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Add a WarnOnChange hint when loading OSPRay materials

!6528 (merged) defers the loading of OSPRay materials until they are needed (OSPRay pathtracing is activated). However, the transfer can still be long and make the app hang for a few seconds with no feedback but a console warning that non-dev users won't see. We introduce a new Hint usable with string widgets, that displays a message box when the property has been changed.

The WarnOnChange tag displays a warning message box when a string property has been changed using a hint. Set the onlyonce attribute to only show the message on the first property change. The Text tag specifies the message box title and body text.

  <WarnOnPropertyChange onlyonce="true">
    <Text title="Warning: Potentially slow operation">
OSPRay pathtracer may need to transfer default materials from client to server. This operation can take a few seconds in client-server mode.

Merge request reports