 1, 7, 7, 6, 3, 5, 6, 8, 3, 9, 4, 0, 0, 2, 5, 0, 4, 6, 4,
6, 7, 7, 8, 1, 0, 6, 6, 8, 9, 4, 5, 3, 1, 2, 5, 8, 8, 8, 1, 7, 8, 4, 1,
9, 7, 0, 0, 1, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 8, 9, 0, 5, 3, 3, 4, 4, 7, 2, 6, 5,
6, 2, 5, 4, 4, 4, 0, 8, 9, 2, 0, 9, 8, 5, 0, 0, 6, 2, 6, 1, 6, 1, 6, 9,
4, 5, 2, 6, 6, 7, 2, 3, 6, 3, 2, 8, 1, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 0, 4, 4, 6, 0, 4,
9, 2, 5, 0, 3, 1, 3, 0, 8, 0, 8, 4, 7, 2, 6, 3, 3, 3, 6, 1, 8, 1, 6, 4,
0, 6, 2, 5, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 3, 0, 2, 4, 6, 2, 5, 1, 5, 6, 5, 4, 0, 4,
2, 3, 6, 3, 1, 6, 6, 8, 0, 9, 0, 8, 2, 0, 3, 1, 2, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1,
5, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 2, 7, 0, 2, 1, 1, 8, 1, 5, 8, 3, 4, 0, 4, 5,
4, 1, 0, 1, 5, 6, 2, 5, 2, 7, 7, 5, 5, 5, 7, 5, 6, 1, 5, 6, 2, 8, 9, 1,
3, 5, 1, 0, 5, 9, 0, 7, 9, 1, 7, 0, 2, 2, 7, 0, 5, 0, 7, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1,
3, 8, 7, 7, 7, 8, 7, 8, 0, 7, 8, 1, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 5, 5, 2, 9, 5, 3, 9,
5, 8, 5, 1, 1, 3, 5, 2, 5, 3, 9, 0, 6, 2, 5, 6, 9, 3, 8, 8, 9, 3, 9, 0,
3, 9, 0, 7, 2, 2, 8, 3, 7, 7, 6, 4, 7, 6, 9, 7, 9, 2, 5, 5, 6, 7, 6, 2,
6, 9, 5, 3, 1, 2, 5, 3, 4, 6, 9, 4, 4, 6, 9, 5, 1, 9, 5, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1,
8, 8, 8, 2, 3, 8, 4, 8, 9, 6, 2, 7, 8, 3, 8, 1, 3, 4, 7, 6, 5, 6, 2, 5,
1, 7, 3, 4, 7, 2, 3, 4, 7, 5, 9, 7, 6, 8, 0, 7, 0, 9, 4, 4, 1, 1, 9, 2,
4, 4, 8, 1, 3, 9, 1, 9, 0, 6, 7, 3, 8, 2, 8, 1, 2, 5, 8, 6, 7, 3, 6, 1,
7, 3, 7, 9, 8, 8, 4, 0, 3, 5, 4, 7, 2, 0, 5, 9, 6, 2, 2, 4, 0, 6, 9, 5,
9, 5, 3, 3, 6, 9, 1, 4, 0, 6, 2, 5,
const uint8_t *pow5 =
uint32_t i = 0;
uint32_t n = pow5_b - pow5_a;
for (; i < n; i++) {
if (i >= h.num_digits) {
return num_new_digits - 1;
} else if (h.digits[i] == pow5[i]) {
} else if (h.digits[i] < pow5[i]) {
return num_new_digits - 1;
} else {
return num_new_digits;
return num_new_digits;
inline uint64_t round(decimal &h) {
if ((h.num_digits == 0) || (h.decimal_point < 0)) {
return 0;
} else if (h.decimal_point > 18) {
return UINT64_MAX;
// at this point, we know that h.decimal_point >= 0
uint32_t dp = uint32_t(h.decimal_point);
uint64_t n = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dp; i++) {
n = (10 * n) + ((i < h.num_digits) ? h.digits[i] : 0);
bool round_up = false;
if (dp < h.num_digits) {
round_up = h.digits[dp] >= 5; // normally, we round up
// but we may need to round to even!
if ((h.digits[dp] == 5) && (dp + 1 == h.num_digits)) {
round_up = h.truncated || ((dp > 0) && (1 & h.digits[dp - 1]));
if (round_up) {
return n;
// computes h * 2^-shift
inline void decimal_left_shift(decimal &h, uint32_t shift) {
if (h.num_digits == 0) {
uint32_t num_new_digits = number_of_digits_decimal_left_shift(h, shift);
int32_t read_index = int32_t(h.num_digits - 1);
uint32_t write_index = h.num_digits - 1 + num_new_digits;
uint64_t n = 0;
while (read_index >= 0) {
n += uint64_t(h.digits[read_index]) << shift;
uint64_t quotient = n / 10;
uint64_t remainder = n - (10 * quotient);
if (write_index < max_digits) {
h.digits[write_index] = uint8_t(remainder);
} else if (remainder > 0) {
h.truncated = true;
n = quotient;
while (n > 0) {
uint64_t quotient = n / 10;
uint64_t remainder = n - (10 * quotient);
if (write_index < max_digits) {
h.digits[write_index] = uint8_t(remainder);
} else if (remainder > 0) {
h.truncated = true;
n = quotient;
h.num_digits += num_new_digits;
if (h.num_digits > max_digits) {
h.num_digits = max_digits;
h.decimal_point += int32_t(num_new_digits);
// computes h * 2^shift
inline void decimal_right_shift(decimal &h, uint32_t shift) {
uint32_t read_index = 0;
uint32_t write_index = 0;
uint64_t n = 0;
while ((n >> shift) == 0) {
if (read_index < h.num_digits) {
n = (10 * n) + h.digits[read_index++];
} else if (n == 0) {
} else {
while ((n >> shift) == 0) {
n = 10 * n;
h.decimal_point -= int32_t(read_index - 1);
if (h.decimal_point < -decimal_point_range) { // it is zero
h.num_digits = 0;
h.decimal_point = 0;
h.negative = false;
h.truncated = false;
uint64_t mask = (uint64_t(1) << shift) - 1;
while (read_index < h.num_digits) {
uint8_t new_digit = uint8_t(n >> shift);
n = (10 * (n & mask)) + h.digits[read_index++];
h.digits[write_index++] = new_digit;
while (n > 0) {
uint8_t new_digit = uint8_t(n >> shift);
n = 10 * (n & mask);
if (write_index < max_digits) {
h.digits[write_index++] = new_digit;
} else if (new_digit > 0) {
h.truncated = true;
h.num_digits = write_index;
} // namespace detail
template <typename binary>
adjusted_mantissa compute_float(decimal &d) {
adjusted_mantissa answer;
if (d.num_digits == 0) {
// should be zero
answer.power2 = 0;
answer.mantissa = 0;
return answer;
// At this point, going further, we can assume that d.num_digits > 0.
// We want to guard against excessive decimal point values because
// they can result in long running times. Indeed, we do
// shifts by at most 60 bits. We have that log(10**400)/log(2**60) ~= 22
// which is fine, but log(10**299995)/log(2**60) ~= 16609 which is not
// fine (runs for a long time).
if(d.decimal_point < -324) {
// We have something smaller than 1e-324 which is always zero
// in binary64 and binary32.
// It should be zero.
answer.power2 = 0;
answer.mantissa = 0;
return answer;
} else if(d.decimal_point >= 310) {
// We have something at least as large as 0.1e310 which is
// always infinite.
answer.power2 = binary::infinite_power();
answer.mantissa = 0;
return answer;
constexpr uint32_t max_shift = 60;
constexpr uint32_t num_powers = 19;
constexpr uint8_t decimal_powers[19] = {
0, 3, 6, 9, 13, 16, 19, 23, 26, 29, //
33, 36, 39, 43, 46, 49, 53, 56, 59, //
int32_t exp2 = 0;
while (d.decimal_point > 0) {
uint32_t n = uint32_t(d.decimal_point);
uint32_t shift = (n < num_powers) ? decimal_powers[n] : max_shift;
detail::decimal_right_shift(d, shift);
if (d.decimal_point < -decimal_point_range) {
// should be zero
answer.power2 = 0;
answer.mantissa = 0;
return answer;
exp2 += int32_t(shift);
// We shift left toward [1/2 ... 1].
while (d.decimal_point <= 0) {
uint32_t shift;
if (d.decimal_point == 0) {
if (d.digits[0] >= 5) {
shift = (d.digits[0] < 2) ? 2 : 1;
} else {
uint32_t n = uint32_t(-d.decimal_point);
shift = (n < num_powers) ? decimal_powers[n] : max_shift;
detail::decimal_left_shift(d, shift);
if (d.decimal_point > decimal_point_range) {
// we want to get infinity:
answer.power2 = binary::infinite_power();
answer.mantissa = 0;
return answer;
exp2 -= int32_t(shift);
// We are now in the range [1/2 ... 1] but the binary format uses [1 ... 2].
constexpr int32_t minimum_exponent = binary::minimum_exponent();
while ((minimum_exponent + 1) > exp2) {
uint32_t n = uint32_t((minimum_exponent + 1) - exp2);
if (n > max_shift) {
n = max_shift;
detail::decimal_right_shift(d, n);
exp2 += int32_t(n);
if ((exp2 - minimum_exponent) >= binary::infinite_power()) {
answer.power2 = binary::infinite_power();
answer.mantissa = 0;
return answer;
const int mantissa_size_in_bits = binary::mantissa_explicit_bits() + 1;
detail::decimal_left_shift(d, mantissa_size_in_bits);
uint64_t mantissa = detail::round(d);
// It is possible that we have an overflow, in which case we need
// to shift back.
if(mantissa >= (uint64_t(1) << mantissa_size_in_bits)) {
detail::decimal_right_shift(d, 1);
exp2 += 1;
mantissa = detail::round(d);
if ((exp2 - minimum_exponent) >= binary::infinite_power()) {
answer.power2 = binary::infinite_power();
answer.mantissa = 0;
return answer;
answer.power2 = exp2 - binary::minimum_exponent();
if(mantissa < (uint64_t(1) << binary::mantissa_explicit_bits())) { answer.power2--; }
answer.mantissa = mantissa & ((uint64_t(1) << binary::mantissa_explicit_bits()) - 1);
return answer;
template <typename binary>
adjusted_mantissa parse_long_mantissa(const char *first, const char* last, parse_options options) {
decimal d = parse_decimal(first, last, options);
return compute_float<binary>(d);
} // namespace fast_float