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  • David Thompson's avatar
    ENH: Implement a 2-D quadtree version of the label hierarchy · 1656268d
    David Thompson authored
         for when pointsets all share the same Z coordinate.
    ENH: Move octree node bounds out of the octree_node structure and
         into vtkLabelHierarchy::Implementation::LabelSet where it
         belongs, as it is only there to accelerate the iterator
         BoxNode member.
    ENH: Make octree nodes point to their direct parent and not the
         tree top so it is possible to keep track of things like
         the number of children below a level dynamically.
    ENH: Adding a depth-first 3-D octree iterator that mirrors the
         2-D quadtree version for testing and comparison to FULL_SORT.
         The DEPTH_FIRST enum can be used to specify it.