Paraview fails to open any exodus file with an updated qt5 (kde patches, ArchLinux)
On an updated ArchLinux, the qt5-base
package is installed.
The last version of this package: qt5-base-5.15.2+kde+r180
makes paraview segfault when opening any exodus file.
Downgrading to qt5-base-5.15.2-5
fixes the issue.
Thread 1 "paraview" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
pqProxySILModel::rowCount (this=0x55555f3c74f0, theParent=...) at Qt/Components/pqComponents_autogen/EWIEGA46WW/../../../../../src/Qt/Components/pqProxySILModel.h:70
70 return this->sourceModel()->rowCount(this->mapToSource(theParent));
Indeed, the setSourceModel() is never called which results in an nullptr sourceModel.
FYI @ben.boeckel