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  • Brad King's avatar
    ENH: Several build system changes. · c4bf1646
    Brad King authored
     - Removed all INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES commands from subdirectories of
       build tree other than Utilities, Examples, and CMake directories.
     - Added vtkIncludeDirectories.cmake to construct an ordered
       list of include directories.  One INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES command
       now adds all of them at once.  This will solve problems
       with system include directory ordering.
     - Renamed GenerateVTKConfig.cmake to vtkGenerateVTKConfig.cmake for
     - Removed vtkCMakeOptions.cmake.  It is no longer needed with new UseVTK.
     - Created vtkLoadCMakeExtensions.cmake module to define
       VTK_LOAD_CMAKE_EXTENSIONS macro.  This will compile/load the
       VTK-specific CMake commands.
     - Added CMAKE_EXPORT_BUILD_SETTINGS to store VTK's compiler settings.
       UseVTK.cmake now uses CMAKE_IMPORT_BUILD_SETTINGS to load the settings
       into a user project.