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  • Brad King's avatar
    ExternalData: Avoid replacing a concurrently-created object · fdfbf89f
    Brad King authored
    If more than one content link references the same object, the build
    system may launch multiple download processes for the same object
    concurrently.  Use whichever one finishes first, and discard the others.
    Without this, we replace the objects and use the last finisher instead
    of the first.  This is okay on non-Windows platforms where `rename(2)`
    gives reliable atomic replacement.  However, on Windows platforms and
    NTFS this is less reliable.  I've observed `MoveFileEx` somehow cause
    another process to get `ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION` when attempting to read
    the destination file.  We may be able to improve the `file(RENAME)`
    implementation on modern Windows 10 versions, but for ExternalData's use
    case it is simpler to just not replace existing objects.