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**1) packages/test-utils: port logCollector to TS** Rugvip
(SHA: 742e94a7542a55092394ee6dd1d990f0a667d7d1)

**1) packages/test-utils: add tests for logCollector** Rugvip
(SHA: 83fb6402078409d48b1a5bbddf2fbac3bcf31bac)

**1) feat: implement Lighthouse plugin using lighthouse-audit-service** fastfrwrd
(SHA: 06228b71e95418f13bf1616db68e21196bf28498)

**1) thank you for the comments, @freben** fastfrwrd
(SHA: 1d6765e04408e24e52349eba18b16884f762e6ca)

**1) test: update lint config to extend cli config explicitly for plugins** fastfrwrd
(SHA: f6d3c5ca4f37b142842a6e6702a17bea16521122)

**1) Merge pull request #461 from spotify/lighthouse-plugin

Add plugin for lighthouse-audit-service** fastfrwrd
(SHA: 27d95244caffe356398634f4551287b04a52cea1)

**1) packages/cli: added some development docs to the readme (#521)** Rugvip
(SHA: 84340367c497343ffd774a8ecefdb4ae474e4428)

**1) feat: fixes #523. Remove the default export from plugins** benjdlambert
(SHA: 0feee2b1a96302c35e5e64f07002d266ff5cd786)

**1) chore: need to fix the import on the tests** benjdlambert
(SHA: 0d27c0dfda8759395dde38f81437b6e3c7d188e7)

**1) feat: update the templates to default to named exports for new plugins** benjdlambert
(SHA: e805eafa420ba12b9f033446c0bcfb9985381d0c)

**1) chore: missed one small part** benjdlambert
(SHA: 6104ff9988d6094f70cc5fa9e8896c9d506ac49a)

**1) adding header (#519)** katz95
(SHA: 9b56cc20c6a37b889ba4d57d43e97e152c320dab)

**1) packages/cli: exclude tests from build** Rugvip
(SHA: a42d95f6dd47f9f3155ca25f11e3edab75e5cc7a)

**1) packages/cli: remove notice plugin from eslint config** Rugvip
(SHA: 1788fe1fffa32969f1471a863c41018d1604403a)

**1) packages/cli: add root eslintrc for app template** Rugvip
(SHA: e6b0df8c1f94a846b2ca5fee9cc1560cf6aeda29)

**1) packages/cli: add missing theme dep to app template** Rugvip
(SHA: e55cdf70fd06297cdc76c74128c40d812bdbbadb)

**1) Merge pull request #527 from spotify/rugvip/notests

packages/cli: exclude tests from build** Rugvip
(SHA: fc00bfec5aed36e42e51f6e7d3d3cbb278f13180)

**1) Merge pull request #528 from spotify/rugvip/lintfixes

package/cli: fix lint issues in scaffolded plugins** Rugvip
(SHA: 3e1e356320c0792cc28f7745aa56ab85c1712f23)

**1) chore; fixing code review commenta and fix the import path** benjdlambert
(SHA: 72c98655f3a4f3e9df30ca7b0770337210bfb9d6)

**1) Merge pull request #526 from spotify/feat/issues/523

Remove the default export from plugins** benjdlambert
(SHA: 2da0697582c04638798b3e4a63d249914238222f)

**1) DOC: Update couple typos in docs/

* open soure -> open source
* forbenchmarking -> for benchmarking** OrkoHunter
(SHA: d8db08a522abb7b51fd2c4e01fdb6575dc7d4dbf)

**1) DOC: createPlugin and router reference docs are now here** OrkoHunter
(SHA: 049f3803d5810ea0d59d48f5f6e2ac185bd896d7)

**1) Merge pull request #533 from OrkoHunter/doc-typo-update-in-faq

DOC: Some updates to documentation** freben
(SHA: 2b29780dafcd89ddbb35c0133233c7dfdabe02bc)

**1) packages/test-utils: split app wrappers and testing library utils out from index (#510)** Rugvip
(SHA: 4e26d21a8543fea1e86c7d4944515baa0c0ab8eb)

**1) Fix build error on Safari

MediaQueryList.addEventListener is not support on Safari and hence the build fails.
Closes** OrkoHunter
(SHA: 453439985490ca026acdcc8fcd7d87382e6a3014)

**1) Fix broken tests due to MediaQueryList.addEventListener** OrkoHunter
(SHA: db92c693bfd4861d9088960941efaa38910a0e0a)

**1) Merge pull request #534 from OrkoHunter/OrkoHunter/#531-fix-error-on-safari

Fix build error on Safari | MediaQueryList.addEventListener not supported** freben
(SHA: 75236eea72fefc528246cc86eeadbdca3b94fdfa)

**1) Merge pull request #509 from spotify/rugvip/logcollect

packages/test-utils: port logCollector to TypeScript + add tests** Rugvip
(SHA: a6167ce02a59520734b83e3fc0bad4297938b9c0)

**1) fix(storybook): add aliases for @backstage/theme (#539)** mikqi
(SHA: 6ca4626b783c2f6616e87ae895aa62d2189c5d5d)

**1) Remove old storybook configuration (#545)

In, storybook config was moved from packages/core to packages/story to avoid conflicts.
packages/core/.storybook was missed and not removed at the time. Now, we don't need this anymore.** OrkoHunter
(SHA: 507504bb4582fe47277755bf048e3ac2d4be3c95)

**1) Add storybook addon storysource which shows code of components in storybook** OrkoHunter
(SHA: 045ce9ab6b1f149af8c1fe1c6411f3812486c47b)

**1) backstage/theme: make colors private, access through theme instead** Rugvip
(SHA: c8fb4c153e1261e50730ada5e485eba9fe967d4e)

**1) package/test-utils: move some test utils to separate package so test-utils can depend on core** Rugvip
(SHA: eed736f2e8f31caf86deca96b1c3320cab551076)

**1) packages/test-utils: added simple test for app wrapper** Rugvip
(SHA: 9cf2de05117444998b48391a07ce140901a25339)

**1) Merge pull request #544 from spotify/rugvip/private-colors

backstage/theme: make colors private, access through theme instead** Rugvip
(SHA: 38e35dad657a8c6676f1f50dbd5a1f8e9be66ed5)

**1) update getting started doco; xref 551** desktophero
(SHA: c875b94868c30a10a1d8de379eba0ebd923992be)

**1) Port over WarningPanel component (#547)

* Port over WarningPanel component

* Create WarningPanel.test.js

* More stories and tests

* Simplified example message** stefanalund
(SHA: fadffc6589295547658932338d858810ff6d9f58)

**1) TabbedCard component (#464)

* Initial typing for infocard component

* Changes as suggested in PR and rewrite of BottomLink to TypeScript

* Removed classes property from card because material-ui did not like classes.header being set

* Prettier

* Early TabbedCard component. WIP

* Refactored TabbedCard to be easier to use

* Fixed some typing issues and tests

* Fixed lint issues and changed lint rule. Do we want to keep it?

* Added controlled mode when value and onChange is set on TabbedCard

* Fixed typo

* Added a test and fixed the design to look like the mockups more

* Removed export of BottomLink from TabbedCard

* Added test for controlled state** hooloovooo
(SHA: 2c251e94e0c0484084ed3c01bbf7b349f701fd51)

**1) Dark mode has different sidebar (#537)** stefanalund
(SHA: ebe6fd5659e209d4dbfedfc2d9f1b992e2ba6d04)

**1) fix link to package.json in MD file** desktophero
(SHA: 6bed35cb5693c10d2996863a212113c562b65fe4)

**1) packages/cli: update app template to reflect current package.jsons** Rugvip
(SHA: 1685fa1e9f54bd07384756f190a784b274688055)

**1) Merge pull request #555 from spotify/rugvip/app-template-pkg

packages/cli: update app template to reflect current package.jsons** Rugvip
(SHA: d5625f87bd0f432186bab7b148b221be18c93399)

**1) Added global decorator for storybook wrapping stories with the MUI theme (#556)** hooloovooo
(SHA: 29239b187723658872d7d45fa4477911f59d4242)

**1) Add Status and SortableTable to Storybook (#540)

* Add Status component to Storybook

* Add SortableTable** stefanalund
(SHA: ea61497c660ecffe27a738ffe346a3dfbcc7fc94)

**1) Merge pull request #548 from OrkoHunter/OrkoHunter/#536-show-story-source-code

Show code in storybook** Rugvip
(SHA: dd1ef4eda03d0203338bd632c728d2033434ca67)

**1) Merge pull request #553 from desktophero/dev-start-up-steps

update getting started doco; xref 551** Rugvip
(SHA: 57d7030ee705a7b4ce4265716367520ac3ef27e4)

**1) packages/cli: fix app template referencing example-app** Rugvip
(SHA: ba83156c08f2b0cfca00d1b9870fc9af002c48c0)

**1) Merge pull request #558 from spotify/rugvip/app-no-example

packages/cli: fix app template referencing example-app** Rugvip
(SHA: 4c4e4bb787901375675207f828793b26c94edf1b)

**1) Merge pull request #552 from spotify/rugvip/breakout-test-utils-core

package/test-utils: move some test utils to separate package so test-utils can depend on core** Rugvip
(SHA: 4f8193be604e28b1252e48a5be88b958489328ca)

**1) v0.1.1-alpha.4** Rugvip
(SHA: c4457a7614639b2eeaa429107d50b0bd49bd190b)

**1) Merge pull request #559 from spotify/rugvip/release

Release v0.1.1-alpha.4** Rugvip
(SHA: cf30e4615d4c6c2ffde5b969684e634cb73549a8)