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  • Joachim Pouderoux's avatar
    Fix a problem when cross compiling using NMake. · 57a0b944
    Joachim Pouderoux authored
    The previous behaviour was to add a CXX flags when
    msdev/devenv/nmake/VCExpress was detected.
    However these tools have nothing to do with the compiler used.
    The /W4 applies only when CL (aka MS-VC) is the current compiler.
    It avoids a compilation issue when nmake is used with another
    toolchain than the MS one (eg. the Android NDK which is base on GCC,
    and of course GCC do not know the /W4 flag!).
    Use MSVC instead of MSVC_VERSION variable to do the test.
    Change-Id: I287796dcba9c39a8f912db10bd8b8f527a544bdb