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  • Jeff Baumes's avatar
    ENH: Adding new rendered representation classes · 9bcda1c1
    Jeff Baumes authored
     - Adding new rendered graph, hierarchy, surface, tree area representations.
       These classes consolidate code that were in several different views.
     - Adding vtkHierarchicalGraphPipeline, which renders bundled graph edges
       on top of a tree. This is a convenience class used by
       vtkRenderedHierarchyRepresentation and vtkRenderedTreeAreaRepresentation.
     - Fixing up OverView geo views and hierarchy view.
     - Removing buggy hack in vtkScalarsToColors that caused problems with
       correctly rendering color arrays.
     - Added opacity to annotations.
     - vtkGraph now creates edge points on demand instead of throwing errors,
       and correctly deep copies edge points on force ownership call.
     - Updating geovis tests to use new graph representation API.
     - Moved vtkGeoEdgeStrategy to Infovis so it can be accessed in the graph
     - Moved vtkGeoMath to Infovis since it is used by vtkGeoEdgeStrategy.
     - Removed vtkGeoGraphRepresentation and vtkGeo...