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  • 2dCutting
  • ETI-Application
  • IMSHCamNav
  • NeedleTissueInteraction
  • cameraNavigationV2
  • master default protected
  • master-rgao
  • orthognathicSurgSim
  • refac-2dCutting
  • revert-97a875d1
  • vtkWith3DSlicerTag
  • v1.0.0
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.012Aug987632130Jul272625242322181716151412986542128Jun27262524232221201918171514131211102May30Apr28191411108752128Mar2622212018141087628Feb2711211Jan14Dec754312Nov10929Oct272321181710821Sep151130Aug29131092130Jul2827251615141085326Jun2014615May29Apr272621Mar191427Feb2085231Jan292623191218Dec1228Nov13111031Oct2725241043217Sep141312108730Aug28252417128732131Jul26242118151276321Jun1815919May1817STYLE : Add Point-PenetrationDepth collsion constraint, that will be handled by the PBDCollisionHandling.refac-2dCuttingrefac-2dCuttingrefactored 2dCutting commits into one commit.master-rgaomaster-rgaorefactored 2dCutting commits.BUG: Fix the bug in updatePostTransform function2dCutting2dCuttingSTYLE: handle 2 special cases in cutting algorithm: 1). isolated triangle ;2) triangle has a partial cut undergoes another full cutSTYLE: add mapping 'b', 'n' to the opening and closing of grasping tool in ClothCutting ExampleMerge branch 'removeUnnecessaryDeps' into 'master'REFAC: Move the pbd constraints to the dynamical models libraryMerge branch 'cleanUp' into 'master'REFAC: Move color class to the renderingMerge branch 'arrangeTargetsIntoFolders' into 'master'REFAC: Arrange the targets into respective foldersENH: Create a PBDPatternCutting Example with two haptic devices and textures.Merge branch 'OctreeBasedCD' into 'master'BUG:fixed: hard constraints on partial broken edges cause oscillation.BUG: Add vertex duplication algorithm to CuttingManager. The cutting along diagonals is much easier.Merge branch 'master-gitlab.kitware' into OctreeBasedCDENH: Add more PBD collision exampleENH: Fix PBD solver to allow process PBD collision between meshes with mutual collisionsREFAC: Remove the unuecessary dependencies for imstk constraint libraryBUG: Fix collision data during brute-force CD, changing from triangle-vertex to vertex-triangleMerge branch 'addColorOnWindows' into 'master'ENH: Implement collision detection for point-mesh and mesh-mesh using an internal octree as a static member of the CollisionDetection class. In addition, unit tests for those collision detections were also added.BUG: Fix point-triangle distance computationENH: Add function to check if a collision pair has previously been added to the octree, and a function to return the number of added collision pairsENH: Add function to check if a geometry has previously been added to the octreeENH: Add function to allow sorting collision data using the a provided lambdaMerge branch 'rearrangeCodeTake2' into 'master'BUG: Fix bug of Eigen library that cause slow computation due to lazy evaluationENH: Add color to the stdout on windows as wellREFAC: Move imstk libraries to appropriate foldersMerge branch 'minorCleanUp' into 'master'COMP:Diasable compiler warning 4201 for color classREFAC: Refactor long lines of codeREFAC: Enforce lower camel case for data membersBUG: Fix narrow phase CD for point-sphere when the point coincides with sphere centerENH: Rewrite bounding box computation API and implement it for sphereENH: Rewrite example of using Octree for collision detectionENH: Implement OctreeBasedCD for collision detection using octreeREFAC: Change PointSetToVolumeMeshCD to PointSetToSurfaceMeshCD