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  • Bill Lorensen's avatar
    BUG: Enabled floating point exceptions for tests · 252cad22
    Bill Lorensen authored
    The dynamic analysis tests have uncovered a number of floating point
    exceptions, mainly divide by zero. This MR enables floating point
    exceptions if tests are built with a debug build type and the
    compiler is a gnu compiler.
    Safety guards have been added to classes that exhibited exceptions.
    TestAdjustLowerBoundForLogPlot.cxx - Tried to take log10 of negative number
    TestlinePlotDouble - inf and nan used in test. Disable exceptions
    vtkChart.cxx - guards to protect against zero divide
    vtkChartBox.cxx - guards to protect against zero divide
    vtkInteractiveArea.cxx - trying to take log10 of negative number
    vtkPiecewisePointHandleItem.cxx - protect against degenerate lines
    vtkAMRSliceFilter.cxx - protect against zero length vector
    vtkLagrangianBasicIntegrationModel.cxx - guards to protect against zero divide
    UnitTestMultiThreshold - disable exceptions for one test that uses Nan()
    vtkIntersectionPolyDataFilter.cxx - guard acos range