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Draft: vtkPlotEdges: making it compatible with partitions and collections

vtkPlotEdges: making it compatible with partitiosn and collections

vtkPlotEdges was only accepting vtkPolyData and vtkMultiBlockDataSet. It can now accept any vtkCompositeDataSet (include vtkPartitionedDataSet and vtkPartitionedDataSetCollection).

The output of the filter changed in the process. It used to always be a vtkMultiBlockDataSet. It now outputs the same type as the input.

To make output types that are not multi blocks or poly data work with the chart representation, some changes needed done:

vtkChartRepresentation and vtkSMOutputPort assumed that their inputs would be vtkMultiBlockDataSet. It turns out that allowing vtkCompositeDataSet to allow for vtkPartitionedDataSet and vtkPartitionedDataSetCollection works fine.

Fixes #20979 (closed)

Edited by Yohann Bearzi (Kitware)

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