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BUG: Update SliceViewAnnotation to avoid error when restoring scene view

Sam Horvath requested to merge github/fork/jcfr/fix-RSNA2012ProstateDemo into master

Created by: jcfr

Running the test "py_RSNA2012ProstateDemo" allows to reproduce the error.

Note that this commit does NOT fix the underlying issue. Indeed, after restoring a scene view, no annotation are displayed.

The associated error message was:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/path/to/Slicer-build/lib/Slicer-4.4/qt-scripted-modules/DataProbeLib/", line 622, in updateCornerAnnotations
  File "/path/to/Slicer-build/lib/Slicer-4.4/qt-scripted-modules/DataProbeLib/", line 808, in makeAnnotationText
    sliceViewName = sliceNode.GetLayoutName()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetLayoutName'

Merge request reports
