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  • Ricardo Ortiz's avatar
    ENH: Clean and refactor the penalty method. · 14ce80ff
    Ricardo Ortiz authored
    Add an alias for a matrix map.
    Create a templated method in the MeshModel and IOMesh to automatically
    cast the underlying mesh.
    Create an interpolate() method in the VegaVolumetricMesh class to
    interpolate surface of the underlying volumetric mesh with an external
    surface mesh and clean up the interface.
    Create a computeGravity() method in the VegaVolumetricMesh class
    to compute gravity forces.
    Refactor getVelocity() method in DeformableSceneObject and add a
    variable to hold the gravity vector.
    Refactor SceneObject. Add SceneModelRenderDelegate render delegate to
    take care of renderign operations for this model. Create visual,
    physics and collision model variables.
    Remove render delegates from the StaticSceneObject, this is now handled
    by it base class.
    Add storage for the gravity force in VegaFEMDeformableSceneObject and
    initialized properly. Compute internal force by multiplying K*positions
    instead of calling the vega function.
    Refactor DefaultSimulator, VegaFEMModelSimulator. This class will be
    marked obsolete soon.
    ENH: Clean and refactor the penalty method.
    Ricardo Ortiz authored
    Add an alias for a matrix map.
    Create a templated method in the MeshModel and IOMesh to automatically
    cast the underlying mesh.
    Create an interpolate() method in the VegaVolumetricMesh class to
    interpolate surface of the underlying volumetric mesh with an external
    surface mesh and clean up the interface.
    Create a computeGravity() method in the VegaVolumetricMesh class
    to compute gravity forces.
    Refactor getVelocity() method in DeformableSceneObject and add a
    variable to hold the gravity vector.
    Refactor SceneObject. Add SceneModelRenderDelegate render delegate to
    take care of renderign operations for this model. Create visual,
    physics and collision model variables.
    Remove render delegates from the StaticSceneObject, this is now handled
    by it base class.
    Add storage for the gravity force in VegaFEMDeformableSceneObject and
    initialized properly. Compute internal force by multiplying K*positions
    instead of calling the vega function.
    Refactor DefaultSimulator, VegaFEMModelSimulator. This class will be
    marked obsolete soon.
DeformableSceneObject.h 4.37 KiB
// This file is part of the SimMedTK project.
// Copyright (c) Center for Modeling, Simulation, and Imaging in Medicine,
//                        Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Authors:
// Contact:


// SimMedTK includes
#include "SceneModels/SceneObject.h"
#include "TimeIntegrators/OdeSystem.h"
#include "TimeIntegrators/TimeIntegrator.h"

/// \brief Base class for all deformable scene objects.
class DeformableSceneObject : public SceneObject, public OdeSystem
    /// \brief Constructor

    /// \brief Destructor
    virtual ~DeformableSceneObject() = default;

    /// \brief Append the contact forces (if any) to external forces
    void applyContactForces();

    /// \brief Set the integration scheme used to solve the ODE system.
    void setTimeIntegrator(TimeIntegrator::IntegratorType integrator);

    /// \brief Initialize the ode solver.
    void initialize() override;

    /// \brief Update states
    void update(const double dt) override;

    /// \brief Update states
    virtual void updateMesh() = 0;

    /// \brief Reset the current state to the initial state
    virtual void resetToInitialState();

    /// \brief Return the current state.
    std::shared_ptr<OdeSystemState> getCurrentState();

    /// \brief Return the previous state.
    std::shared_ptr<OdeSystemState> getPreviousState();

    /// \brief Returns velocity of at a given location for the current state.
    Eigen::Map<core::Vec3d> getVelocity(const int index);

    /// \brief Returns velocity of at a given location for the current state.
    const core::Vec3d &getGravity() const;

    //////////// TODO: These are pure virtual methods from superclass. ////////////
    ////////////    They should be removed in the future.              ////////////

    ///serialize function explicity writes the object to the memory block
    ///each scene object should know how to write itself to a memory block
    void serialize(void *){}

    ///Unserialize function can recover the object from the memory location
    void unSerialize(void *){};

    ///this function may not be used
    ///every Scene Object should know how to clone itself. Since the data structures will be
    ///in the beginning of the modules(such as simulator, viewer, collision etc.)
    std::shared_ptr<SceneObject> clone(){return nullptr;};

    /// \brief print information related the scene object
    void printInfo() const{};

    std::shared_ptr<TimeIntegrator> odeSolver; ///> Integration scheme

    // Consecutive system states
    std::shared_ptr<OdeSystemState> currentState; ///> Current model state
    std::shared_ptr<OdeSystemState> previousState;///> Previous model state
    std::shared_ptr<OdeSystemState> newState;     ///> Storage for the next state

    core::SparseMatrixd M; ///> Mass matrix
    core::SparseMatrixd C; ///> Raleigh Damping matrix
    core::SparseMatrixd D; ///> Raleigh Damping matrix
    core::SparseMatrixd K; ///> Stiffness matrix
    core::Vectord f;       ///> Accumulative forces vector

    // Gravity
    core::Vec3d gravity;

    // Total number of degrees of freedom
    double numOfDOF;
    double numOfNodes;

    TimeIntegrator::IntegratorType integrationScheme; ///> Integration scheme used.