ENH: Update SimpleITK
Created by: jcfr
List of changes:
$ git shortlog 534787d..699ed4b --no-merges
Andras Lasso (1):
Do not create /.git folder when the project is configured
Bradley Lowekamp (30):
Work around CMP0054 warning
Update ITK superbuild version to 4.12.1
Move Doxygen download URL to https
Wrapping IterativeInverseDisplacementFieldImageFilter
Fix typo in Python version warning
Relax testing tolerance for N4 to accommodate intel x86
Fix R package data with SimpleITK_FORBID_DOWNLOADS enabled
Add missing usage of type property for point_vec
Print AdaptiveHistogramEqualization radius parameter
Update to CircleCi2.0
Replace configuration_file_build_time
Use ccache and CircleCI cache to expedite re-builds
Add CircleCI cache for the ExternalData
Use scikit-builds's juint formatter for juint
Disable Python version warning when WRAP_PYTHON is disabled.
Add HelloWorld to the example index
Update ITK superbuild version to 4.12.2
Fix typeo for BigIntegerFix class name
Support ITK's rename README.md file
Add GetRegion to LabelStatisticsImageFilter
Fix issue with multiple BigIntegerFix classes causing tests to fail
Address sign to unsigned comparison warning
Use named inputs for ConvolutionImageFilter
Update FAQ url to read the docs
Fix detection of "std" flag in CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS
Pass CMake cxx standard variable to try compiles
Doc try to set "-std" flag when CMake cxx standard flags are present
Improve error message when configuration fails.
Fix sign/unsigned comparison warning.
Add missing parameter and measurements to RelabelComponentImageFilter
Dave Chen (2):
Update Documentation.rst
Initial checkin of smiley face example
David T. Chen (3):
Initial checkin of HelloWorld example
Changed cmake var to SimpleITK_TESTING_NOSHOW
Initial check of Documentation.rst for HelloWorld