Select cells through in parallel does not trace correctly
Select cells through in parallel does not trace correctly. Here is how to replicate:
- Start with ParaView full screen.
- I believe has to be in parallel. 64 ranks, Linux, 5.8.0-RC2.
- Start Trace.
- Open Watney's sparc-wall.exo.144.*. All vars on. Apply.
- So that we have more control, letz zoom in. Adjust Camera/ Zoom In 4 times.
- Surface with edges.
- Select Cells Through. Now, what I want to do is select about 6 cells in the blue (cone) region, abutting against the green block. I will add a screenshot.
- Extract Selection. Apply.
- Stop Trace. Save as a macro.
- Now, hover cells on. For me, the upper left cell is 14846.
- Reset Session.
- Run the macro.
- Frequently, nothing shows up. Sometimes, the wrong cells show up. As I just wrote up this bug report, nothing shows up.
This is a bug.
Edited by Vicente Bolea