BUG: Fix py_nomainwindow_DCMTKPrivateDictTest on Windows
requested to merge github/fork/msmolens/fix-py_nomainwindow_DCMTKPrivateDictTest-windows into master
Created by: msmolens
Test py_nomainwindow_DCMTKPrivateDictTest fails on Windows because of a line ending issue. Although the test passed on a local build after r24557 [1], the test still fails on factory-south-win7.kitware.
This commit changes the test to use Python's universal newlines [2] when parsing dcmdump's output.
[1] http://viewvc.slicer.org/viewvc.cgi/Slicer4?view=revision&revision=24557 [2] https://docs.python.org/2/glossary.html#term-universal-newlines