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pqQVTKWidget: run-time selection of Native/Stereo

closes: #19747 (closed)

This change consists in two MR adding its corresponding changes to VTK and Paraview:

  1. Paraview MR !4159 (merged)
  2. VTK MR vtk/vtk!6959 (closed)

These changes let pqQVTKWidget to either use pqQVTKOpenglNativeWidget or pqQVTKOpengGLStereoWdiget in startup-time, this is, when --stereo is (or is not) passed to paraview binary.

To achieve this, this pqQVTKWidget now "has a" pqQVTKOpenglNativeWidget or pqQVTKOpengGLStereoWdigetrather than extended them.

pqQVTKWidget internally and explicitly switch between pqQVTKOpenglNativeWidget and pqQVTKOpengGLStereoWdiget, since there do not share an interface from which we can abstract their signature.

Edited by Vicente Bolea

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