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Transform: Translation trigger now by X,Y,Z keys

closes: #19279 (closed)

NOTE last commit implements this in the form of SHIFT-X/Y/Z and moving the mouse.



This MR attempts to solve the issue #19279 (closed) for translating object with along their X, Y, Z axis using a shortcut and moving the mouse from the keyboard

It seems that there are two ways to translate an object in PV:

  1. Using the Transform filter
  2. Directly from the property of many primitives (spheres/boxes) you can specify its center.

I took the liberty to implement these shortcuts for the first case since it appears to me that having it in the default properties widget may be prone to accidental hits to the user.

Also opposed to the camera rotation shortcuts it does not use mouse movements, just single key strokes as described below. I wonder if we needed, since on one hand it is faster but on another hand is less precise.

  • X axis: 'SHIFT-X' and move the mouse.
  • Y axis: 'SHIFT-Y' and move the mouse.
  • Z axis: 'SHIFT-Z' and move the mouse.

@wascott let me know what are your thoughts about this 😄

Edited by Vicente Bolea

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