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  • Utkarsh Ayachit's avatar
    Refactoring color scale editor. · 32f07a86
    Utkarsh Ayachit authored
    Refactoring color scale editor widget. Instead of modal dialog, we now use a
    dock-panel to edit color and opacity transfer functions. pqColorMapEditor, the
    new color editor widget, is similar to the properties panel, where
    pqPropertyWidget subclasses are used to control properties on the LookupTable
    (and PiecewiseFunction) proxies instead of writing custom logic. Similarly, the
    editor to edit properties on the scalar-bar is also auto-generated.
    Added new types of pqPropertyWidget subclasses viz. pqColorOpacityEditorWidget,
    pqColorAnnotationsPropertyWidget that enable editing transfer functions and
    annotations on the lookup table proxy. Also added pqFontPropertyWidget for
    editing text/font releated properties.
    vtkSMPropertyGroup is now extended to add support for adding roles or functions
    to properties in the group, thus making it possible to write pqPropertyWidget
    widgets that don't directly depend on property names.
    The old/deprecated classes viz. pqColorScaleEditor and...