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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.1.0
    **1) added scripts dir with test for making sure serve and plugin scaffolding works** Rugvip
    (SHA: 9850aaeca7236161b2208967625d5581bbc2003e)
    **1) Updated based on review comments** stefanalund
    (SHA: 32508cafc0cbe33fcc14aa42ca55eacb0c6fec1d)
    **1) workflows: added command to run cli e2e tests** Rugvip
    (SHA: f39d5f7dca337be5a6652a13dc741fd8185497d7)
    **1) Merge pull request #218 from spotify/patriko/cra
    app: try using create-react-app without hoisting** Rugvip
    (SHA: 12f607c6f08d4433a5e0ce31ce7b0b3da808dc4f)
    **1) Update** stefanalund
    (SHA: f014933e1a70abd3b793a2c3706a6cf913635f99)
    **1) Update** stefanalund
    (SHA: d879b7e780c097fa1f96fe953a52b825bf15b4e2)
    **1) First commit of plugin documentation** marcuseide
    (SHA: 2864a8fb3d7f0996d000ddb566eba73c823e43da)
    **1) More edits of goal** stefanalund
    (SHA: 301f048ae4a87e92d3e9d9d5a07faf424c2d0afa)
    **1) Merge pull request #223 from spotify/rugvip/e2e-cli-test
    added scripts dir with test for making sure serve and plugin scaffolding works** Rugvip
    (SHA: b6cba11d777a803200abea522d703e7ebb0c1d4c)
    **1) README: added note about requiring node 12** Rugvip
    (SHA: a9fc86a440b53ead9a894790a25e095807bdae77)
    **1) packages/core: removed entity-related APIs** Rugvip
    (SHA: 54214323c60c6e1a8850df15ea1803248f6b14e7)
    **1) Merge pull request #226 from spotify/rugvip/nodelts
    README: added note about requiring node 12** stefanalund
    (SHA: ebee008e42d4ca4054cc4d0b651c6b3b714a0f8a)
    **1) packages/core: removed some unused javascript things** Rugvip
    (SHA: ebd7a4e42f77f9687bc81a026e8942c3f94a37d0)
    **1) 4 years actually** stefanalund
    (SHA: 0fb84519f22f9b5b32916bb88dbe7cd11c49fac2)
    **1) Merge pull request #228 from spotify/rugvip/nojs
    packages/core: removed some unused javascript things** Rugvip
    (SHA: 7c4ec88dff6b8c8574bd18379bcced8de6e660bb)
    **1) Merge pull request #227 from spotify/rugvip/nonteties
    packages/core: removed entity-related APIs** Rugvip
    (SHA: 22b4e274f482f11b7411381ede9e89d5488f6379)
    **1) Merge pull request #222 from spotify/stefanalund-patch-1
    Add Roadmap to README** stefanalund
    (SHA: 4309513a91bebd096d8fa9162bf824b995c18b78)
    **1) Add a welcome page** nikek
    (SHA: 8045713c9a94b093de5c2bd989d87344702ac0c1)
    **1) Tweak welcome page styling and text** nikek
    (SHA: c153a0fc96679332cd560715eeb8955066a22b52)
    **1) Merge pull request #229 from spotify/nikek/welcome
    Add a welcome page** nikek
    (SHA: 23d94c629d4592a2ffff50379dbbcf8ed4831e56)
    **1) Step back versions to 0.x to signal non-finished status** freben
    (SHA: 17a9e71e96ef1df65826073e4e64681f622d0deb)
    **1) Review comments** marcuseide
    (SHA: 7732205bf73efd5e1ab67d5a54dae756de77bb23)
    **1) Guidelines embryo** marcuseide
    (SHA: 360037f96496d2ab331306f43556b6f14a48c6b1)
    **1) Merge pull request #225 from spotify/eide/plugin-docs
    First commit of plugin documentation** marcuseide
    (SHA: fb44ca38e80f38a021a2264b6c09418d66259759)
    **1) Merge pull request #221 from spotify/freben/back-version
    Step back versions to 0.x to signal non-finished status** freben
    (SHA: e28922093fc74a7de33c612b54bcac735497933f)
    **1) Added information about our Discord server to Readme** marcuseide
    (SHA: 88ff324174643f21d3f2260636692a3af9f008b9)
    **1) Added information about our Discord server to Readme** marcuseide
    (SHA: eefe6c435af20c6ee8e225f2d6544e556d7f4149)
    **1) Merge branch 'eide/discord-links-readme' of into eide/discord-links-readme** marcuseide
    (SHA: 4142bee9f1baab946e69e53b58c099616f341a93)
    **1) Update roadmap section of README** stefanalund
    (SHA: a16d83faaeb37d72e39f8b8cce62bcf620a36518)
    **1) Update** stefanalund
    (SHA: 58b11932186c2ec89081a6aa6a2f46da59895f86)
    **1) Update headline.png** stefanalund
    (SHA: dbabf15df2ba3965ef68056f77a8711703bf0d51)
    **1) Merge pull request #237 from spotify/alund/roadmap
    Update roadmap section of README** stefanalund
    (SHA: 8514bce73f90f7f06ed0f56e484bf2dde8e8c665)
    **1) packages/cli: use current version when templating a plugin** Rugvip
    (SHA: 73517462f7a2501064e4e81a7b6f3542acd2cf42)
    **1) Merge pull request #238 from spotify/rugvip/create-version
    packages/cli: use current version when templating a plugin** Rugvip
    (SHA: eab0512baf48e2c67a2ce74314748628b9110c9b)
    **1) Update roadmap section of README** stefanalund
    (SHA: 35c3fb2ea38c0a959183538c27fb1ca80e72868f)
    **1) Fix version insertion tests in cli** freben
    (SHA: bb1bc34bd4b406c931522e06aa3caea840569ff3)
    **1) Merge pull request #241 from spotify/freben/testversion
    Fix version insertion tests in cli** freben
    (SHA: e98ae65383c4e2ef30983a857389fbc123b25953)
    **1) Add license headers and eslint rules for them** freben
    (SHA: 1fec035351b0c9f3f279e94fccae4dbdb2e4b528)
    **1) Merge branch 'master' into eide/discord-links-readme** marcuseide
    (SHA: 8b4dcd92a89b3f35aa3f99f7a9829871eebe5840)
    **1) Merge pull request #242 from spotify/freben/license-header
    Add license headers and eslint rules for them** freben
    (SHA: 4bf779020c10a508c78cccbeb3b08787725564cd)
    **1) Update** stefanalund
    (SHA: d8e6591d05271d9da81095658a5f3d8983244c60)
    **1) Merge pull request #239 from spotify/stefanalund-patch-1
    Update roadmap section of README** stefanalund
    (SHA: f0aa93056d651a4d25da7cd151729b2356a7b89f)
    **1) Merge pull request #233 from spotify/eide/discord-links-readme
    Add information about our Discord server** marcuseide
    (SHA: 39938a7d594eb71a1643db543cc34a5db9f8ea0a)
    **1) Remove incremental builds, since that breaks CI right now** freben
    (SHA: 509c3318b383a284d4470ff4986763ff5fc78696)
    **1) Merge pull request #243 from spotify/freben/build
    Remove incremental builds, since that breaks CI right now** freben
    (SHA: 06edf00c1888370cf9f652b512721f1b3d62a245)
    **1) New architecture image** stefanalund
    (SHA: 0a054d3779934ee3ccf232d5baf7fca6792c32ae)
    **1) Update backstage_overview.png** stefanalund
    (SHA: 37fd2ab827961c447d515f7884cedae719bde384)
    **1) Merge pull request #244 from spotify/alund/arch
    New architecture image** stefanalund
    (SHA: d0ef904db7b505c01fd4b670690ffb90dbc0e547)
    **1) Link out to from README** stefanalund
    (SHA: 4c661095a327fe3163431b6ad7ef5c49e0ae194c)
    **1) Merge pull request #245 from spotify/stefanalund-patch-1
    Link out to from README** stefanalund
    (SHA: 3814ba0db7d872fc11c778e2ec234e5148afc812)
    **1) Build on all relevant PR events, not pushes** freben
    (SHA: cd4c8ce5872e609ab6a3499f3ea64883c8d3d060)
    **1) Remove some lint exceptions** freben
    (SHA: e1565289b77006e1dd3d9c90a765b8431e8e233f)
    **1) Minor market positioning tweaks
    Some text that highlights the key benefits in a direct way** JimHaughwout
    (SHA: be7513797b335aea1a591e06f64395696bdef81e)
    **1) Merge pull request #248 from spotify/JimHaughwout-tweak-1
    Minor market positioning tweaks** stefanalund
    (SHA: 3220a490f7fa2a9b15eed7d6f3b6664fce85e464)
    **1) add copy assets to cli** soapraj
    (SHA: 49ed390eb7d2e0322e250a3abc9520d5c46d39a5)
    **1) add module declaration for asset files** soapraj
    (SHA: 13b8fe81f249129cd6e9e3823012c4af2fd8402f)
    **1) remove watch mode options for copyAssets command** soapraj
    (SHA: d4f4c6c978438013517831880eca98ea28c84c58)
    **1) switch order for plugin build script** soapraj
    (SHA: b65160dcf55b17dc00572587d4f6db1eace70697)
    **1) Fix progess test** freben
    (SHA: 9cca522c43750e9c8c2ec15ee4c49c014d7de888)
    **1) Merge pull request #246 from spotify/freben/on
    Build on all relevant PR events, not pushes** freben
    (SHA: 6353be55f632e7e0ac6bd6cc2a5d2f292719e82e)
    **1) Touch stuff just to test workflow settings** freben
    (SHA: c1c3f17bc77d27537dfa5cfb1ac45fdac7fd1b3f)
    **1) move copy assets to build step** soapraj
    (SHA: 78321d27181e197a5eec7e7166b60793d8626afe)
    **1) core: added logCollector test util** Rugvip
    (SHA: a15458b0af4b2007e223f0a586687195f96d9848)
    **1) packages/core: added api provider** Rugvip
    (SHA: 64cdb6bbe1e1d1b4281873b298e719633c0dfe36)
    **1) core/layout/Page: removed unused theme fields** Rugvip
    (SHA: 9e8c5bc5889d2de506ea41b5a465023e8b6a8667)
    **1) Show Phase 2 in overview pic** stefanalund
    (SHA: b55921a55af53c5ccc77c8da97b9cc1a67597066)
    **1) Merge pull request #252 from spotify/rugvip/clean-theme
    core/layout/Page: removed unused theme fields** Rugvip
    (SHA: d7c511f63fbf1c1fb79ac1acca7bf35ac7adffb9)
    **1) Merge pull request #253 from spotify/alund/new-arch-img
    Show Phase 2 in overview pic** stefanalund
    (SHA: 5f0ebea5c8bc852a5471fb972eb3297537614095)
    **1) Merge pull request #247 from spotify/freben/morelint
    Remove some lint exceptions** freben
    (SHA: 8a39b44778d65c94bd5a72f0ea445e6681532d50)
    **1) Merge pull request #231 from spotify/soapraj/plugin-assets
    copy plugin assets to dist** soapraj
    (SHA: a3dcdd0b82548238431ee212395942c4de2f5838)
    **1) Just some utilities converted to ts** freben
    (SHA: 72dca3b1a50024a2d4c88a0a9e305484a3a284c6)
    **1) Merge pull request #254 from spotify/freben/ts
    Just some utilities converted to ts** freben
    (SHA: 386ca0694312f3eeaf64c6176959939985cb3211)
    **1) UI -> UX** stefanalund
    (SHA: a35bef78cbb810d72698f55a1dad2a7b281c0882)
    **1) Merge pull request #251 from spotify/rugvip/api-provider
    packages/core: added api provider** Rugvip
    (SHA: 321780a05f1fd452696bd023d2c53fd873aa381f)
    **1) Merge pull request #256 from spotify/stefanalund-patch-1
    UI -> UX** nikek
    (SHA: 336295b6712c3b5227fc07e8e9f7d0be51799938)
    **1) Structure documentation in /docs** nikek
    (SHA: 85f5ca94412ebb2728e50ecc8b0b301fe3180a50)
    **1) Merge pull request #257 from spotify/nikek/docs
    Structure documentation in /docs** stefanalund
    (SHA: 416a2cda2b923aaa71580284fbf8693c8abd3cde)
    **1) Bump acorn from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4
    Bumps [acorn]( from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4.
    - [Release notes](
    - [Commits](
    Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <>** dependabot[bot]
    (SHA: 947434e6a415d3350b72216bed602aaa45bc3c26)
    **1) Merge pull request #259 from spotify/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/acorn-5.7.4
    Bump acorn from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4** stefanalund
    (SHA: 2da3b853e615ca9abc8606844e4e6829340dd01a)
    **1) Put getting started back in README** stefanalund
    (SHA: 61768175020c61d6e99aa812d94b503da2c32363)
    **1) Fix broken link** stefanalund
    (SHA: 2db71be89157c1ca8437e4f0c45ae99d60928bfe)
    **1) Use MUI List in welcome plugin** stefanalund
    (SHA: a7b6e75f394fa69ff4c10c05038f5c8a4713d079)
    **1) Merge pull request #262 from spotify/alund/docs
    Put getting started back in README** stefanalund
    (SHA: 4dda4695fb72394a97c4a501de7a935afbe9527f)
    **1) Some more TS weekend buffoonery** freben
    (SHA: b6b7e197543ce11a5d88c8bc9312aa6775899391)
    **1) yarn install in README** stefanalund
    (SHA: e56ab9726d296acbc08e43e8a24251cad9233b46)
    **1) Merge pull request #263 from spotify/freben/ts
    Some more TS weekend buffoonery** freben
    (SHA: cbf0c0511a0e77bbd9df8a0dfc91c7eb30053482)
    **1) Join us
    Putting this on repo will attract developers (not recruiters). Putting it down by *Community* will attract those who like FOSS community stuff, again more devs and less agencies** JimHaughwout
    (SHA: 5e7334e415365374a4c6234f737d52ed95c3cc76)
    **1) Update headline.png** stefanalund
    (SHA: fe2d4423a6610307116432f1a8b44827295ceb34)
    **1) Merge pull request #267 from spotify/contact-us-to-join
    Join us** stefanalund
    (SHA: dcb44a9c34299580d8d108e3e0aaf741f8a4622a)
    **1) Merge pull request #268 from spotify/alund/replace-head
    Update headline.png** stefanalund
    (SHA: 2ff685efa9574cd69c768f1a84b155ece08f76cc)
    **1) Rephrasing sentences about concepts** nikek
    (SHA: 1f2670990f97cc1fe51d4b596e8d5ba471976d28)
    **1) Merge pull request #269 from spotify/nikek-patch-1
    Rephrasing sentences about concepts** nikek
    (SHA: b0b2df0aecf89c4e7eaa6167f802fc753f0fa53f)
    **1) typo fixed** evanwolf
    (SHA: ed706c7f90f75b6e5375fc04356440c6433371fc)
    **1) display multiple emails** mwufi
    (SHA: 47f97b9f120459210f93b3545a2e2298488a3ef1)
    **1) Merge pull request #274 from evanwolf/patch-1
    typo fixed** nikek
    (SHA: d3a8095ce90f051185c6afe3a09b900b08355280)
    **1) Merge pull request #275 from mwufi/support-button-email
    display multiple emails** stefanalund
    (SHA: 0cd6fcc32995c7ca26e2ed326472f6681387ff6e)
    **1) Use GHA checkout v2 for faster fetch** inductor
    (SHA: 086282a2f5110a56814987966ed4c1cc7856e338)
    **1) Add docker environment** inductor
    (SHA: 439e9848482854f5d2eaa409c15e20dcc10c96e4)
    **1) Add Docker section in README** inductor
    (SHA: e646487eb0aeeb36b4805c88481ff37e20194a9b)
    **1) remove unnecessary alias** inductor
    (SHA: e3b0ec258224f36fdac6bb05847c7b261368222d)
    **1) Add EXPOSE to speficy container port** inductor
    (SHA: 94d98aa2cb500225682c66e1752dcd1fb930d099)
    **1) Merge pull request #277 from inductor/feature/use_gha_checkout_v2
    Use GHA checkout v2 for faster fetch** freben
    (SHA: 8d1e98f2e1f2a68e8a318181a2bd087dad8df2ad)
    **1) Create** Rugvip
    (SHA: b840db3026e8d365c4e3162c54615788caa1512a)
    **1) Update** Rugvip
    (SHA: 8aca4ed9f64b27cac19fabffacb35c8e30e891f7)
    **1) Merge pull request #295 from spotify/Rugvip-patch-1
    Create** Rugvip
    (SHA: 85f200e1e1d7296a84bfcf341b63955b3389373e)
    **1) Move and link to FAQ** stefanalund
    (SHA: 791c383db1ebe0d404f7023288e6a2257271710d)
    **1) work on nginx** inductor
    (SHA: 9e81cf9031b2d58c30b04690895bc7a106837faa)
    **1) apply change to readme** inductor
    (SHA: 2fc0f23a1d6e174f2193fce06aa66bc3190138fd)
    **1) Merge pull request #299 from spotify/alund/faq
    Move and link to FAQ** Rugvip
    (SHA: e09bf890c236ee2d0b26dd1e454ab5cbb782c8fd)
    **1) cli: use shell option to fix build issues on windows** Rugvip
    (SHA: 3772c82bebd4b85affcbea31a6933ff97b6ff21b)
    **1) Merge pull request #301 from spotify/rugvip/shell
    cli: use shell option to fix build issues on windows** Rugvip
    (SHA: fd90d8af9afd153b0f8a39f9286ec30dcf147d6a)
    **1) fix image name** inductor
    (SHA: 9f38e9518b1c60f6f76e8d58af699f261d9e8b53)
    **1) adding discord** tarcinil
    (SHA: 8983afa1bf46afe25ba90a98bd72bf929b8a5020)
    **1) updating to serverid, and using non-expiring link** tarcinil
    (SHA: 020386fb0cd560ba2f35478de78ac12b52224de3)
    **1) Merge pull request #302 from tarcinil/feature/280/add-discord
    Add Discord Shield** freben
    (SHA: c06606e80280725169ac06b6eef16e5fbcaf32da)
    **1) Merge pull request #279 from inductor/feature/docker
    Add Docker** Rugvip
    (SHA: 4d7a93c3513ab99bdd2136e5fc51d7cbc5ed504c)
    **1) cli: add helpers for running child processes and error handling in commands** Rugvip
    (SHA: 79d2ba5bc7f1734d4a448b5b3dc82a6315db66de)
    **1) Add milestones and blog post to README** stefanalund
    (SHA: 740a6efdac7827e65e5b9c0e7e77cce55d0add59)
    **1) Merge pull request #305 from spotify/stefanalund-patch-1
    Add milestones and blog post to README** stefanalund
    (SHA: 2e496787318bf166ce756c7c4d29afb43734ad70)
    **1) Require plugin IDs to be valid** freben
    (SHA: 72bbbfd243b5a907b24ce35bdcbd51ff9af39024)
    **1) Merge pull request #303 from spotify/frreben/pluginid
    Require plugin IDs to be valid** freben
    (SHA: 034c9de53cfa1cf3563ab1f92c2cc953126ccde8)
    **1) script/cli-e2e-test: error out if child exits early** Rugvip
    (SHA: a60bfc31d9be9ccb480c148827975331d94429cb)
    **1) cli: removed unnecessary try-catch in plugin:serve** Rugvip
    (SHA: 7035f8ed5278cd090ed9208303e0811951039f5f)
    **1) cli: add helper to wait for child to exit + use to fix watch-deps** Rugvip
    (SHA: 371084d30c559043679c6338ed5ca8a87a5106e4)
    **1) Merge pull request #304 from spotify/rugvip/cli-helpers
    cli: add helpers for running child processes and error handling in commands** Rugvip
    (SHA: d4f587fdbe17a663a875cd1eeff3f9204b8b3f59)
    **1) cli: fix name not being defined in helper** Rugvip
    (SHA: 756e7e3212dfa5d3b0843f41f5f8fc5f9de9a570)
    **1) Merge pull request #307 from spotify/rugvip/helper-fix
    cli: fix name not being defined in helper** Rugvip
    (SHA: ee34b77b3589d9c43e351a464f308a161f561f9a)
    **1) cli: add and use app:lint + include default eslint config in cli** Rugvip
    (SHA: a711dc21b2129a951f81be0548dc14d09f1c3502)
    **1) cli: limit to 0 warnings and use codeframe format for lint tasks** Rugvip
    (SHA: 01771489d52b68f7cf3f174f4f987d310e45007c)
    **1) app: fix lint issues** Rugvip
    (SHA: cedd53ec8aef49e613b49f5062237f3909096390)
    **1) app: remove copyright header in plugins list to avoid create-plugin mangling** Rugvip
    (SHA: 0d9fd6d7ca6a6dc35f82e27a27d2a24528faa545)
    **1) app: restored fixup'd comment line in setupTests** Rugvip
    (SHA: d83267089c6197eb2513b819fe667fa3efaf9be5)
    **1) Merge pull request #308 from spotify/rugvip/app-lint
    cli: add and use app:lint + include default eslint config in cli** Rugvip
    (SHA: 697ac5923f5ee411c123b87871fa47f884c3a139)
    **1) cli: added app:test command** Rugvip
    (SHA: 4fb95dc3f13178f32c99f6168b0ee9073d2858b6)
    **1) app: use cli app:test + copyright header** Rugvip
    (SHA: 8637518f3cf24e42c7d103a42f114d51ae7dcf7d)
    **1) Merge pull request #309 from spotify/rugvip/cli-test
     cli: added app:test command** Rugvip
    (SHA: 6bcdfebfaa8b486ec0daaea64aa441a63c582501)
    **1) cli: unify test and lint commands** Rugvip
    (SHA: 89f39a06e1f33b344ca36dba6424f84210d1283d)
    **1) plugins: removed unnecessary jest config and move setup to src/setupTests.ts** Rugvip
    (SHA: abc984fa251ba0fa77370dbfc29a486dd2d00def)
    **1) Merge pull request #310 from spotify/rugvip/merge
    cli: unify test and lint commands** Rugvip
    (SHA: d87c80743e8506afdff2c95b5cb9d857a03e3fe8)
    **1) add testing lib jest dom types, fixes #311** nikek
    (SHA: 1db34ba2a3fcdac6b4a8708b747b0bcdf41c2816)
    **1) Tweak according to prettier** nikek
    (SHA: 7ccd7cace86a05bdab8b926a4251e2d159a2893c)
    **1) Merge pull request #313 from spotify/nikek/def-plugin-test
    Add testing lib jest dom types, fixes #311** nikek
    (SHA: b0fbbeb3a3054f38b30e456d94d7c73cbf281971)
    **1) adding FAQ to readme** tarcinil
    (SHA: 8133f005563cd143d4a822c09d24da6b640be4b6)
    **1) Merge pull request #314 from tarcinil/feature/281/adding-faq-to-readme
    adding FAQ to readme** stefanalund
    (SHA: dc0cb6252f950ee3e64a35352d5766d8fc648655)
    **1) plugins: add testing-library types** Rugvip
    (SHA: 191d9236dac714b1148252f8c4fcad8566df9e12)
    **1) packages: use cli to test and lint core and cli** Rugvip
    (SHA: 52f56ab9b0ac4912edd0516aa5317c10250bc96a)
    **1) cli: support ts jest config and make test setup module optional** Rugvip
    (SHA: bd801756eb62803dd705aebf6deba14d196cce2a)
    **1) cli: add app:build and use in app** Rugvip
    (SHA: c57fd17102fd74641d5e418728a3ba27c6826317)
    **1) cli: add app:serve** Rugvip
    (SHA: f0bcd22733f12d8ecde1bc77f970141a454a9dbb)
    **1) app: use app:serve and remove react-scripts dependency** Rugvip
    (SHA: 31655018c80f1dffc0227c17575b98f906b80220)
    **1) Merge pull request #317 from spotify/rugvip/types
    plugins: add testing-library types** Rugvip
    (SHA: feaf9a9b43f06b9c5eb7ce63229d5c5ef58c8f23)
    **1) Merge pull request #319 from spotify/rugvip/clidf
    packages: use cli to test and lint core and cli** Rugvip
    (SHA: f60c5e417a6a67f081e187ef3d74486521f50abe)
    **1) Merge pull request #320 from spotify/rugvip/app-build
    cli: add app:build app:serve and use in app** Rugvip
    (SHA: bccf62ee526d69ed1dbdd8454a53edc631fbbaae)
    **1) Add FAQ entry for where to develop plugins** freben
    (SHA: 29ce113096b7c549826562afa8a787696ddff9b7)
    **1) Merge pull request #324 from spotify/freben/faq
    Add FAQ entry for where to develop plugins** freben
    (SHA: eca2fa04e92bdab83bae2ae5ecc3167fcd3713ff)
    **1) added yarn lint and test after plugin creation. Fixed some mirror things related with eslint errors** mateusmarquezini
    (SHA: 07f61e4c2eb8766661039c8ad4af98c5cc81d7b3)
    **1) Updated purpleBlue in PageThemeProvider (#328)** braulio-balanza
    (SHA: 55d22c1f36629030b441821ce14c802e82bee5e4)
    **1) Added Prettier shield** stefanalund
    (SHA: 30aece178d1c594d7e467bff14d36c3ad4622711)
    **1) Update header in README** stefanalund
    (SHA: 8a0b6b1fb8cc283152e6448aca026a3fe23b1b3b)
    **1) Merge pull request #331 from spotify/stefanalund-patch-1
    Added Prettier shield to README** stefanalund
    (SHA: 53ee8e31aa341c1f951ad58ad901249bcce81cc3)
    **1) Merge branch 'master' into alund/head** stefanalund
    (SHA: 065dbc3a3e4dbabbe72614aed27c4b648f990725)
    **1) Merge pull request #333 from spotify/alund/head
    Update header in README** stefanalund
    (SHA: e32bec77e84e64a6819877e469727cf9ffd73958)
    **1) move headline.png to docs/** Rugvip
    (SHA: 714c4df54a4ed82daaffa08f8c04d78c0fc304cf)
    **1) Merge pull request #336 from spotify/rugvip/headliner
    move headline.png to docs/** Rugvip
    (SHA: db47b005c4ad3780a6b009b90d851fc3f85af614)
    **1) cli: don't enforce prop-types for plugins** Rugvip
    (SHA: 512e5cb54dc0d562f3dae4e91ecfa96e37b69ef3)
    **1) Add emojis to Roadmap in README** stefanalund
    (SHA: 3d27f41366bfff1667608d6697123d38b92bda78)
    **1) fixed theme provider in a plugin test** mateusmarquezini
    (SHA: d958b1d8d2538fa9d3eb8df2b322bf2088a6cc28)
    **1) Merge branch 'master' into feature/312-plugin-test-and-list** mateusmarquezini
    (SHA: 66d27128d0ca2d6aed0851ccbf22871c066bca91)
    **1) Merge pull request #338 from spotify/stefanalund-patch-1
    Add emojis to Roadmap in README** stefanalund
    (SHA: 0ce1cdf21b1f34bc787e08d0fedec722c815b077)
    **1) added path to run lint and tests inside an specific folder** mateusmarquezini
    (SHA: 6dc109ab1d90a4a02c1bd12fd796ba76b1cdb47f)
    **1) added path to run lint and tests inside an specific folder** mateusmarquezini
    (SHA: 293038a0120e7fa7fe0f2cce7e69e1bb7cd02e2d)
    **1) added path to run lint and tests inside an specific folder** mateusmarquezini
    (SHA: d60e7dc068f3e4b61d3a11fded7a3431596caa04)
    **1) reverted changes** mateusmarquezini
    (SHA: c25691d0c05aa6e91bf3a45bfad25dae534b0dbf)
    **1) added path to run lint and tests inside an specific folder** mateusmarquezini
    (SHA: a8038bac0842a3a1acd8c9b972217d74cb810740)
    **1) added path to run lint and tests inside an specific folder** mateusmarquezini
    (SHA: e0127c79a6d2f2caae0f6289bb1809b2e1f78a39)
    **1) added path to run lint and tests inside an specific folder** mateusmarquezini
    (SHA: 32399cd7b69a17a062d726cd985eaa7fa0c3406e)
    **1) added path to run lint and tests inside an specific folder** mateusmarquezini
    (SHA: a6a757c9fe64c06031a5c0dbb2527299be2d1345)
    **1) Merge pull request #344 from mateusmarquezini/feature/312-plugin-test-and-list
    plugin test and lint should be part of cli e2e test** Rugvip
    (SHA: 6d87e3ac3c5d92b052920726a12728f3947a5578)
    **1) workflows/frontend: add missing lint check** Rugvip
    (SHA: 5c16d1d937f3f28bc53c630b981d30a538b060e6)
    **1) Merge pull request #349 from spotify/rugvip/lint
    workflows/frontend: add missing lint check** Rugvip
    (SHA: b6c79ab4b5dfdd2f52215a55002b1dd9f8b382ca)
    **1) feat: integration with storybook for @core package** mikqi
    (SHA: 4609c8f4e008bcf0d2e61512032fccf9a26c6847)
    **1) chore: add run storybook script at root folder** mikqi
    (SHA: 044fad2fbfc8da071b55bd26d5a9bc0a6b290729)
    **1) adding issue templates for feature/bug (#329)** tarcinil
    (SHA: 9528bed0b72765e177fcbd1844a518f98e0bca6b)
    **1) add heroku deployment steps** alaiacano
    (SHA: abe9aab7f95b779dacfeba6ee96ef69c7afca177)
    **1) fix: mismatch package version** mikqi
    (SHA: 68134404a639e59b6cb9c2776bebbc2aa98b8e06)
    **1) cli: exclude templates dir from linting** Rugvip
    (SHA: 9955e9cea6d67bd5170fc935a9f346fa18ac4e9b)
    **1) Merge pull request #351 from spotify/rugvip/ignore
    cli: exclude templates dir from linting** Rugvip
    (SHA: 39dc09fdd79519bff86203b1e53ae8b76ee50449)
    **1) #332 add .editorconfig
    The coniguration is set like the current file types have** AndreasAugustin
    (SHA: fc5aa5dc48c00e7d121ecaa844beea42823a4e24)
    **1) #332 add *.tsx, *.jsx, *.html to the .editorconfig** AndreasAugustin
    (SHA: 24a4a74f23e890d395840b6d80e0d072e7c275df)
    **1) [cli] Add CODEOWNERS support to create-plugin** freben
    (SHA: a14584b485ab046c3c348bf7483dfeae422cb6b1)
    **1) Make sure that minimist gets bumped past the vulnerable version** freben
    (SHA: 6923c2904ec112d516e9d79860c8899f056cde18)
    **1) github/workflows: cache node_modules** Rugvip
    (SHA: 5d3974e8696850f12589cc06a18440130c77bb80)
    **1) Merge pull request #322 from spotify/freben/yarnlock
    Make sure that minimist gets bumped past the vulnerable version** freben
    (SHA: 31e11b0b46e4adcdf1b4a043822e9cb304fb0cc2)
    **1) Address review comments** freben
    (SHA: 231c991fe064e836a1459e3991799028e43a5165)
    **1) eslint: move copyright template to separate file** Rugvip
    (SHA: 3195e2f2c440f045544e672190797eda4db53c4d)
    **1) Merge pull request #357 from spotify/rugvip/copyright
    eslint: move copyright template to separate file** Rugvip
    (SHA: a20d43255f200ab52ff104164dbc5cf024a5d54d)
    **1) Merge pull request #353 from AndreasAugustin/feat/editorconfig
    #332 add .editorconfig** stefanalund
    (SHA: 61f2fce33b0a3fcea013b432c8a4bf53322699a0)
    **1) github/workflows: move cli e2e test to separate workflow, prepare for running on windows as well** Rugvip
    (SHA: daa891cb2ee6c3350ad26cc2f31b06edc1d83104)
    **1) Merge pull request #356 from spotify/rugvip/cliflow
    github/workflows: move cli e2e test to separate workflow, run on windows as well** Rugvip
    (SHA: 143227652c06c4c1d56b5a43246083547fcfc511)
    **1) github/workflows/cli: run on windows as well** Rugvip
    (SHA: 4f959b94ac738f1c8c0838ea41f0e5dcbcb8265f)
    **1) added login page with github authentication option** majd-asab
    (SHA: 7b22d178384e210d6a2f5df97fee9391632170ad)
    **1) Merge branch 'master' of into feat/storybook-integration** mikqi
    (SHA: fbc786b126b57457221c115ad6b2922e4a01ed6e)
    **1) chore: add build storybook script at root package** mikqi
    (SHA: e29f55088e2f1343663c41a920346ed4ef3d1da5)
    **1) fix: auto generated d.ts files when build storybook** mikqi
    (SHA: fd4b1c8e366e2a402444d0bae9c7599b76b280f6)
    **1) Merge pull request #350 from mikqi/feat/storybook-integration
    Storybook Integration** stefanalund
    (SHA: 958c574afa9cee293b0f950bb9a7848a9ab5ae2b)
    **1) Merge pull request #354 from majd-asab/feature/add-github-auth
    added login page with github authentication option** stefanalund
    (SHA: 9a042e4b03d9fc915f4d2b50a7dc7fa594640d2d)
    **1) Merge pull request #340 from spotify/freben/codeowners
    [cli] Add CODEOWNERS support to create-plugin** freben
    (SHA: 263199da55e714c985e9c8f8e64a4fd9539b095a)
    **1) Merge pull request #337 from spotify/rugvip/prop-types
    cli: don't enforce prop-types for plugins** Rugvip
    (SHA: 577503b0c391d43000bb84b7f7c5b3dc9f6d13ec)
    **1) Merge pull request #355 from spotify/rugvip/cache
    github/workflows: cache node_modules** Rugvip
    (SHA: fd40fbdf4ba1d1fccdfe00563c7cd42fff316f3e)
    **1) Merge pull request #359 from spotify/rugvip/windows
    github/workflows/cli: run on windows as well** Rugvip
    (SHA: 8b76868c26f0d01c11f348f4cb87d42813c5e8eb)
    **1) packages/core: do not require prop types for js** Rugvip
    (SHA: 8ace44135d524d58d5b5652f3c983efc7a1d112e)
    **1) Merge pull request #362 from spotify/rugvip/jsprops
    packages/core: do not require prop types for js** Rugvip
    (SHA: e1a7f0fb2930cd159293006e99747ee6f4e42650)
    **1) core/apis/ApiRef: use domain dot notation** Rugvip
    (SHA: ec02d83f40b3156c18894464c3502edc8fb0ee28)
    **1) core: added errors api definition in new definitions folder** Rugvip
    (SHA: 0372c641254f2e2cc589d92006b8051985157ff2)
    **1) core/apis/ApiRegistry: narrow down types of implementations** Rugvip
    (SHA: 4e584c9c71d6f153ce854a6c2b43d01cc8815666)
    **1) core,app: add a method for registering APIs** Rugvip
    (SHA: 9b7dcfffbe78f4ecc28f50301567004b973d1530)
    **1) app: add initial errorApi implmentation** Rugvip
    (SHA: 5ad9dfbcd474b7b538b21677ff1fff07c3741178)
    **1) plugins/welcome: add error button that shows an example of consuming the error api** Rugvip
    (SHA: a9aede10fcf5251320479491c90f94d2b9fea05e)
    **1) app: more elaborate error display** Rugvip
    (SHA: bdaa6031d3f7f5c8ec0dd93252529b8dc3e3660b)
    **1) app/components/ErrorDisplay: added some TODOs** Rugvip
    (SHA: 392fc2a47fa5a9628f61ca32ed81dd2e0f42fb5d)
    **1) core/apis/errors: rename to error and don't export Error type** Rugvip
    (SHA: 4f13f2c7788b25e17603219fa4d58a3cd0dabbc9)
    **1) Merge pull request #326 from spotify/rugvip/errors
    Add initial version of core error API with small showcase in welcome plugin and app** Rugvip
    (SHA: 58b2b97cfa830a4590dc0510bc21300b1a9ba718)
    **1) Fix act() warnings on newly created plugin test run** freben
    (SHA: 9d977ccb9c3e8cd4a7ccc55dc4b494a17e572828)
    **1) Better waiting** freben
    (SHA: 1d3a8c110cf30a8630e35c5973abca00c9b49180)
    **1) Require node 12** freben
    (SHA: d154669e0caba095a696f04d039c50d808bd9374)
    **1) Merge pull request #369 from spotify/freben/engine
    Require node 12** freben
    (SHA: 459a05654ec54b854975f6211f806bde988c1558)
    **1) Merge pull request #361 from spotify/freben/pluginact
    Fix act() warnings on newly created plugin test run** freben
    (SHA: fc55a29140332d12fd59fea449cacebeea5b3482)
    **1) package/core: move storybook to separate private and nohoist package** Rugvip
    (SHA: 4852485f9a16d02c19f5970561d8d567048c288b)
    **1) Add faq about repo managers** marcuseide
    (SHA: f629c288ee81d9e0a195497d51598e7a3febe71d)
    **1) Review comment** marcuseide
    (SHA: 6b8f0d3961d0c86447996726271ad91346f261dd)
    **1) Merge pull request #376 from spotify/eide/faq-repo-managers
    Add FAQ about repo managers** marcuseide
    (SHA: c5dd7270a630b60e5aec9c77f3bb0159832ed437)
    **1) Merge pull request #371 from spotify/rugvip/books
    package/core: move storybook to separate private and nohoist package** Rugvip
    (SHA: d1f49469c09fe3fb6e7292830b06075633af819e)
    **1) packages: mark core and cli as public** Rugvip
    (SHA: 250277a861dcd2d33977567c836384fdb676f8e4)
    **1) Build and test only changed packages (#352)
    * #285 build and test only changed packages
    * changed since flag param
    * fix build cause --since lerna flag
    * fix build cause --since lerna flag
    * removed checkout option
    * fix build cause --since lerna flag
    * fix build cause --since lerna flag
    * fix build in progress
    * fix build in progress
    * removed --since flag for build executions
    * removed --since flag for build executions
    * changed action checkout step
    * added new ref to the action checkout
    * removed ref prop from the action checkout. Added new step to fetch branches to compare when using lerna --since
    * changed --since param value
    * added --since flag to the build and renamed the fetch step
    * removed --since flag from build. Added new config to the checkout step workflow
    * removed --since flag from yarn build. Added new config to the checkout step workflow
    * removed --since flag from yarn build. Added new step to checkout branch master
    * Added new step to checkout branch master** mateusmarquezini
    (SHA: f9a47d9a0af62aa29673ca14b1d9fd7e6119afaa)
    **1) workflows: add master build with publish** Rugvip
    (SHA: 81ca63fd403d531f6b48067711721c9973b17f59)
    **1) packages: make plugins private for now** Rugvip
    (SHA: 9b8d15606e287a6cccf72163e72ee22a8b3f1653)
    **1) package: added root release command for creating a version bump commit** Rugvip
    (SHA: ae61369fe18c2c78147836042751cb0e56f6259b)
    **1) cli: exclude templates dir from linting** Rugvip
    (SHA: 40c2d53365b16d3a638854494b6d09b51e1b5741)
    **1) package: update storybook command and remove build command** Rugvip
    (SHA: 123e5f80a8618e6df1ae0a5f99482761eb05df40)
    **1) Merge pull request #380 from spotify/rugvip/story
    package: update storybook command and remove build command** Rugvip
    (SHA: 37de8bccf597da2edafeee6a15fcba626f796c9f)
    **1) github/workflows: update yarn cache step names** Rugvip
    (SHA: 5012ce53353e1ff43ad8260b1590f07b3835c095)
    **1) workflows/master: split yarn tasks into separate steps** Rugvip
    (SHA: 3dd16111806f53a1d201230b1b1c4d63de3379c9)
    **1) Merge branch 'master' into rugvip/publish** Rugvip
    (SHA: ebe2205ec65003d4898a328873672bf3ea8a7315)
    **1) Merge pull request #379 from alaiacano/master
    Add deploy instructions for Heroku** stefanalund
    (SHA: 7c7cf63b732f9b7ec1816846926c920772baa110)
    **1) docs: added npm publishing docs** Rugvip
    (SHA: 59c1cba6b971822479d43086c2caa618fd70fa58)
    **1) workflows/frontend: split yarn tasks into separate steps (#383)** Rugvip
    (SHA: 80eeaa836bbaeaa97225a0304a736affbb0d5891)
    **1) packages: add READMEs** Rugvip
    (SHA: cf446052bc9f48f244700aac4b1a489fa7b8d42d)
    **1) packages/{core,cli}: fill in missing package.json fields for publishing** Rugvip
    (SHA: ca992f6cc44d886a7df3ec2ce9ae81e029e019d8)
    **1) Merge pull request #384 from spotify/rugvip/prep
    Prepare packages for publishing** Rugvip
    (SHA: e73bb131c12b78b0337d6f7dd5855e5f2bfff8ad)
    **1) Merge pull request #378 from spotify/rugvip/publish
    set up package publishing** Rugvip
    (SHA: 5c26725361f16e5e052fc79ef3b0c30b25731e22)
  • hackweek-demo