BUG: Update CTK to include vtkLightBoxRendererManager fix.
requested to merge github/fork/jcfr/update-CTK-to-include-lightbox-manager-fix-related-to-4251 into master
Created by: jcfr
It fixes problem discussed in [1] and is related to Slicer issue 4251
commit commontk/CTK@6b40e56 Author: Andras Lasso lasso@queensu.ca Date: Sat Oct 8 12:13:59 2016 -0400
ENH: Preserve actor order in vtkLightBoxRendererManager
The order of how 2D actors are added to the renderer greatly
influences the rendering result. Therefore, for consistent
rendering results actor ordering in slice viewer has to be preserved
when just changing the input image data.
Old behavior: When input to slice viewer was set to NULL (no image
is selected for display), the image actor was removed from the
renderer. When an image was selected again, the image actor was
added again. This changed the actor order.
Implemented fix: Modified the behavior to only hide the image actor
when input is set to NULL. This way when image input is later set to
non-NULL, the image actor does not get promoted to the top of the
actor list (but keeps its original position).