BUG: ExtensionBuildSystem: Update tests to illustrate #4247 failure
requested to merge github/fork/jcfr/4247-do-not-prevent-extension-build-if-dependent-extension-tests-fail into master
Created by: jcfr
Issue report http://na-mic.org/Mantis/view.php?id=4247
$ ctest -C Release -R py_cmake_slicer_extensions
Test project /home/jcfr/Projects/Slicer-Release/Slicer-build
Start 7: py_cmake_slicer_extensions_index_build_without_upload
1/4 Test #7: py_cmake_slicer_extensions_index_build_without_upload ............... Passed 7.05 sec
Start 8: py_cmake_slicer_extensions_index_build_with_upload
2/4 Test #8: py_cmake_slicer_extensions_index_build_with_upload ..................***Failed 12.53 sec
Start 9: py_cmake_slicer_extensions_index_build_with_upload_using_ctest
3/4 Test #9: py_cmake_slicer_extensions_index_build_with_upload_using_ctest ...... Passed 33.31 sec
Start 10: py_cmake_slicer_extensions_index_build_without_upload_using_ctest
4/4 Test #10: py_cmake_slicer_extensions_index_build_without_upload_using_ctest ... Passed 7.29 sec
To try to make sense of these test results, let's look at what is happening on the factory.
On windows, here are the steps
Every night "factory-south-win7.bat" [1] ends up invoking
`ctest.exe -S "C:\D\DashboardScripts\factory-south-win7-vs2013-64bits_slicerextensions_release_nightly.cmake" -C Release`
is a CTest script including [2] the generic driver:SlicerExtensionsDashboardDriverScript.cmake
Note: that the test are also using that same generic driver.
Then, the driver script ends up invoking
, .... [3] -
calls end up building the "Regular" extension build project that is reported to fail above.
Still need to investigate ... to sort things out