BUG: Update BRAINSTools to BRAINSFit fix for centerOfROI initializer
requested to merge github/fork/jcfr/update-brainstools-to-fix-brainsfit-center-of-roi-initalizer into master
Created by: jcfr
Tested-by: Hans Johnson hans-johnson@uiowa.edu
$ git shortlog e257e62...29d203c --no-merges
Alexander Leinoff (5):
COMP: BCD should only request VTK when building GUI
COMP: CompareImageFilter should only use VTK when building GUI
BUG: Replaces all baselines for BCDTests
BUG: Fixes typo in previous commit
BUG: Fixes version check in top level CMAKELists.txt
Ali Ghayoor (13):
ENH: Upgrade vnl_powell to itkPowellOptimizerv4 in BCD
ENH: Write the debug image based on requested debug level
ENH: BCD can process input images with different dynamic range
ENH: Change tolerance and step size for Powell optimizer
BUG: Fixed a bug in BABC when a low debugLevel requested
ENH: New parameters for multimodal segmentation in BABC
ENH: Updated purePlugsThreshold value for AutoWorkup
BUG: fixed a bug in BABC denoise filtering
ENH: Initialize a matrix variable
ENH: remove an intermediate variable to avoid extra memory usage
BUG: defined an orderedmap class for BABC
STYLE: Cleanup unnecessary if statement
ENH: Prevent holes in created brain mask by ROIAutoFilter
Andrey Fedorov (2):
BUG: fix centerOfROI initializer
ENH: adjust restriction on the required registration phases
Hans J. Johnson (40):
ENH: Update ITK, ANTS, and teem
STYLE: Remove MinSizeRel option
COMP: Resolve clang static analysis warnings
BUG: Compilation error fixed due to typo.
ENH: Update external tools support.
COMP: Improve coverage by using removeIntensityOutliers flag.
COMP: Force C++11 compliance testing
COMP: Added compatibility testing with apple and CXX11
BUG: Nipype now reqires invert_initial_moving_transform to be set
ENH: Selection of denoising filter improved.
ENH: Changed options to reflect current processing
ENH: Updated ANTs for improved DenoiseImage
BUG: The Rician noise model fails for DenoiseImage
ENH: Added key files for new denoised gaussian images.
ENH: Use denoised images for atlas reference
ENH: Add atlas images to reference atlas.
ENH: Fine-tune denoising options in BAW.
BUG: Need to work around nipype bug
ENH: Use denoised t1 from atlas for registration
ENH: Return to using Rician de-noising from ANTs
BUG: Error in respecting the NSLOTS variable
PERF: Constrain memory usage for KNN phase
PERF: Update ABC workflow to reflect memory with KNN
BUG: Serialize printing from threaded sections
STYLE: Print table consistently
BUG: Need to pass all denoised images into BRAINSABC
STYLE: Make usage of variable names consistent
STYLE: Cleanup unsuded ComputeLabels references
BUG: Internal ordering for dictionary missed first element
BUG: This is an unsatisfactory solution
BUG: Fix to allow all allocated slots to be used
ENH: Consolidate and syncronize different ANTs run parameters
BUG: Fix running of ANTs consistently
ENH: Add N4 bias correction after denoising
BUG: Missing ',' in python list.
ENH: Improve error reporting for improper input
STYLE: Uniformly describe registration parameters.
PERF: New AntsJointFusion is well multithreaded
ENH: Add automatic image unwrapping
BUG: Fix mismatched function parameter calls.
Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin (1):
COMP: Force CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES only when using multi-config generator
Regina Kim (7):
BUG: Fix Landmark Workflow
ENH: Update antsDenoise IO specification
ENH: Rewording to JointFusion from MALF
ENH: Linear Regression Rescaling
ENH: JointFusion Update for T2
ENH: Add JointFusion masking option
ENH: 1.5 Tesla T2-w excluded from JointFusion