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Autogenerate python wrappings 7/7

python: Update simple_* overrides

Update all override classes used in python testing. The general template is:

from kwiver.vital.algo import <Classname>
from kwiver.vital.config import Config
from typing import Type
from typing import TypeVar

T = TypeVar("T", bound="Simple<Classname>")

class SimpleImageIO(CommonConfigurationMixin, <Classname>):
    Implementation of <Classname> to test it


    def __init__(self):

    def from_config(cls: Type[T], c: Config) -> T:
        return Simple<Classname>()

    def get_default_config(cls, c: Config):  # ...  # nothing to set
  • re-enable all commented code for this series of MRs once pieces 1-6 are merged. String to search for xxx(autogerenrate-python)
Edited by Christos Tsolakis

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