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  • jcfr's avatar
    COMP: Deprecate ITK function ::Zero and ::One to fix clang link error · 0aa1a69c
    jcfr authored
    These were deprecated in 2012; just before the ITK 4.2 release.
    ZeroValue() and OneValue() should be used instead.
    -- This coforms to ITKv4 changes made in
    When building with clang on 10.9 where ITKv4 is a shared library,
    a linking error occured for unfound symbols: NumericTraits<
    OutputPixelType >::Zero but using the
    NumericTraits< OutputPixelType >::ZeroValue() allows linkage to occur properly.
    From: Hans Johnson <>
    git-svn-id: 3bd1e089-480b-0410-8dfb-8563597acbee