KWSys provides a platform-independent API to many common system features that are implemented differently on every platform. This library is intended to be shared among many projects, so it has a configurable namespace. Each project should configure KWSys to use a namespace unique to itself. See comments in CMakeLists.txt for details. You are probably reading this file in the source tree of a surrounding project. In that case, see "../README.kwsys" for details of using KWSys in your project.
Forked from
Utils / KWSys
1294 commits behind the upstream repository.
Brad King
The 'binary' openmode does not exist on all compilers. We define macro <kwsys>_ios_binary, where <kwsys> is the KWSys namespace, to refer to std::ios::binary if it exists and 0 otherwise. Sample usage: kwsys_ios::ifstream fin(fn, kwsys_ios::ios::in | kwsys_ios_binary);