ENH: User and developer guide as RestructuredText **WIP**
Created by: jcfr
This is a first draft of the user and developer documentation rendered on http://slicer.readthedocs.io
Documentations is organized in two directories
For now, readthedocs will automatically regenerate the documentation each time the branch Slicer/Slicer@rst-user-and-dev-guide is updated.
Configuration files is Docs/conf.py.
After running:
cd Slicer
pip install -r requirements-dcos.txt
on either Windows or Unix, it can locally be generated running:
cd Docs
make html
Consider both installing the requirement and running
make html
from a virtual environment. -
I think sections like News, Image Gallery, Tutorials, Slicer Community, Labs, Developer Hangout, FAQs should probably remain on the wiki.