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exprtk.hpp 1.56 MiB
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 *           C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library          *
 *                                                                *
 * Author: Arash Partow (1999-2024)                               *
 * URL:      *
 *                                                                *
 * Copyright notice:                                              *
 * Free use of the C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library is *
 * permitted under the guidelines and in accordance with the most *
 * current version of the MIT License.                            *
 *                        *
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT                                   *
 *                                                                *
 * Example expressions:                                           *
 * (00) (y + x / y) * (x - y / x)                                 *
 * (01) (x^2 / sin(2 * pi / y)) - x / 2                           *
 * (02) sqrt(1 - (x^2))                                           *
 * (03) 1 - sin(2 * x) + cos(pi / y)                              *
 * (04) a * exp(2 * t) + c                                        *
 * (05) if(((x + 2) == 3) and ((y + 5) <= 9), 1 + w, 2 / z)       *
 * (06) (avg(x,y) <= x + y ? x - y : x * y) + 2 * pi / x          *
 * (07) z := x + sin(2 * pi / y)                                  *
 * (08) u := 2 * (pi * z) / (w := x + cos(y / pi))                *
 * (09) clamp(-1, sin(2 * pi * x) + cos(y / 2 * pi), +1)          *
 * (10) inrange(-2, m, +2) == if(({-2 <= m} and [m <= +2]), 1, 0) *
 * (11) (2sin(x)cos(2y)7 + 1) == (2 * sin(x) * cos(2*y) * 7 + 1)  *
 * (12) (x ilike 's*ri?g') and [y < (3 z^7 + w)]                  *
 *                                                                *


#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cctype>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <deque>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

/// xxx(kitware): mangle namespace
#define exprtk vtkexprtk

namespace exprtk
   #ifdef exprtk_enable_debugging
     #define exprtk_debug(params) printf params
     #define exprtk_debug(params) (void)0

   #define exprtk_error_location             \
   "exprtk.hpp:" + details::to_str(__LINE__) \

   #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
      #define exprtk_override override
      #define exprtk_final    final
      #define exprtk_delete   = delete
      #define exprtk_override
      #define exprtk_final
      #define exprtk_delete

   #if __cplusplus >= 201603L
      #define exprtk_fallthrough [[fallthrough]];
   #elif __cplusplus >= 201103L
      #define exprtk_fallthrough [[gnu::fallthrough]];
      #ifndef _MSC_VER
      #define exprtk_fallthrough __attribute__ ((fallthrough));
      #define exprtk_fallthrough

   namespace details
      typedef char                   char_t;
      typedef char_t*                char_ptr;
      typedef char_t const*          char_cptr;
      typedef unsigned char          uchar_t;
      typedef uchar_t*               uchar_ptr;
      typedef uchar_t const*         uchar_cptr;
      typedef unsigned long long int _uint64_t;
      typedef long long int          _int64_t;

      inline bool is_whitespace(const char_t c)
         return (' '  == c) || ('\n' == c) ||
                ('\r' == c) || ('\t' == c) ||
                ('\b' == c) || ('\v' == c) ||
                ('\f' == c) ;

      inline bool is_operator_char(const char_t c)
         return ('+' == c) || ('-' == c) ||
                ('*' == c) || ('/' == c) ||
                ('^' == c) || ('<' == c) ||
                ('>' == c) || ('=' == c) ||
                (',' == c) || ('!' == c) ||
                ('(' == c) || (')' == c) ||
                ('[' == c) || (']' == c) ||
                ('{' == c) || ('}' == c) ||
                ('%' == c) || (':' == c) ||
                ('?' == c) || ('&' == c) ||
                ('|' == c) || (';' == c) ;

      inline bool is_letter(const char_t c)
         return (('a' <= c) && (c <= 'z')) ||
                (('A' <= c) && (c <= 'Z')) ;

      inline bool is_digit(const char_t c)
         return ('0' <= c) && (c <= '9');

      inline bool is_letter_or_digit(const char_t c)
         return is_letter(c) || is_digit(c);

      inline bool is_left_bracket(const char_t c)
         return ('(' == c) || ('[' == c) || ('{' == c);

      inline bool is_right_bracket(const char_t c)
         return (')' == c) || (']' == c) || ('}' == c);

      inline bool is_bracket(const char_t c)
         return is_left_bracket(c) || is_right_bracket(c);

      inline bool is_sign(const char_t c)
         return ('+' == c) || ('-' == c);

      inline bool is_invalid(const char_t c)
         return !is_whitespace   (c) &&
                !is_operator_char(c) &&
                !is_letter       (c) &&
                !is_digit        (c) &&
                ('.'  != c)          &&
                ('_'  != c)          &&
                ('$'  != c)          &&
                ('~'  != c)          &&
                ('\'' != c);

      inline bool is_valid_string_char(const char_t c)
         return std::isprint(static_cast<uchar_t>(c)) ||

      #ifndef exprtk_disable_caseinsensitivity
      inline void case_normalise(std::string& s)
         for (std::size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i)
            s[i] = static_cast<std::string::value_type>(std::tolower(s[i]));

      inline bool imatch(const char_t c1, const char_t c2)
         return std::tolower(c1) == std::tolower(c2);

      inline bool imatch(const std::string& s1, const std::string& s2)
         if (s1.size() == s2.size())
            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < s1.size(); ++i)
               if (std::tolower(s1[i]) != std::tolower(s2[i]))
                  return false;

            return true;

         return false;

      struct ilesscompare
         inline bool operator() (const std::string& s1, const std::string& s2) const
            const std::size_t length = std::min(s1.size(),s2.size());

            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
               const char_t c1 = static_cast<char_t>(std::tolower(s1[i]));
               const char_t c2 = static_cast<char_t>(std::tolower(s2[i]));

               if (c1 < c2)
                  return true;
               else if (c2 < c1)
                  return false;

            return s1.size() < s2.size();

      inline void case_normalise(std::string&)

      inline bool imatch(const char_t c1, const char_t c2)
         return c1 == c2;

      inline bool imatch(const std::string& s1, const std::string& s2)
         return s1 == s2;

      struct ilesscompare
         inline bool operator() (const std::string& s1, const std::string& s2) const
            return s1 < s2;

      inline bool is_valid_sf_symbol(const std::string& symbol)
         // Special function: $f12 or $F34
         return (4 == symbol.size())  &&
                ('$' == symbol[0])    &&
                imatch('f',symbol[1]) &&
                is_digit(symbol[2])   &&

      inline const char_t& front(const std::string& s)
         return s[0];

      inline const char_t& back(const std::string& s)
         return s[s.size() - 1];

      inline std::string to_str(int i)
         if (0 == i)
            return std::string("0");

         std::string result;

         const int sign = (i < 0) ? -1 : 1;
         for ( ; i; i /= 10)
            result += '0' + static_cast<char_t>(sign * (i % 10));

         if (sign < 0)
            result += '-';

         std::reverse(result.begin(), result.end());

         return result;

      inline std::string to_str(std::size_t i)
         return to_str(static_cast<int>(i));

      inline bool is_hex_digit(const uchar_t digit)
         return (('0' <= digit) && (digit <= '9')) ||
                (('A' <= digit) && (digit <= 'F')) ||
                (('a' <= digit) && (digit <= 'f')) ;

      inline uchar_t hex_to_bin(uchar_t h)
         if (('0' <= h) && (h <= '9'))
            return (h - '0');
            return static_cast<uchar_t>(std::toupper(h) - 'A');

      template <typename Iterator>
      inline bool parse_hex(Iterator& itr, Iterator end,
                            char_t& result)
         if (
              (end ==  (itr    ))               ||
              (end ==  (itr + 1))               ||
              (end ==  (itr + 2))               ||
              (end ==  (itr + 3))               ||
              ('0' != *(itr    ))               ||
              ('X' != std::toupper(*(itr + 1))) ||
              (!is_hex_digit(*(itr + 2)))       ||
              (!is_hex_digit(*(itr + 3)))
            return false;

         result = hex_to_bin(static_cast<uchar_t>(*(itr + 2))) << 4 |
                  hex_to_bin(static_cast<uchar_t>(*(itr + 3))) ;

         return true;

      inline bool cleanup_escapes(std::string& s)
         typedef std::string::iterator str_itr_t;

         str_itr_t itr1 = s.begin();
         str_itr_t itr2 = s.begin();
         str_itr_t end  = s.end  ();

         std::size_t removal_count  = 0;

         while (end != itr1)
            if ('\\' == (*itr1))
               if (end == ++itr1)
                  return false;
               else if (parse_hex(itr1, end, *itr2))
                  itr1 += 4;
                  itr2 += 1;
                  removal_count += 4;
               else if ('a' == (*itr1)) { (*itr2++) = '\a'; ++itr1; ++removal_count; }
               else if ('b' == (*itr1)) { (*itr2++) = '\b'; ++itr1; ++removal_count; }
               else if ('f' == (*itr1)) { (*itr2++) = '\f'; ++itr1; ++removal_count; }
               else if ('n' == (*itr1)) { (*itr2++) = '\n'; ++itr1; ++removal_count; }
               else if ('r' == (*itr1)) { (*itr2++) = '\r'; ++itr1; ++removal_count; }
               else if ('t' == (*itr1)) { (*itr2++) = '\t'; ++itr1; ++removal_count; }
               else if ('v' == (*itr1)) { (*itr2++) = '\v'; ++itr1; ++removal_count; }
               else if ('0' == (*itr1)) { (*itr2++) = '\0'; ++itr1; ++removal_count; }
                  (*itr2++) = (*itr1++);
               (*itr2++) = (*itr1++);

         if ((removal_count > s.size()) || (0 == removal_count))
            return false;

         s.resize(s.size() - removal_count);

         return true;

      class build_string

         explicit build_string(const std::size_t& initial_size = 64)

         inline build_string& operator << (const std::string& s)
            data_ += s;
            return (*this);

         inline build_string& operator << (char_cptr s)
            data_ += std::string(s);
            return (*this);

         inline operator std::string () const
            return data_;

         inline std::string as_string() const
            return data_;


         std::string data_;

      static const std::string reserved_words[] =
         "assert",  "break", "case", "continue", "const",  "default",
         "false", "for", "if", "else", "ilike", "in", "like",  "and",
         "nand",  "nor",  "not",  "null",  "or",  "repeat", "return",
         "shl",  "shr",  "swap",  "switch",  "true",  "until", "var",
         "while", "xnor", "xor", "&", "|"

      static const std::size_t reserved_words_size = sizeof(reserved_words) / sizeof(std::string);

      static const std::string reserved_symbols[] =
         "abs", "acos",  "acosh", "and",  "asin", "asinh",  "assert",
         "atan", "atanh",  "atan2", "avg",  "break", "case",  "ceil",
         "clamp", "continue", "const",  "cos", "cosh", "cot",  "csc",
         "default",  "deg2grad", "deg2rad",  "equal", "erf",  "erfc",
         "exp", "expm1", "false", "floor", "for", "frac", "grad2deg",
         "hypot", "iclamp", "if",  "else", "ilike", "in",  "inrange",
         "like",  "log",  "log10", "log2",  "logn",  "log1p", "mand",
         "max", "min",  "mod", "mor",  "mul", "ncdf",  "nand", "nor",
         "not",   "not_equal",   "null",   "or",   "pow",  "rad2deg",
         "repeat", "return", "root", "round", "roundn", "sec", "sgn",
         "shl", "shr", "sin", "sinc", "sinh", "sqrt", "sum",  "swap",
         "switch", "tan",  "tanh", "true",  "trunc", "until",  "var",
         "while", "xnor", "xor", "&", "|"

      static const std::size_t reserved_symbols_size = sizeof(reserved_symbols) / sizeof(std::string);

      static const std::string base_function_list[] =
         "abs", "acos",  "acosh", "asin",  "asinh", "atan",  "atanh",
         "atan2",  "avg",  "ceil",  "clamp",  "cos",  "cosh",  "cot",
         "csc",  "equal",  "erf",  "erfc",  "exp",  "expm1", "floor",
         "frac", "hypot", "iclamp",  "like", "log", "log10",  "log2",
         "logn", "log1p", "mand", "max", "min", "mod", "mor",  "mul",
         "ncdf",  "pow",  "root",  "round",  "roundn",  "sec", "sgn",
         "sin", "sinc", "sinh", "sqrt", "sum", "swap", "tan", "tanh",
         "trunc",  "not_equal",  "inrange",  "deg2grad",   "deg2rad",
         "rad2deg", "grad2deg"

      static const std::size_t base_function_list_size = sizeof(base_function_list) / sizeof(std::string);

      static const std::string logic_ops_list[] =
         "and", "nand", "nor", "not", "or",  "xnor", "xor", "&", "|"

      static const std::size_t logic_ops_list_size = sizeof(logic_ops_list) / sizeof(std::string);

      static const std::string cntrl_struct_list[] =
         "if", "switch", "for", "while", "repeat", "return"

      static const std::size_t cntrl_struct_list_size = sizeof(cntrl_struct_list) / sizeof(std::string);

      static const std::string arithmetic_ops_list[] =
         "+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "^"

      static const std::size_t arithmetic_ops_list_size = sizeof(arithmetic_ops_list) / sizeof(std::string);

      static const std::string assignment_ops_list[] =
         ":=", "+=", "-=",
         "*=", "/=", "%="

      static const std::size_t assignment_ops_list_size = sizeof(assignment_ops_list) / sizeof(std::string);

      static const std::string inequality_ops_list[] =
         "<",  "<=", "==",
         "=",  "!=", "<>",
         ">=",  ">"

      static const std::size_t inequality_ops_list_size = sizeof(inequality_ops_list) / sizeof(std::string);

      inline bool is_reserved_word(const std::string& symbol)
         for (std::size_t i = 0; i < reserved_words_size; ++i)
            if (imatch(symbol, reserved_words[i]))
               return true;

         return false;

      inline bool is_reserved_symbol(const std::string& symbol)
         for (std::size_t i = 0; i < reserved_symbols_size; ++i)
            if (imatch(symbol, reserved_symbols[i]))
               return true;

         return false;

      inline bool is_base_function(const std::string& function_name)
         for (std::size_t i = 0; i < base_function_list_size; ++i)
            if (imatch(function_name, base_function_list[i]))
               return true;

         return false;

      inline bool is_control_struct(const std::string& cntrl_strct)
         for (std::size_t i = 0; i < cntrl_struct_list_size; ++i)
            if (imatch(cntrl_strct, cntrl_struct_list[i]))
               return true;

         return false;

      inline bool is_logic_opr(const std::string& lgc_opr)
         for (std::size_t i = 0; i < logic_ops_list_size; ++i)
            if (imatch(lgc_opr, logic_ops_list[i]))
               return true;

         return false;

      struct cs_match
         static inline bool cmp(const char_t c0, const char_t c1)
            return (c0 == c1);

      struct cis_match
         static inline bool cmp(const char_t c0, const char_t c1)
            return (std::tolower(c0) == std::tolower(c1));

      template <typename Iterator, typename Compare>
      inline bool match_impl(const Iterator pattern_begin,
                             const Iterator pattern_end  ,
                             const Iterator data_begin   ,
                             const Iterator data_end     ,
                             const typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type& zero_or_more,
                             const typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type& exactly_one )
         typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type type;

         const Iterator null_itr(0);

         Iterator p_itr  = pattern_begin;
         Iterator d_itr  = data_begin;
         Iterator np_itr = null_itr;
         Iterator nd_itr = null_itr;
         for ( ; ; )
            if (p_itr != pattern_end)
               const type c = *(p_itr);
               if ((data_end != d_itr) && (Compare::cmp(c,*(d_itr)) || (exactly_one == c)))
               else if (zero_or_more == c)
                  while ((pattern_end != p_itr) && (zero_or_more == *(p_itr)))
                  const type d = *(p_itr);
                  while ((data_end != d_itr) && !(Compare::cmp(d,*(d_itr)) || (exactly_one == d)))
                  // set backtrack iterators
                  np_itr = p_itr - 1;
                  nd_itr = d_itr + 1;
            else if (data_end == d_itr)
            if ((data_end == d_itr) || (null_itr == nd_itr))
                return false;
            p_itr = np_itr;
            d_itr = nd_itr;
         return true;

      inline bool wc_match(const std::string& wild_card,
                           const std::string& str)
         return match_impl<char_cptr,cs_match>
          + wild_card.size(),
          + str.size(),
                   '*', '?'

      inline bool wc_imatch(const std::string& wild_card,
                            const std::string& str)
         return match_impl<char_cptr,cis_match>
          + wild_card.size(),
          + str.size(),
                   '*', '?'

      inline bool sequence_match(const std::string& pattern,
                                 const std::string& str,
                                 std::size_t&       diff_index,
                                 char_t&            diff_value)
         if (str.empty())
            return ("Z" == pattern);
         else if ('*' == pattern[0])
            return false;

         typedef std::string::const_iterator itr_t;

         itr_t p_itr = pattern.begin();
         itr_t s_itr = str    .begin();

         const itr_t p_end = pattern.end();
         const itr_t s_end = str    .end();

         while ((s_end != s_itr) && (p_end != p_itr))
            if ('*' == (*p_itr))
               const char_t target = static_cast<char_t>(std::toupper(*(p_itr - 1)));

               if ('*' == target)
                  diff_index = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(str.begin(),s_itr));
                  diff_value = static_cast<char_t>(std::toupper(*p_itr));

                  return false;

               while (s_itr != s_end)
                  if (target != std::toupper(*s_itr))

            else if (
                      ('?' != *p_itr) &&
                      std::toupper(*p_itr) != std::toupper(*s_itr)
               diff_index = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(str.begin(),s_itr));
               diff_value = static_cast<char_t>(std::toupper(*p_itr));

               return false;


         return (
                  (s_end == s_itr) &&
                    (p_end ==  p_itr) ||
                    ('*'   == *p_itr)

      template<typename T>
      struct set_zero_value_impl
         static inline void process(T* base_ptr, const std::size_t size)
            const T zero = T(0);
            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
               base_ptr[i] = zero;

      #define pod_set_zero_value(T)                                      \
      template <>                                                        \
      struct set_zero_value_impl<T>                                      \
      {                                                                  \
         static inline void process(T* base_ptr, const std::size_t size) \
         { std::memset(base_ptr, 0x00, size * sizeof(T)); }              \
      };                                                                 \

      pod_set_zero_value(float      )
      pod_set_zero_value(double     )
      pod_set_zero_value(long double)

      #ifdef pod_set_zero_value
      #undef pod_set_zero_value

      template<typename T>
      inline void set_zero_value(T* data, const std::size_t size)

      template<typename T>
      inline void set_zero_value(std::vector<T>& v)

      static const double pow10[] =
         1.0E+001, 1.0E+002, 1.0E+003, 1.0E+004,
         1.0E+005, 1.0E+006, 1.0E+007, 1.0E+008,
         1.0E+009, 1.0E+010, 1.0E+011, 1.0E+012,
         1.0E+013, 1.0E+014, 1.0E+015, 1.0E+016

      static const std::size_t pow10_size = sizeof(pow10) / sizeof(double);

      namespace numeric
         namespace constant
            static const double e       =  2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369996;
            static const double pi      =  3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510;
            static const double pi_2    =  1.57079632679489661923132169163975144209858469968755;
            static const double pi_4    =  0.78539816339744830961566084581987572104929234984378;
            static const double pi_180  =  0.01745329251994329576923690768488612713442871888542;
            static const double _1_pi   =  0.31830988618379067153776752674502872406891929148091;
            static const double _2_pi   =  0.63661977236758134307553505349005744813783858296183;
            static const double _180_pi = 57.29577951308232087679815481410517033240547246656443;
            static const double log2    =  0.69314718055994530941723212145817656807550013436026;
            static const double sqrt2   =  1.41421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537695;

         namespace details
            struct unknown_type_tag { unknown_type_tag() {} };
            struct real_type_tag    { real_type_tag   () {} };
            struct int_type_tag     { int_type_tag    () {} };

            template <typename T>
            struct number_type
               typedef unknown_type_tag type;
               number_type() {}

            #define exprtk_register_real_type_tag(T)          \
            template <> struct number_type<T>                 \
            { typedef real_type_tag type; number_type() {} }; \
            #define exprtk_register_int_type_tag(T)           \
            template <> struct number_type<T>                 \
            { typedef int_type_tag type; number_type() {} };  \
            exprtk_register_real_type_tag(float      )
            exprtk_register_real_type_tag(double     )
            exprtk_register_real_type_tag(long double)

            exprtk_register_int_type_tag(short         )
            exprtk_register_int_type_tag(int           )
            exprtk_register_int_type_tag(_int64_t      )
            exprtk_register_int_type_tag(unsigned short)
            exprtk_register_int_type_tag(unsigned int  )
            exprtk_register_int_type_tag(_uint64_t     )

            #undef exprtk_register_real_type_tag
            #undef exprtk_register_int_type_tag

            template <typename T>
            struct epsilon_type {};

            #define exprtk_define_epsilon_type(Type, Epsilon)      \
            template <> struct epsilon_type<Type>                  \
            {                                                      \
               static inline Type value()                          \
               {                                                   \
                  const Type epsilon = static_cast<Type>(Epsilon); \
                  return epsilon;                                  \
               }                                                   \
            };                                                     \

            exprtk_define_epsilon_type(float      , 0.00000100000f)
            exprtk_define_epsilon_type(double     , 0.000000000100)
            exprtk_define_epsilon_type(long double, 0.000000000001)

            #undef exprtk_define_epsilon_type

            template <typename T>
            inline bool is_nan_impl(const T v, real_type_tag)
               return std::not_equal_to<T>()(v,v);

            template <typename T>
            inline int to_int32_impl(const T v, real_type_tag)
               return static_cast<int>(v);

            template <typename T>
            inline _int64_t to_int64_impl(const T v, real_type_tag)
               return static_cast<_int64_t>(v);

            template <typename T>
            inline _uint64_t to_uint64_impl(const T v, real_type_tag)
               return static_cast<_uint64_t>(v);

            template <typename T>
            inline bool is_true_impl(const T v)
               return std::not_equal_to<T>()(T(0),v);

            template <typename T>
            inline bool is_false_impl(const T v)
               return std::equal_to<T>()(T(0),v);

            template <typename T>
            inline T abs_impl(const T v, real_type_tag)
               return ((v < T(0)) ? -v : v);

            template <typename T>
            inline T min_impl(const T v0, const T v1, real_type_tag)
               return std::min<T>(v0,v1);

            template <typename T>
            inline T max_impl(const T v0, const T v1, real_type_tag)
               return std::max<T>(v0,v1);

            template <typename T>
            inline T equal_impl(const T v0, const T v1, real_type_tag)
               const T epsilon = epsilon_type<T>::value();
               return (abs_impl(v0 - v1,real_type_tag()) <= (std::max(T(1),std::max(abs_impl(v0,real_type_tag()),abs_impl(v1,real_type_tag()))) * epsilon)) ? T(1) : T(0);

            inline float equal_impl(const float v0, const float v1, real_type_tag)
               const float epsilon = epsilon_type<float>::value();
               return (abs_impl(v0 - v1,real_type_tag()) <= (std::max(1.0f,std::max(abs_impl(v0,real_type_tag()),abs_impl(v1,real_type_tag()))) * epsilon)) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;

            template <typename T>
            inline T equal_impl(const T v0, const T v1, int_type_tag)
               return (v0 == v1) ? 1 : 0;

            template <typename T>
            inline T expm1_impl(const T v, real_type_tag)
               // return std::expm1<T>(v);
               if (abs_impl(v,real_type_tag()) < T(0.00001))
                  return v + (T(0.5) * v * v);
                  return std::exp(v) - T(1);

            template <typename T>
            inline T expm1_impl(const T v, int_type_tag)
               return T(std::exp<double>(v)) - T(1);

            template <typename T>
            inline T nequal_impl(const T v0, const T v1, real_type_tag)
               typedef real_type_tag rtg;
               const T epsilon = epsilon_type<T>::value();
               return (abs_impl(v0 - v1,rtg()) > (std::max(T(1),std::max(abs_impl(v0,rtg()),abs_impl(v1,rtg()))) * epsilon)) ? T(1) : T(0);

            inline float nequal_impl(const float v0, const float v1, real_type_tag)
               typedef real_type_tag rtg;
               const float epsilon = epsilon_type<float>::value();
               return (abs_impl(v0 - v1,rtg()) > (std::max(1.0f,std::max(abs_impl(v0,rtg()),abs_impl(v1,rtg()))) * epsilon)) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;

            template <typename T>
            inline T nequal_impl(const T v0, const T v1, int_type_tag)
               return (v0 != v1) ? 1 : 0;

            template <typename T>
            inline T modulus_impl(const T v0, const T v1, real_type_tag)
               return std::fmod(v0,v1);

            template <typename T>
            inline T modulus_impl(const T v0, const T v1, int_type_tag)
               return v0 % v1;