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  • Nikhil Shetty's avatar
    Adding option to load plugin at command line. · 5aeb9eb5
    Nikhil Shetty authored and Sebastien Jourdain's avatar Sebastien Jourdain committed
    Two options are added to the command line namely --test-plugin and
    --test-plugin-path. These will be used exclusively for loading and
    testing individual plugins in paraview.
    --test-plugin option takes the name of the plugin and loads it. The
      default plugin load paths are used with this option.
    --test-plugin-path append the provided path to the actual search path.
    Also adding two new cmake functions i.e add_client_plugin_tests and
    add_client_server_plugin_tests which takes in Plugin name as an
    additional option and passes it along with the --test-plugin command
    We are changing multiple plugin tests to use this options instead of
    loading it in the test script. We also get rid of all xml code to load
    the plugins from the test scripts.
    Plugins have to be loaded on both client and server. The server-manager
    on the client side typically helps load the plugin from default
    location. However if the plugins were loaded from a different location
    then the plu...