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Draft: Fix widget visibility when multiple views

This ensure the following behavior :

  • When the filter has aready been applied (most cases) :
    • if the output of the filter is hidden in the current view then the widget will also be hidden
  • This keeps the former behavior correct, that is :
    • if the filter is not seleted the widget is not visible
    • the check box for the visibility obviously still show/hide the widget

Issue not fixed by this MR:

  1. When the filter has not been applied once yet, if the parent of the filter is hidden in the current view the widget is still visible
  2. When the widget is attached to a ProxyDomain with multiple choice (eg Slice filter) and the choice is not the default one, the widget will always be visible.

Partially resolves: #20709

Related to MR !4992 (closed): the MR 4992 tries to fix the first issue mentioned above but this is not working currently because there is no clean and safe way to check if a proxy has been executed at least once or not.

Edited by Timothee Chabat

Merge request reports