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vtkSMRenderViewProxy: select GeometryRepresentation for composite data

Cory Quammen requested to merge cory.quammen/paraview:fix-eyeball-state into master

Composite datasets may not have leaf datasets at the time of their creation, hence knowing whether there is a suitable representation for them in a RenderView is not known at the time the representation type is queried. This can lead to all kinds of problems, such as #21381 (closed), #21293 (closed), and #21041 (closed).

Implemented a mostly good workaround where a GeometryRepresentation will be created for composite datasets. This may be incorrect for when the composite dataset will be populated with vtkTable leaves, for instance, but that could happen in previous versions of ParaView if you grouped geometry datasets with the Group Datasets filter and later changed the inputs of the filter to only vtkTables (a rare case). Further work may be needed to resolve that issue. The worst that can happen with this change is that a representation that doesn't show anything for vtkTables will be created in a RenderView.

Backport: release

Edited by Cory Quammen

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