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    CMakeLists.txt modified for Python Programmable filter. · db30e7d7
    Meng ZHU authored
    ParaView/Servers/ServerManager/Testing/Python/CMakeLists.txt is modified
    to handle specially for which tests the Python
    programmable filter functionality. The modification adds
    to the test list, it also makes the ctest system parses the outputs of for regular expression that contains "Error". The reason
    for this special behavior is that the programmable filter back end
    constructs Python scripts on the fly after it receives input expressions.
    If there is any error in the input expressisons, the errors or exceptions
    that are caused when the constructed script is run, will not be catched
    by the constructing environment. So even the test fail, there is no way
    to inform ctest about it since the exception is not catchable. The only
    possible way is to let ctest parse the outputs and when it sees anything
    containing "Error", assuming that the test failed. Of course, this is not
    comprehensive, for example, if "Warning" is thrown, ctest will not detect
    it. However, given the constraints, this is the best can be done.