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  • David Partyka's avatar
    BUG: Fixes for VRMLImporter and a new test. · 91c0a6d4
    David Partyka authored
    1) Currently the class does not support the "normalIndex" field.  It assumed that the number of normals matched the number or vertex.  The "normalIndex" field was ignored.  The code has been changed to process the normals the same as the "tcoords" in that it correctly maps the normals to the vertex points.
    2) The "colorIndex" field always assumed that the colors are ColorsPerVertex.  Actually it can be specified by colors per vertex or colors per face.  The code was changed that if the number of color index values match the number of faces it maps the colors by face and not be vertex.
    3) The "rotation" command in the "Transform" keyword is not supported.  This was not added but should be noted as a bug.