Skip to content
**1) feat(core): add Tabs component** ayshiff
(SHA: 3293fe96a43c1778d99bcf2c7e7866e78d7099e4)

**1) add new plugin to create GitOps-managed Kubernetes clusters with ready-to-use profiles** chanwit
(SHA: be70935293c8b2b4d24434c2c9d0e40697a35a1a)

**1) add GitOps plugin to the explorer page** chanwit
(SHA: 3f7a5ea0a70e424f3b7d1c8db059501a553e461f)

**1) add document for the gitops-profiles plugin** chanwit
(SHA: eafc6f64e5a9e6308645bee61ea7729ff4ce8827)

**1) tell gitops plugin to use backend at localhost port 3008** chanwit
(SHA: 3f2da32b32418149028fdabc3aa489101204d470)

**1) fix failure test** chanwit
(SHA: 5633b9a710135d9b364bb0ed85baeb9bedfccc37)

**1) cleanup debugging logs and optimize uses of local storage** chanwit
(SHA: a676da3a6b3fb0d8644dfcd714005a138c4c7ade)

**1) remove deployment out of README and fix a typo** chanwit
(SHA: 67d62c3427ad45842ab6df028380c52415b77baf)

**1) refactor ClusterPage into Page and List to avoid using hooks inside an if** chanwit
(SHA: 6ae0237782677eeb67fc0c9d2e76d752a66d526a)

**1) add effect dependencies per lint** chanwit
(SHA: 3c9c9edf5c225d51437d3174dd9fd0dd250e50f5)

**1) /catalog/:namespace?/:kind/:name/** shmidt-i
(SHA: 63b1193cb819e9a9aa494d57a9ea2cf02db1cdd1)

**1) Fix tests** shmidt-i
(SHA: 2ba33db74d8f76be9251ff06f3602ea8d33e920f)

**1) refactor(core): update tabs** ayshiff
(SHA: f1dbf5a9fafaca408799ac5284434db0a403fc92)

**1) fix(core): lint error** ayshiff
(SHA: cec47d421b6cdc4241534b47cf052a25dd1c7c94)

**1) chore(react-router-v6): starting to move things to react-router-v6** benjdlambert
(SHA: 4fdb1def391fb1c3471145da01dd1262d685d821)

**1) chore(react-router-v6): Fixing some more subrouting in the catalog page** benjdlambert
(SHA: 13f88468892923aa9ca61118024964af4ec8b346)

**1) chore(react-router-v6): fixing some of the formatting for hbs** benjdlambert
(SHA: cef099c5f702a044ce6e899042a654e6af979ab1)

**1) chore(react-router-v6): Tidying up some more components and moving across to the new API** benjdlambert
(SHA: fada5ab4b0d5034a9c6abc0ceb312e25bb8da8fa)

**1) chore(react-router-v6): Fixing issues with isActive for now** benjdlambert
(SHA: e18a60cffae5adc9c1c7e0d0d7e4c636b53d9698)

**1) Collapsible sidebar item for auth providers** nikek
(SHA: 235007d2955f7d40e547c3333ba0c097eede8116)

**1) List auth providers in UserSettings** marcuseide
(SHA: eea242f14fa3702b0a152cbdff80846984a35da0)

**1) PinButton wip** marcuseide
(SHA: 8cd640394d86070518fa8e97a8bfbc89d882dfd7)

**1) await promise.all when setting isSignedIn** marcuseide
(SHA: 14f104aa1ebd1601a05a46705d95314872f19656)

**1) chore:(react-router-v6): Moving more logic across to react-router-v6** benjdlambert
(SHA: cf204edeb24a8cd319beba9759708839da774523)

**1) Moved edit button in catalog to actions menu** hooloovooo
(SHA: 40e95c06a8b546e21b933528e93b42f9267ac4c9)

**1) Merge pull request #1213 from hooloovooo/move-edit-metadata-button

Moved edit button in catalog to actions menu** hooloovooo
(SHA: 1b4327c9d610fd60c130c28353a4fed5bba99427)

**1) feat(backend-common): add common code for service shell** freben
(SHA: 709cc4004d7585990013603b97b41ffbfaa10adb)

**1) feat(catalog/star): Ability to star items in the catalog table** benjdlambert
(SHA: 90f253aaf89bf220993d082a20c8c5e9d078fc21)

**1) make the sidebar pin button show up again** nikek
(SHA: 8a3b1ec93e0d5a2184446f0d459a0923e28e966e)

**1) remove LoggedUserBadge** nikek
(SHA: 9e8cab219a7c4656ca3defec4f99b38fc6568727)

**1) Unbreak the unregister dialog after catalog changes** freben
(SHA: c617b1cf33bd0a3eb1286e1bb54da1e299272632)

**1) Merge branch 'master' of into shmidt-i/followup-register-flow** shmidt-i
(SHA: 8fbd7f867a01106c7d9cd1b81db79072bd845ba1)

**1) Remove deleted UserBadge component from Sidebar story** nikek
(SHA: 2b39be42f0d7ca033380c995131e0927cfce024d)

**1) docs: added prettier config** Rugvip
(SHA: c8294b32857e18f0b525da6ecfd1e0251b2d4348)

**1) docs: added plantuml generation script** Rugvip
(SHA: 250db6cc2a3f505aa1206a860e760ffc8bc3c625)

**1) docs/auth: added overview, oauth description and glossary** Rugvip
(SHA: 4f3375073db11872897165356d3e2d96ef259e78)

**1) Optional namespace and name as one part of URL** shmidt-i
(SHA: 2b5b3903f78a4ac4d189d181dd8a3ceb6c18b5d1)

**1) docs: format with prettier (#1218)** Rugvip
(SHA: a633dce818a9692bd2d9fd898bf589877e027063)

**1) fix(core): Tabs useEffect dependency list** ayshiff
(SHA: 40aca74b192f398a5c5ada2cd3f326999c5a46d8)

**1) Merge pull request #1217 from spotify/rugvip/authdocs

docs/auth: add overview and implementation docs** Rugvip
(SHA: 1a747c5e5a9aa1a9b4937e0ea404c4a8a44ce78c)

**1) Merge branch 'master' into gitops-profiles** Rugvip
(SHA: 592ca026129fec9501b74fe48358abd8174791e4)

**1) plugins/gitops-profiles: bump to alpha.7** Rugvip
(SHA: 90958866227116b94c973117bf905a0325dd1ad4)

**1) Merge branch 'master' of into shmidt-i/followup-register-flow** shmidt-i
(SHA: cb12daf51b5fdd185f7d27e49dbcfb96864650d3)

**1) Merge branch 'master' of into feat/star-components

* 'master' of
  docs: format with prettier (#1218)
  docs/auth: added overview, oauth description and glossary
  docs: added plantuml generation script
  docs: added prettier config
  Moved edit button in catalog to actions menu** benjdlambert
(SHA: d79649a029eed852716b505f62de085d30312568)

**1) chore(catalog/star): reworking how the starring works, it now stores uri sort of references for entities** benjdlambert
(SHA: 7d0f8a2aace5aeb39934ffdf6b9f2a49b52dee62)

**1) chore(catalog/star): adding a simple cache to stop flicker as a stopgap** benjdlambert
(SHA: 74b087daf8d82b4c62d48a75732160b591723cd8)

**1) chore(catalog/star): fixing issues with unmocked deps** benjdlambert
(SHA: 01868352cf99a4831ae1ffbef4128b705b8cd7da)

**1) chore(msw): Added msw dependency

(cherry picked from commit 1c73ca376bdf5525f6a5bb60787da68e8dd49498)** benjdlambert
(SHA: 01d0f3ae80f21ee395a0ff49c1a8231cff34de14)

**1) Merge pull request #1156 from spotify/shmidt-i/followup-register-flow

Change URL for the entity view** freben
(SHA: 2c26f1f781ad95d80335f70f28cfca652c8ac21c)

**1) chore(catalog): consistent use of named exports** freben
(SHA: 9964044ed6e694e2cd6783d44fc8552c14fcf306)

**1) Merge pull request #1223 from spotify/freben/named

chore(catalog): consistent use of named exports** freben
(SHA: 3c13b2ee93f95df165535e2970d72e85aae9ee96)

**1) Merge pull request #1076 from ayshiff/feature/tabs-component

feat(core): Tabs component** hooloovooo
(SHA: 4cc80f8915ffde0ccb3ff467f09040146e7b8db3)

**1) Merge pull request #1215 from spotify/mob/sidebar-auth

List auth providers** nikek
(SHA: 990ab126699aec08f67487af04899c6ff886857c)

**1) Observe login/logout changes for providers** marcuseide
(SHA: fa320b5e3421d7f4e564ed75d622612f9c490cc1)

**1) Refactor auth provider classes to extend ObservableSession class** marcuseide
(SHA: 8ea1c74153c85e5b7045ecdd173ddd72ac9116d6)

**1) review fixes** soapraj
(SHA: 76b8e1310d7171d16463087cf215a2a9e01087b5)

**1) refactoring to have side item components based on provider type** soapraj
(SHA: 4c205d039d4a2fb630515fd5adf3f42b6bb0e45b)

**1) Merge pull request #1194 from spotify/freben/backend-common-service

feat(backend-common): add common code for service shell** freben
(SHA: 388cb18ed275b7b5c77d01b62a9d6a17bc5298c5)

**1) Merge branch 'master' of into feat/star-components

* 'master' of
  chore(catalog): consistent use of named exports
  fix(core): Tabs useEffect dependency list
  Optional namespace and name as one part of URL
  Remove deleted UserBadge component from Sidebar story
  remove LoggedUserBadge
  make the sidebar pin button show up again
  feat(backend-common): add common code for service shell
  await promise.all when setting isSignedIn
  PinButton wip
  List auth providers in UserSettings
  Collapsible sidebar item for auth providers
  fix(core): lint error
  refactor(core): update tabs
  Fix tests
  feat(core): add Tabs component** benjdlambert
(SHA: f4375dcfe1bf70f8c152b45ee961df6e1fedb152)

**1) chore(catalog/star): removing msw dependency, wrong branch** benjdlambert
(SHA: 27879655a7df360735edb66e97ab8a97f6fbe157)

**1) chore(catalog/star): added a comment about why we are using a simple cache here** benjdlambert
(SHA: 983c119c78cc31f756079d6c7057f5d48cbb16b5)

**1) chore(catalog/star): only set the cache if there are entries from the response** benjdlambert
(SHA: b619490fe0f57694fcd0687b1a7c32f38c1c9403)

**1) Merge pull request #1214 from spotify/feat/star-components

Ability to star items in the catalog table** benjdlambert
(SHA: 47e9c9ea2018e1e221c0a21f6c0886e38adab935)

**1) feat(catalog): implement entities with location removal** Nek
(SHA: 7a654c6d1920b3910d30d946bc89cb71bdaa8c37)

**1) chore(catalog): tweak getEntityByName a bit, handle 404s properly** freben
(SHA: 36d4dfcfa7fb0c4869ad35cdf4c9c72b2dcae00e)

**1) Documentation: Add guide for how to add an auth provider to the backend (#1145)

* Add guide for how to add a auth provider to the backend

* Move to new docs folder and small corrections

* Split oauth and non-oauth use-cases up and add more info about the verifyFunc

* Move summary to top and add note about non-oauth providers being experimental** marcuseide
(SHA: 20486825b812b088639c4309610cd04cd215c844)

**1) chore(catalog): clean up ComponentPage, use only Entity** freben
(SHA: 5a128f3f406dbfe9080069149ef284202257d082)

**1) chore(catalog): clean up CatalogTable, use only Entity** freben
(SHA: 4ba017d1e83ea22fce2bf826e1322bf389816ef3)

**1) Use location?.type once more** freben
(SHA: 5a8aee4a5c14424e96b24c120b44acd6392d9145)

**1) Merge pull request #1199 from spotify/freben/unregister

Unbreak the unregister dialog after catalog changes** Nek
(SHA: 32486d1bd8833839fbbb3575cb0219e7d0c165d2)

**1) Enable Filtering of the Catalog Page (#1143)

* feat(catalog/Filters): Add ability to render a React component as the count. Good for loading states and async data rendering for counts.

* chore(Catalog/filters): Updating the table so that we use loading states of the table rather than the panel

* chore(Catalog/filters): added some nice things for enabling the filtering with some nice count componeents

* feat(Catalog/filters): Fetch the correct data and added in enum types to make some nice resolvers

* chore(Catalog/filters): Use the new enum type here

* chore(Catalog/filters): Removing the unused import to fix lintig

* chore(Catalog/filters): Addressing some PR comments

* feat(catalog/filters): Making WebStorage return the same instance for the same bucket for subscriptions

* chore(core/Storage): fixing some issues with different instances of the storage and adding tests for it

* chore(catalog/filters): fixing some tests and trying to remove some of the act warnings in the tests** benjdlambert
(SHA: 32d91af6ce207a2477ac7bb75d53b8a043dc240f)

**1) Merge pull request #1212 from spotify/rugvip/release

Release v0.1.1-alpha.7** Rugvip
(SHA: d5641a9713790c128ad959213adf89bd6e17cb95)

**1) Merge pull request #1213 from hooloovooo/move-edit-metadata-button

Moved edit button in catalog to actions menu** hooloovooo
(SHA: c3f0759c2d903e6a1ba0f99969f49d9da29578d1)

**1) Merge pull request #1217 from spotify/rugvip/authdocs

docs/auth: add overview and implementation docs** Rugvip
(SHA: 1550535d45be16ef36a24b0c35a8dc1a57960506)

**1) Merge pull request #1224 from spotify/freben/entity-by-name

chore(catalog): tweak getEntityByName a bit, handle 404s properly** freben
(SHA: 100a5bd896fa45df07690302ad0078941f24e99d)

**1) Merge pull request #1226 from spotify/freben/page-without-component

chore(catalog): clean up ComponentPage, use only Entity** freben
(SHA: 75c196f44cdc67757bf650f28d0c1d4036ad7d4e)

**1) Merge pull request #1227 from spotify/freben/table-without-component

chore(catalog): clean up CatalogTable, use only Entity** freben
(SHA: dd9f0d9043c996abe9d5fd8a7c007cfae99b6bf1)

**1) Merge pull request #1156 from spotify/shmidt-i/followup-register-flow

Change URL for the entity view** Nek
(SHA: 47341133c9efb9ed255c475b2a0e1a66b873ae70)

**1) Merge pull request #1223 from spotify/freben/named

chore(catalog): consistent use of named exports** Nek
(SHA: a2de8641685065ba0918d8e5645a6961021a2d83)

**1) Merge pull request #1076 from ayshiff/feature/tabs-component

feat(core): Tabs component** hooloovooo
(SHA: dd7f516f4fdc07a8e451c2dfb3881ccee2a050be)

**1) Merge pull request #1215 from spotify/mob/sidebar-auth

List auth providers** nikek
(SHA: 0409f13dc6ea4412f2a1b0d39c913aaf695a7595)

**1) Merge pull request #1194 from spotify/freben/backend-common-service

feat(backend-common): add common code for service shell** freben
(SHA: 7a1ba7e40f50d8977cc0e068f7e6c96f28b60917)

**1) Merge pull request #1214 from spotify/feat/star-components

Ability to star items in the catalog table** benjdlambert
(SHA: 7405df609f4a83b8ad5e871456fcbeb3fea72381)

**1) fix(catalog): make code intention clear by renaming** Nek
(SHA: bbaa3960a828ac12f28206e459e31c903eb2df16)

**1) fix(catalog): moar clean up** Nek
(SHA: ab93732df1edbc664f987a6339d9d5c990206be0)

**1) Use URLSearchParams** freben
(SHA: a6ec92a50df86978ce5c5d3be910adc2db9e5562)

**1) Merge pull request #1231 from spotify/freben/URL

Use URLSearchParams** freben
(SHA: 7b123baf40543022e0af8b816fa696b8a60c9757)

**1) move components to separate files** soapraj
(SHA: 7accc4c0c00a9c8b83edc3fc9facada055f56deb)

**1) review fixes. i thought about another force update for a moment :D** soapraj
(SHA: d1160d0849ee472a3917b32d9b2e098dcc951c22)

**1) Merge branch 'master' into ndudnik/unregister-entity** Nek
(SHA: 6802d54c95ec1052bfff4431250dc1ddebd34ffa)

**1) fix(catalog): merge errors** Nek
(SHA: e7862589f6e635c1bb2d0c8d8cc6ecdd656bec0e)

**1) yarn.lock again...** freben
(SHA: dadd9c770518c3b9790c17a663bc0aec72878e5c)

**1) chore(catalog): the component type is gone** freben
(SHA: d7d3bbeaeb208c913ef7ee030c77f1ab2bcc5e0a)

**1) Merge pull request #1241 from spotify/freben/yarn-again

yarn.lock again...** freben
(SHA: 888c04991518036dbc91420089e32cfa39798a36)

**1) Merge pull request #1242 from spotify/freben/no-more-component

chore(catalog): the component type is gone** freben
(SHA: 576e09c0682ff6e277512c89cffbeb5cdd007336)

**1) Merge pull request #1210 from spotify/mob/observe-auth

auth: Observe changes in session for providers.** soapraj
(SHA: 9d169240dd90b8ce7f9d69b9ee653caf5e5d96b3)

**1) Added owner and lifecycle to catalog table, slightly updated examples** hooloovooo
(SHA: da12712744d9e10088c4a6b48b489eea4ef0ebc5)

**1) fix(catalog): add types and clean up code** Nek
(SHA: 94a23357f23af9650793b273f3469b8a21021302)

**1) Updated examples** hooloovooo
(SHA: 806824f0d91293d937f67b3bf65c275d74acfb7c)

**1) fix(catalog): moar clean up** Nek
(SHA: 62b1d6a3ed1ecf60c5f77851cee4129dff844c30)

**1) Merge pull request #1216 from spotify/ndudnik/unregister-entity

Unregister entity** Nek
(SHA: 0b03318ceaf73ec9ba71866fb3371e1355b68cfc)

**1) chore(catalog): rename all pages and components to use Entity nomenclature** freben
(SHA: 1d05fea3c14599b43ce77c15105af6f628031490)

**1) Merge pull request #1244 from spotify/freben/renaming

chore(catalog): rename all pages and components to use Entity nomenclature** freben
(SHA: 3f9fdfa7c219303c49ab13e671f62bae8c2f8436)

**1) Add sample plugins to sidebar (#1243)

* Add sample plugins to sidebar

* Update RadarPage.test.tsx** stefanalund
(SHA: d0518ee5d9332e680456c5c5e53fe1c600f747ef)

**1) feat(catalog): add back ability for OR/IN type searches** freben
(SHA: d156a6ca1f51d1d717a38b0c637fa7a96abb1713)

**1) renamed example_components to example-components and deleted old exampled** hooloovooo
(SHA: 4f43119e198fb648c3146774781bd8971e7389bc)

**1) Merge pull request #1247 from spotify/freben/multi

feat(catalog): add back ability for OR/IN type searches** freben
(SHA: 0b710d36f2e2a1527ef12234c1f72cd971dff877)

**1) Merge pull request #1245 from hooloovooo/add-catalog-data

Added owner and lifecycle to catalog table, updated examples** hooloovooo
(SHA: c413c7f762bed5a8189ae5df84785c02a08a210d)

**1) fix(catalog-backend): update the mock-data script to point to new example entities** freben
(SHA: 5ee0bd47d9ba0c724fa3f68fca8310a54e9e6f83)

**1) Merge pull request #1248 from spotify/freben/mock-data

fix(catalog-backend): update the mock-data script to point to new example entities** freben
(SHA: f3374afd1258a6aaeded2d24253ad68252578b63)

**1) Merge pull request #1068 from chanwit/gitops-profiles

New plugin for creating GitOps-managed Kubernetes right from Backstage.** Rugvip
(SHA: 8d4e3080e9d6d903c4b1a864d28f9eb5200798f0)

**1) chore(catalog): simplify the filter types a little** freben
(SHA: 469e362881b28717e5de9262f382565d14527a2a)

**1) Merge pull request #1255 from spotify/freben/simple-filters

chore(catalog): simplify the filter types a little** freben
(SHA: d689f664b8dc7e3eb5c993fc3bfb7170f23d3a3a)

**1) Merge branch 'master' of into blam/react-router

* 'master' of (89 commits)
  Use URLSearchParams
  Use location?.type once more
  chore(catalog): clean up CatalogTable, use only Entity
  chore(catalog): clean up ComponentPage, use only Entity
  chore(catalog): tweak getEntityByName a bit, handle 404s properly
  chore(catalog/star): only set the cache if there are entries from the response
  chore(catalog/star): added a comment about why we are using a simple cache here
  chore(catalog/star): removing msw dependency, wrong branch
  chore(catalog): consistent use of named exports
  chore(msw): Added msw dependency
  chore(catalog/star): fixing issues with unmocked deps
  chore(catalog/star): adding a simple cache to stop flicker as a stopgap
  chore(catalog/star): reworking how the starring works, it now stores uri sort of references for entities
  fix(core): Tabs useEffect dependency list
  docs: format with prettier (#1218)
  Optional namespace and name as one part of URL
  docs/auth: added overview, oauth description and glossary
  docs: added plantuml generation script
  docs: added prettier config
  Remove deleted UserBadge component from Sidebar story
  ...** benjdlambert
(SHA: 48aacfbe17fcc62b48a3a3bb90be2076438b4a6e)

**1) Merge branch 'master' of into blam/react-router

* 'master' of (45 commits)
  chore(catalog): simplify the filter types a little
  fix(catalog-backend): update the mock-data script to point to new example entities
  renamed example_components to example-components and deleted old exampled
  feat(catalog): add back ability for OR/IN type searches
  Add sample plugins to sidebar (#1243)
  chore(catalog): rename all pages and components to use Entity nomenclature
  fix(catalog): moar clean up
  Updated examples
  fix(catalog): add types and clean up code
  Added owner and lifecycle to catalog table, slightly updated examples
  chore(catalog): the component type is gone
  yarn.lock again...
  fix(catalog): merge errors
  review fixes. i thought about another force update for a moment :D
  move components to separate files
  fix(catalog): moar clean up
  fix(catalog): make code intention clear by renaming
  Merge pull request #1214 from spotify/feat/star-components
  Merge pull request #1194 from spotify/freben/backend-common-service
  Merge pull request #1215 from spotify/mob/sidebar-auth
  ...** benjdlambert
(SHA: c1a21d53af161e1baa87fa8da2da1d003a41da8e)

**1) chore(react-router-v6): made some more progress on getting the tests passing** benjdlambert
(SHA: 7ecfceac0f2b83eccba0efc3813f4954ed54873c)

**1) chore(react-router-v6): revert paralell for tests, as my computer stared over 9000 node processes making my machine grind to a machine babbage would have disapointed with** benjdlambert
(SHA: da493b1fc9f412b453dda0e330571be87ac79d3b)

**1) packages/core-api: temporary solution for giving access to config when creating APIs** Rugvip
(SHA: 996440126373165b4c88e8f054fa3b88588b3287)

**1) Merge pull request #1257 from spotify/rugvip/stopgapp

packages/core-api: temporary solution for giving access to config when creating APIs** Rugvip
(SHA: 69158810561a2402127a7462f24193237913e7bb)

**1) chore(react-router-v6): Fixing navigation in the lighthouse plugin** benjdlambert
(SHA: 47766635b67c52be748d68aa1631780fa5388142)

**1) chore(react-router-v6): Managed to get the Link + Button components working as expected** benjdlambert
(SHA: 273db0314a771df699b8e3d95ccd30ffc83ef8df)

**1) chore(react-router-v6): tidy up parts of the PR i wasn't happy with** benjdlambert
(SHA: 0cd9a8a7d4573e130b4f9a4f7fb3fce602323716)

**1) chore(react-router-v6): fixing broken test with the new router pattern** benjdlambert
(SHA: acfe3103dc031a4f8f763d080b0bd83849129c46)

**1) Fix incorrect backend path in docs (#1258)** stefanalund
(SHA: 7c088c5595232c6d67d026f9b622b02badbb1f0f)

**1) Merge branch 'master' of into blam/react-router

* 'master' of
  Fix incorrect backend path in docs (#1258)
  packages/core-api: temporary solution for giving access to config when creating APIs** benjdlambert
(SHA: 196ea291ea44c1933774ac93cb5630f013be67e4)

**1) chore(react-router-v6): Fixing what I think is the last of the routing for the application** benjdlambert
(SHA: 6f80d1b9bb02cd6cf2fad8c87db1579b85e6d3b0)

**1) chore(react-router-v6): fixing the comment** benjdlambert
(SHA: 22e411df3b167ab2ec3cb7b0f5de469b9e708870)

**1) chore(swr): Updating the yarn.lock** benjdlambert
(SHA: 2face4e519660b825a2db43964813c4a79cf78f5)

**1) feat(catalog/swr): Added a nice stale-while-revalidate pattern for fetching data** benjdlambert
(SHA: 1a581d4d260e6ddac9acaebd88a7cdfcfa9a2736)

**1) feat(catalog/swr): simplify the code significantly. now we are talking. this library is the nutz** benjdlambert
(SHA: 5ae13652fe70ce8403242dacd179c391acf44b63)

**1) chore(catalog/swr): Removing superfluous import for useEffect** benjdlambert
(SHA: 55cc1584e1b5edf615183953f1a4d6725e12928c)

**1) Merge pull request #1260 from spotify/blam/remove-node-cache

feat(catalog): Remove temporary caching in favour of stale-while-revalidate** benjdlambert
(SHA: 5a845d027db9d67cba42a9875f4fae0fec34f18b)

**1) Merge branch 'master' into blam/react-router** benjdlambert
(SHA: b25f44ec31fbf3c6a11747e2da4b2ce637c5eea9)

**1) chore(react-router-v6): reverting an old story** benjdlambert
(SHA: 2d543b9a3a9a98c72c87b897dacae0b54d6df355)

**1) Merge branch 'blam/react-router' of into blam/react-router

* 'blam/react-router' of
  chore(catalog/swr): Removing superfluous import for useEffect
  feat(catalog/swr): simplify the code significantly. now we are talking. this library is the nutz
  feat(catalog/swr): Added a nice stale-while-revalidate pattern for fetching data
  chore(swr): Updating the yarn.lock** benjdlambert
(SHA: 636cfd43578fd92f444c51cc0c9260cf0098a7d9)

**1) chore(react-router-v6): quick fix for some type problems** benjdlambert
(SHA: 6a64ed933f17f7b392ff3ccc6e303976e50ea1bc)

**1) Merge pull request #1171 from spotify/blam/react-router

Migrate to React Router V6** benjdlambert
(SHA: ca3cd459803b53f29e70eb86a0cb8ed27bc6c105)

**1) Link to SECURITY in CONTRIBUTING** stefanalund
(SHA: 86e399221c21e6e840f384cf684c67aa95a3c386)

**1) Repo hygiene: Add (#1262)

* Repo hygiene: Add

* Update** stefanalund
(SHA: 5e034d687bbea6d4a547d0c3407d6a0539a138ad)

**1) feat(catalog-backend): reject almost-same-name entities** freben
(SHA: 7de5e10408368b20da45f6b650e8420e342ba017)

**1) Making auth backend work based on config. Config is yet to be read from the YAML and passed in. Localhost development will fail gracefully if AUTH config env vars are not set** soapraj
(SHA: 5f13a53c6ac7c2693c0e46a8abfb80945d58377c)

**1) chore(catalog-backend): use code instead of db to implement similarity rule** freben
(SHA: 66fef7f2e42dd61d484d27c87d59cf457176bfe5)

**1) Merge pull request #1265 from spotify/freben/i-am-almost-unique

feat(catalog-backend): reject almost-same-name entities** freben
(SHA: 6c642a60c0544b63052204459a0746b7ac43eaac)

**1) Merge pull request #1263 from spotify/stefanalund-patch-1-1

(SHA: 8cbb8459baca9e1b0f71cd82ebb612d9c294a0f5)

**1) fail gracefully if sentry token is missing in localhost** soapraj
(SHA: 33a96003c2058626b8faed000f5bdfa218427c4d)

**1) review fixes** soapraj
(SHA: 2c6b8659d36478a22dab134bc7ea401c7d460416)

**1) Merge pull request #1268 from spotify/sentry-localhost

Sentry backend: Fail gracefully for local development** soapraj
(SHA: b167dd712f308873dfc1e0cd7173abd27a8e09e4)

**1) Merge pull request #1266 from spotify/mob/config-env

Auth Backend: read env config** soapraj
(SHA: 8da3774f79d9ab2d2eeecd79dcfa20b7ea0ba9cb)

**1) chore(backend): make the sentry handling work better** freben
(SHA: da6f33a13fd1d04932e9ef3d99fb654b4846f9b7)

**1) Merge pull request #1270 from spotify/freben/sentry-again

chore(backend): make the sentry handling work better** freben
(SHA: c4fee049ccde52c24426efadf4ce101c2f9bb3b7)

**1) Update** freben
(SHA: b902e63dd8bb0b659874bdb84bee699d31501683)

**1) Merge pull request #1271 from spotify/freben-patch-2

docs(catalog-backend): update readme to be more accurate and helpful** freben
(SHA: 9d28108cb87ac060fd2d01f2dab955921ccaea7f)

**1) chore(lighthouse): toggle private in package.json** ewnd9
(SHA: a6b775540f76382d64bd4c76937f361728b89aad)

**1) fix(docker): dynamically determine the chunk to inject during runtime

The __APP_INJECTED_RUNTIME_CONFIG__ value is not always in the main
chunk, so we need to find the right chunk to inject for runtime config.** wejendorp
(SHA: d95244c09b2cfc88953652299c3d2aa5412cbd00)

**1) Merge pull request #1273 from wejendorp/deploy-fix

Dynamically determine the chunk to inject during runtime** Rugvip
(SHA: d55d63d01ae4ce331d521623dbc9d1dfbd217465)

**1) Merge pull request #1272 from ewnd9/toggle-plugin-lighthouse

chore(lighthouse): toggle private in package.json** Rugvip
(SHA: 188b32e9c527618a214ab1b44063b5541cd8d6d0)

**1) v0.1.1-alpha.8** Rugvip
(SHA: dbc29358ed41a98012160a0503a5f6e83158de71)

**1) build(deps): bump typescript from 3.9.3 to 3.9.5 (#1240)

Bumps [typescript]( from 3.9.3 to 3.9.5.
- [Release notes](
- [Commits](

Signed-off-by: dependabot-preview[bot] <>

Co-authored-by: dependabot-preview[bot] <27856297+dependabot-preview[bot]>** dependabot-preview[bot]
(SHA: 1204ee50f527f131e7488f6d49d811b02ae50738)

**1) Merge pull request #1275 from spotify/rugvip/release

Release v0.1.1-alpha.8** Rugvip
(SHA: 3734b2e378d947ce66f2f24e3cd30034c6e30ba7)