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Add codespell to fix spell mistake

Tetsuo Koyama requested to merge tkoyama010/paraview-docs:add-codespell into master

I added pre-commit using codespell to automatically perform code checks before committing. You can set up pre-commit and configure it to run codespell by following these steps.

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

This will cause pre-commit to run automatically before git commit runs. If there is a problem with the commit, pre-commit will output an error message and abort the commit. If there are no problems, the commit executes successfully.

You can also run it manually by running the following command

pre-commit run --all-files

This is how to run codespell using pre-commit. I hope you will check it out and then merge the merge request.

Edited by Tetsuo Koyama

Merge request reports
