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  • Jeff Baumes's avatar
    ENH: More representation changes · 878197db
    Jeff Baumes authored
     - Removing vtkSelectionLink in favor of vtkAnnotationLink.
     - vtkAnnotationLayers now has a special "current" annotation.
       This annotation is used to store the current selection.
     - Updating lots of places that used the selection link to now
       use the annotation link.
     - Removing obsolete classes vtkGeoLineRepresentation (replaced by
       vtkRenderedSurfaceRepresentation) vtkTreeLayoutView (all functionality
       is in vtkGraphLayoutView) vtkSurfaceRepresentation (replaced by
     - The cache in the representation is now cleared when the ReleaseData
       flag is set in the pipeline.
     - Fixed warnings when selecting in empty graph view.
     - Fixed texture unit warnings in geoview.
     - Move selection type from view to representation.
     - Fixing geoview bug where nothing is rendered on the first render.
       We need to render once to initialize the graphics context, then
       'really' render the first time.
     - Need Render() to create render wi...