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  • Nikhil Shetty's avatar
    ENH: Introducing Introspection and a few more speedups. · 49339407
    Nikhil Shetty authored
    CS wrapper mechanism changed to use map <string, funptr>
    Changed interpreter mechanism to use maps. Introduced another init generator which generates vtkParaviewMOP.cxx
    Adding vtkParse.h in the right place (its a symbolic link)
    A working version with (a) Hashmaps for CLASS and resp METHODS called by interpreter (b) Stuff to gather info for minimal image
    Test cases failing. Trying to undo changes in cmake files and see
    Minor redo in CMakeList.txt, Using the vtkParaviewMINIInit to initialize (Commented the rest) (removed comment)
    BTX ETX added to classes to compile. Test cases do not complete however pv client comes up and is usable
    Put in PARAVIEW_MINIMAL_BUILD predefined macro. Few more BTX and ETX. Restored Servers/Common/CMakeList.txt to original state
    Resolved compilation errors and also generated wrappers for PVCommandOptions_SRC
    removing soft links created earlier. Look for better cmake solution
    to use vtkParse.h within paraview