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  • Yohann Bearzi (Kitware)'s avatar
    Implementation change in vtkDIYUtilities::Link · 29b94db3
    Yohann Bearzi (Kitware) authored
    The all_to_all communication in this method is unnecessary because when
    the link map is being generated, it should be symmetric by construction,
    so all the information is already present.
    The signature of the method is also changed. It now uses polymorphism
    when possible, and the `BlockT` template parameter is not relevant
    2 versions are written: one taking a std::set<int> as a parameter,
    and the other taking a std::map<int, DummyT>. This gives a little
    flexibility on the type of this link map, and allows to use an already
    initialize map if the user needed to carry extra data when generating
    the link map.
    (cherry picked from commit 8400ec38)