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[ROS2][feat] Extract obstacles in aggregated frame

Tong Fu requested to merge ROS2/feat/DetectObstacle into feat/ROS2


Detect obstacles relatively to a reference map.


slam lib

  • Increase label size in LidarSlam point to store cluster info (>255)
  • Add function LabelNewPoints in Rolling grid to labela pointcloud using the rolling grid labels
  • In the add function, the label of the input point is forced as the voxel grid label (if voxel not fixed)
  • Add enum LidarPointLabel
  • Fix and uniformize Rolling grid


New functions

  • LoadInitMap : Load an initial map in the aggregation node. All points are considered as fixed.
  • LabelObstacle : Take a labeled pointcloud with potential obstacles as input and label obstacle clusters in it. Steps are:
    • Project current points into the occupancy grid
    • Update time of each occupancy grid pixel
    • Label pixels that can be clusterized (all pixels that have been seen at least once)
    • Grow existing regions
    • Get potential seeds in remaining not labeled pixels
    • Grow new regions
    • Clear the occupancy grid
    • Remove old clusters (using the decay time parameter to remove clusters which correspond to moving objects)




colcon build --base-paths slam/ros2_wrapping --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release


This process is divided into 2 phases :

  1. Create the reference map on an empty pitch
  2. Use the reference map to detect obstacles in the pitch.


To create the reference :


To test the obstacles detection :



Parameter files to create the reference map

Parameter files to detect obstacles -> NOTE : paths to files need to be updated to your specific locations (see params init_map_path and initial_maps).


ros2 launch lidar_slam aggregate:=true

ros2 bag play --clock --start-offset 35 -d 2 'data/path/to/bag/zig-zag-between-rigs'


SLAM map with obstacle markers

Screenshot from 2024-06-27 10-19-08.png

Obstacle makers

Screenshot from 2024-06-27 10-19-22.png

Occupancy grid with clusters

Screenshot from 2024-06-27 10-19-48.png

Note :

  • min_points_per_voxel parameter have a strong impact on results to remove moving objects.
  • moving people are still extracted (see traces in the obstacle map).
  • The decay time allows to forget obstacles and so moving objects in time.



  • 26ms
  • Keypoints extraction is abnormally long (11ms). To be inspected.

Obstacles extraction

  • ~8ms
  • Time could be reduced further

NOTE: Rviz struggles in displaying the markers, especially when a dimension is greater than the others. So one may experience tilting boxes.


  • Camel case everywhere except for ROS variables/parameters
  • Lower case for local variables and lambda functions
  • Upper case for members, methods and tool functions (in Utils)
  • Precise namespace when calling a function (or this->X or classe.X)
  • Align code (for multiline if and while, "&&" or "||" go in upper line to ensure alignement)
  • Check your spaces
    • between if, while, for and parenthesis
    • between operators and variables: e.g. a + b
    • after ","
  • Mind your commit titles/desc (plurals, he/she + "s", correct tags, title should begin by a verb...)
  • Function names should start with a verb, variable names should start with a name
  • Macros should be between {}
  • Do not use negative boolean (i.e. noJoe)
  • Check minimal size of the types (double -> float -> int -> uint)
  • Check const and ref in functions arguments
  • References should be written "type& name", not "type &name"
  • Update documentation
  • Add MR labels [ROS]/[ROS2]/[PV]
  • If ros/ros2, update task table here
  • Add a comment over each non trivial function in header files
  • Add a header to each new file


  • Improve performances
  • Write documentation
  • Check tilting boxes bug in rviz
Edited by Julia Sanchez

Merge request reports