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  • David C. Lonie's avatar
    Implement vtkTextMapper using vtkTextRenderer. · 8707ec0c
    David C. Lonie authored
    This patch consolidates the existing vtkTextMapper implementation
    into the vtkOpenGLFreeTypeTextMapper class (aside from a few bits
    of public API), and makes vtkTextMapper a concrete implementation
    that uses the vtkTextRenderer interface. This allows newer
    functionality, such as unicode and MathText, to be used from
    Existing code will not benefit from the change as long as the
    vtkRenderingFreeTypeOpenGL library is linked -- in such cases
    the old implementation will be constructed by the object factory
    and used.
    To use the newer implementation, do not link the above library, or
    remove the override it provides using the pattern shown at the start
    of the new TestFreeTypeTextMapper tests.
    Change-Id: I5ce46d76acf135521b95a749cca6f11e02005801