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  • Andrew Bauer's avatar
    Fixing Catalyst script export, image output and batch interactors · 8817e4ac
    Andrew Bauer authored
    The fixes here include:
    *Fixing segfault when exporting a Catalyst script with a plot view.
    *Fixing batch interactor issue (no need for interactors in batch
     or when using Catalyst).
    The testing was improved with:
    *Adding a full workflow Catalyst test that outputs images.
     Had issue where outputting a chart view caused ParaView to
     segfault and now adding in a test to prevent that from
     happening again. It also outputs 2 images to make sure that
     works as well (the other one is a 3D render view).
    *The Catalyst tests that were run with pvpython as the driver were
     changed to use pvbatch instead which is more like how Catalyst
     is used.