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Forked from Utils / KWSys
1160 commits behind the upstream repository.
  • Brad King's avatar
    KWSys: Fix SystemTools environment memory handling (#13156) · 48aeb751
    Brad King authored
    The SystemTools::PutEnv function tries to provide the "putenv" API
    without leaking memory.  However, the kwsysDeletingCharVector singleton
    frees memory that may still be referenced by the environment table,
    having been placed there by putenv.  If any static destruction or
    processing by an external tool happens after the singleton is destroyed
    and accesses the environment it will read invalid memory.
    Replace use of putenv with setenv/unsetenv when available.  The latter
    manage internal copies of the values passed instead of referencing the
    original memory.  When setenv/unsetenv are not available use putenv with
    a singleton that removes its values from the environment before freeing
    their memory.  This requires an "unputenv" implementation.  On at least
    some platforms it must be written in terms of "putenv" because other
    APIs are not available and direct modification of the "environ" global
    is not safe (e.g. on Windows there is interaction with "wenviron").
    Fortunately either putenv("A=") or putenv("A") will remove "A" from the
    environment on these platforms.  On other platforms fall back to direct
    manipulation of "environ".
    Also add UnPutEnv to the API and add a test for the behavior of both.
    KWSys: Fix SystemTools environment memory handling (#13156)
    Brad King authored
    The SystemTools::PutEnv function tries to provide the "putenv" API
    without leaking memory.  However, the kwsysDeletingCharVector singleton
    frees memory that may still be referenced by the environment table,
    having been placed there by putenv.  If any static destruction or
    processing by an external tool happens after the singleton is destroyed
    and accesses the environment it will read invalid memory.
    Replace use of putenv with setenv/unsetenv when available.  The latter
    manage internal copies of the values passed instead of referencing the
    original memory.  When setenv/unsetenv are not available use putenv with
    a singleton that removes its values from the environment before freeing
    their memory.  This requires an "unputenv" implementation.  On at least
    some platforms it must be written in terms of "putenv" because other
    APIs are not available and direct modification of the "environ" global
    is not safe (e.g. on Windows there is interaction with "wenviron").
    Fortunately either putenv("A=") or putenv("A") will remove "A" from the
    environment on these platforms.  On other platforms fall back to direct
    manipulation of "environ".
    Also add UnPutEnv to the API and add a test for the behavior of both.
testSystemTools.cxx 12.19 KiB
  KWSys - Kitware System Library
  Copyright 2000-2009 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium

  Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
  see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.

  This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
  See the License for more information.
#include "kwsysPrivate.h"

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning (disable:4786)

#include KWSYS_HEADER(SystemTools.hxx)
#include KWSYS_HEADER(ios/iostream)

// Work-around CMake dependency scanning limitation.  This must
// duplicate the above list of headers.
#if 0
# include ""
# include ""

// Include with <> instead of "" to avoid getting any in-source copy
// left on disk.
#include <testSystemTools.h>

#include <string.h> /* strcmp */

const char* toUnixPaths[][2] =
    { "/usr/local/bin/passwd", "/usr/local/bin/passwd" },
    { "/usr/lo cal/bin/pa sswd", "/usr/lo cal/bin/pa sswd" },
    { "/usr/lo\\ cal/bin/pa\\ sswd", "/usr/lo\\ cal/bin/pa\\ sswd" },
    { "c:/usr/local/bin/passwd", "c:/usr/local/bin/passwd" },
    { "c:/usr/lo cal/bin/pa sswd", "c:/usr/lo cal/bin/pa sswd" },
    { "c:/usr/lo\\ cal/bin/pa\\ sswd", "c:/usr/lo\\ cal/bin/pa\\ sswd" },
    { "\\usr\\local\\bin\\passwd", "/usr/local/bin/passwd" },
    { "\\usr\\lo cal\\bin\\pa sswd", "/usr/lo cal/bin/pa sswd" },
    { "\\usr\\lo\\ cal\\bin\\pa\\ sswd", "/usr/lo\\ cal/bin/pa\\ sswd" },
    { "c:\\usr\\local\\bin\\passwd", "c:/usr/local/bin/passwd" },
    { "c:\\usr\\lo cal\\bin\\pa sswd", "c:/usr/lo cal/bin/pa sswd" },
    { "c:\\usr\\lo\\ cal\\bin\\pa\\ sswd", "c:/usr/lo\\ cal/bin/pa\\ sswd" },
    { "\\\\usr\\local\\bin\\passwd", "//usr/local/bin/passwd" },
    { "\\\\usr\\lo cal\\bin\\pa sswd", "//usr/lo cal/bin/pa sswd" },
    { "\\\\usr\\lo\\ cal\\bin\\pa\\ sswd", "//usr/lo\\ cal/bin/pa\\ sswd" },
    {0, 0}

bool CheckConvertToUnixSlashes(kwsys_stl::string input,
                               kwsys_stl::string output)
  kwsys_stl::string result = input;
  if ( result != output )
      << "Problem with ConvertToUnixSlashes - input: " << input.c_str()
      << " output: " << result.c_str() << " expected: " << output.c_str()
      << kwsys_ios::endl;
    return false;
  return true;
const char* checkEscapeChars[][4] =
  { "1 foo 2 bar 2", "12", "\\", "\\1 foo \\2 bar \\2"},
  { " {} ", "{}", "#", " #{#} "},
  {0, 0, 0, 0}

bool CheckEscapeChars(kwsys_stl::string input,
                      const char *chars_to_escape,
                      char escape_char,
                      kwsys_stl::string output)
  kwsys_stl::string result = kwsys::SystemTools::EscapeChars(
    input.c_str(), chars_to_escape, escape_char);
  if (result != output)
      << "Problem with CheckEscapeChars - input: " << input.c_str()
      << " output: " << result.c_str() << " expected: " << output.c_str()
      << kwsys_ios::endl;
    return false;
  return true;

bool CheckFileOperations()
  bool res = true;

  if (kwsys::SystemTools::DetectFileType(TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_BIN_FILE) !=
      << "Problem with DetectFileType - failed to detect type of: "
      << TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_BIN_FILE << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;

  if (kwsys::SystemTools::DetectFileType(TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SRC_FILE) !=
      << "Problem with DetectFileType - failed to detect type of: "
      << TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SRC_FILE << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;
  if (kwsys::SystemTools::FileLength(TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_BIN_FILE) != 766)
      << "Problem with FileLength - incorrect length for: "
      << TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_BIN_FILE << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    

  return res;

bool CheckStringOperations()
  bool res = true;

  kwsys_stl::string test = "mary had a little lamb.";
  if (kwsys::SystemTools::CapitalizedWords(test) != "Mary Had A Little Lamb.")
      << "Problem with CapitalizedWords "
      << TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SRC_FILE << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    

  test = "Mary Had A Little Lamb.";
  if (kwsys::SystemTools::UnCapitalizedWords(test) != 
      "mary had a little lamb.")
      << "Problem with UnCapitalizedWords "
      << TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SRC_FILE << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    

  test = "MaryHadTheLittleLamb.";
  if (kwsys::SystemTools::AddSpaceBetweenCapitalizedWords(test) != 
      "Mary Had The Little Lamb.")
      << "Problem with AddSpaceBetweenCapitalizedWords "
      << TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SRC_FILE << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    

  char * cres = 
    kwsys::SystemTools::AppendStrings("Mary Had A"," Little Lamb.");
  if (strcmp(cres,"Mary Had A Little Lamb."))
      << "Problem with AppendStrings "
      << TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SRC_FILE << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    
  delete [] cres;

  cres = 
    kwsys::SystemTools::AppendStrings("Mary Had"," A ","Little Lamb.");
  if (strcmp(cres,"Mary Had A Little Lamb."))
      << "Problem with AppendStrings "
      << TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SRC_FILE << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    
  delete [] cres;

  if (kwsys::SystemTools::CountChar("Mary Had A Little Lamb.",'a') != 3)
      << "Problem with CountChar "
      << TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SRC_FILE << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    

  cres = 
    kwsys::SystemTools::RemoveChars("Mary Had A Little Lamb.","aeiou");
  if (strcmp(cres,"Mry Hd A Lttl Lmb."))
      << "Problem with RemoveChars "
      << TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SRC_FILE << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    
  delete [] cres;

  cres = 
    kwsys::SystemTools::RemoveCharsButUpperHex("Mary Had A Little Lamb.");
  if (strcmp(cres,"A"))
      << "Problem with RemoveCharsButUpperHex "
      << TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SRC_FILE << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    
  delete [] cres;

  char *cres2 = new char [strlen("Mary Had A Little Lamb.")+1];
  strcpy(cres2,"Mary Had A Little Lamb.");
  if (strcmp(cres2,"MXry HXd A LXttlX LXmb."))
      << "Problem with ReplaceChars "
      << TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SRC_FILE << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    
  delete [] cres2;

  if (!kwsys::SystemTools::StringStartsWith("Mary Had A Little Lamb.",
                                            "Mary "))
      << "Problem with StringStartsWith "
      << TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SRC_FILE << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    

  if (!kwsys::SystemTools::StringEndsWith("Mary Had A Little Lamb.",
                                          " Lamb."))
      << "Problem with StringEndsWith "
      << TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SRC_FILE << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    

  cres = kwsys::SystemTools::DuplicateString("Mary Had A Little Lamb.");
  if (strcmp(cres,"Mary Had A Little Lamb."))
      << "Problem with DuplicateString "
      << TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SRC_FILE << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    
  delete [] cres;

  test = "Mary Had A Little Lamb.";
  if (kwsys::SystemTools::CropString(test,13) != 
      "Mary ...Lamb.")
      << "Problem with CropString "
      << TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SRC_FILE << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    

  kwsys_stl::vector<kwsys_stl::string> lines;
  kwsys::SystemTools::Split("Mary Had A Little Lamb.",lines,' ');
  if (lines[0] != "Mary" || lines[1] != "Had" ||
      lines[2] != "A" || lines[3] != "Little" || lines[4] != "Lamb.")
      << "Problem with Split "
      << TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SRC_FILE << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    

  if (kwsys::SystemTools::ConvertToWindowsOutputPath
      ("L://Local Mojo/Hex Power Pack/Iffy Voodoo") != 
      "\"L:\\Local Mojo\\Hex Power Pack\\Iffy Voodoo\"")
      << "Problem with ConvertToWindowsOutputPath "
      << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    
  if (kwsys::SystemTools::ConvertToWindowsOutputPath
      ("//grayson/Local Mojo/Hex Power Pack/Iffy Voodoo") != 
      "\"\\\\grayson\\Local Mojo\\Hex Power Pack\\Iffy Voodoo\"")
      << "Problem with ConvertToWindowsOutputPath "
      << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    

  if (kwsys::SystemTools::ConvertToUnixOutputPath
      ("//Local Mojo/Hex Power Pack/Iffy Voodoo") != 
      "//Local\\ Mojo/Hex\\ Power\\ Pack/Iffy\\ Voodoo")
      << "Problem with ConvertToUnixOutputPath "
      << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    

  int targc;
  char **targv;
    ("\"Local Mojo\\Voodoo.asp\" -CastHex \"D:\\My Secret Mojo\\Voodoo.mp3\"", &targc, &targv);
  if (targc != 4 || strcmp(targv[1],"Local Mojo\\Voodoo.asp") ||
      strcmp(targv[2],"-CastHex") || 
      strcmp(targv[3],"D:\\My Secret Mojo\\Voodoo.mp3"))
      << "Problem with ConvertWindowsCommandLineToUnixArguments"
      << TEST_SYSTEMTOOLS_SRC_FILE << kwsys_ios::endl;
    res = false;    
  for (;targc >=0; --targc)
    delete [] targv[targc];
  delete [] targv;

  return res;


bool CheckPutEnv(const char* env, const char* name, const char* value)
    kwsys_ios::cerr << "PutEnv(\"" << env
                    << "\") failed!" << kwsys_ios::endl;
    return false;
  const char* v = kwsys::SystemTools::GetEnv(name);
  v = v? v : "(null)";
  if(strcmp(v, value) != 0)
    kwsys_ios::cerr << "GetEnv(\"" << name << "\") returned \""
                    << v << "\", not \"" << value << "\"!" << kwsys_ios::endl;
    return false;
  return true;
bool CheckUnPutEnv(const char* env, const char* name)
    kwsys_ios::cerr << "UnPutEnv(\"" << env << "\") failed!"
                    << kwsys_ios::endl;
    return false;
  if(const char* v = kwsys::SystemTools::GetEnv(name))
    kwsys_ios::cerr << "GetEnv(\"" << name << "\") returned \""
                    << v << "\", not (null)!" << kwsys_ios::endl;
    return false;
  return true;

bool CheckEnvironmentOperations()
  bool res = true;
  res &= CheckPutEnv("A=B", "A", "B");
  res &= CheckPutEnv("B=C", "B", "C");
  res &= CheckPutEnv("C=D", "C", "D");
  res &= CheckPutEnv("D=E", "D", "E");
  res &= CheckUnPutEnv("A", "A");
  res &= CheckUnPutEnv("B=", "B");
  res &= CheckUnPutEnv("C=D", "C");
  /* Leave "D=E" in environment so a memory checker can test for leaks.  */
  return res;

int testSystemTools(int, char*[])
  bool res = true;

  int cc;
  for ( cc = 0; toUnixPaths[cc][0]; cc ++ )
    res &= CheckConvertToUnixSlashes(toUnixPaths[cc][0], toUnixPaths[cc][1]);

  // Special check for ~
  kwsys_stl::string output;
  if(kwsys::SystemTools::GetEnv("HOME", output))
    output += "/foo bar/lala";
    res &= CheckConvertToUnixSlashes("~/foo bar/lala", output);

  for (cc = 0; checkEscapeChars[cc][0]; cc ++ )
    res &= CheckEscapeChars(checkEscapeChars[cc][0], checkEscapeChars[cc][1], 
                            *checkEscapeChars[cc][2], checkEscapeChars[cc][3]);

  res &= CheckFileOperations();

  res &= CheckStringOperations();

  res &= CheckEnvironmentOperations();

  return res ? 0 : 1;