OpenTURNS integration
This commits adds multiple OpenTURNS related features, including
- A new PARAVIEW_USE_OPENTURNS cmake option to turn on to use these features
- A dedicated xml to expose the new some OpenTURNS filter proxys
- An extension to the PlotMatrixView for displaying Density Maps
- vtkPVHistogramView changes to support the display the outpout of OpenTURNS filters
- vtkPVPlotMatrixRepresentation changes to support OpenTURNS features
- Update to vtkPVHistogramRepresentation to handle CenterBinAndAroundMax
- Changes in PlotMatrixRepresentation default values to improve its look and feel
- Modifications in Chart Management to automatically display line chart in the correct corner
- Adding a ShowOneRepresentationAtATime XML view proxy hint
- Adding/Updating related tests
Edited by Joachim Pouderoux