bump to ospray 2.4
picks up a fix for volume shadows and AMR volume placement
Merge request reports
changed milestone to %5.9 (Fall 2020)
- Resolved by David E. DeMarle
@utkarsh.ayachit - The oidn on public is missing the source for the mkl-dnn submodule. For testing purposes I am grabbing directly from upstream.
Can you move the one I am pointing at onto public? Also please let me know if you got yours from an Intel website so that I correct it there.
Edited by David E. DeMarle
@demarle, SB has moved over to gitlab-ci. use the pipelines to manually triggers the builds.
@utkarsh.ayachit Thanks. Er, how?
@utkarsh.ayachit I don't know how to interpret that failure on the mac builder, is that a systems issue or something real? Hmmm, I think I've kicked off a rebuild there, perhaps that will succeed.
everything seems to be passing now.
cc: @ben.boeckel