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  • Sebastian Holtermann's avatar
    cmDefinitions: Add Unset and cm::string_view based Set methods · e268840c
    Sebastian Holtermann authored
    - The `cmDefinitions::Def` struct is simplified by removing an unused
      constructor and the `std_string` type definition.  The std::string value
      becomes a member variable instead of being derived from.
    - The `cmDefinitions::Unset` method is added that unsets a definition.
      It has the same functionality as calling `cmDefinitions::Set` with a
      `nullptr` value argument,
    - The `cmDefinitions::Set` method gets an overloaded version that takes a
      `cm::string_view` as value argument.
    - The originl `cmDefinitions::Set` method with `const char*` argument is
      refactored to either call the `cm::string_view` based `cmDefinitions::Set`
      overload or `cmDefinitions::Unset`, depending on whether the value
      `const char*` is a nullptr (`Unset`) or not (`Set`).